Villain Retirement

Chapter 1059: Huh......!?

Chapter 1059: Huh......!?


Hera was still completely at a loss. She was trying to figure out just what sort of treatment she received from Riley, but her body seemed to be making sure that she wouldn't remember it — even to the point that her body was making her forget that Karina and the others told her about what happened.

But due to everyone's faces either being completely twisted or just downright sympathetic whenever they look at her, Hera can't really get rid of the uncomfortable feeling.

"Wait, wait… Just answer me this, please."

"It's… better for you not to know anything."

Angela no longer knew how many times Hera approached her to try and retell to her what happened. But the truth is, Angela was also trying her best to forget it — and as someone who literally can't forget things even if she wanted to, she actually envied Hera.

Angela has to relive the memory every time Hera reminded her.

"I…" Hera could really only grit her teeth in frustration as she looked outside the tent, only to see the people quickly looking away even though it was quite obvious they were all staring at her, "Wait, please — just answer one question and I am never going to ask you about it again."

"Okay, shoot," Angela sighed.

"Did… did Riley do something to me…?" Hera squinted her eyes, "Like… you know."

"...What?" Angela furrowed her eyebrows.

"You know…!" Hera then started pointing at herself, or more specifically, at her private regions.

"Oh god… no," Angela quickly leaned away from Hera as soon as she realized what she was insinuating, "Why would you even think that?"

"It's Darkday!"

"...Have you ever heard of Darkday sexually harassing people?" Angela sighed, "Sure, he might flay someone to death, shred their skin bit by bit, gouge out someone's eye and make someone eat it, make someone swallow someone else's intestine — but he had, never once, sexually harassed anyone. Well, at least… I think not willingly?"

"Just tell me if he did something sexual to me!"

"No!" Angela raised her voice, "And if you really want to know what he did to you, just ask him — I promise you, he would be so happy to tell you."

"I… yeah, no," Hera could not help but embrace herself as a sharp chill crawled through her mind just imagining Riley recounting the events; he would probably even exaggerate it just to get her to react. And so, after finally getting the closure she wanted, Hera decided to look for Rose… only to see her with Riley hanging out inside one of the many shops in the holy city of Mold.

She remembered Rose being absolutely terrified of Riley, so… why was she now holding a notebook while talking to him; she did look incredibly terrified, but there was also an excitement plastered on her face that seemed almost… obsessive.

"Uh… Rose?"

"Ah, Hera! Are you… alright now?" Rose quickly waved at Hera as soon as she noticed her approaching, gesturing to her to join them at the table.

"I… should be asking you the same question," Hera squinted her eyes as she looked back and forth between Rose and Riley while joining them at their table, "Are you… alright?"

"...Why wouldn't I be?" Rose raised an eyebrow, "I'm now currently in the real, real world. Ah, and get this — I finally got inspiration for a new book!"

"...Again? Wait, this isn't the time for that. Don't you need someone to talk to so you can adjust with—"

"Ssh, listen," Rose placed her finger on Hera's lips, "It is called Breaking Dao. It's basically about this boy genius who lost everything since he was too smart for his own good, he has zero EQ, and get this… he is autistic."

"...Please don't tell me you're not using Riley as a template," Hera's eyes widened.

"I am!" Rose pointed at Hera, "Anyway, this boy genius, ye? He lives in a world where 20% of the population have superpowers."

"...Isn't that just our world?"

"Ssh, stop interrupting me!"

"Okay, okay!" Hera raised both her palms in surrender.

"Anyway, this boy genius promised to the media that he'll make everyone also have superpowers with just a pill. But after that… he just disappears. And then fast forward 20 years later…" Rose then got closer and closer to Hera, "...We find out that he becomes a Looter, people who clean monster remains and get crystals from their body… and that he has a family that's completely bedridden with a disease."


"I can't tell you what happens next, of course!" Rose crossed her arms, "You'll just have to read it when it comes out."

"You're pretty nonchalant about all of this, aren't you?" Hera let out a small but deep sigh while shaking her head, "I'm starting to wonder whether or not you might also have the ability to adapt. And… you're not listening."

Rose then suddenly started writing in her notebook again, completely ignoring her and Riley.

"So…?" Hera then glared at Riley, "When are you planning on going to the trial again to try and bring out more people? Who are we going to get out next?"

"It is up to you, Hera," Riley just shrugged, "We already pulled out Master Rose from my request, it is your turn."

"...I don't really have anyone in mind. And you said it's not the real reality," Hera closed her eyes, "I do not really like playing god."

"But you would be an instrument of one, Hera?"

"You're not a god," Hera pointed her finger at Riley, "I'm doing this because I feel like I don't really have a choice in the matter. So…

…do you have anyone in mind?"

"Well… Not one, Hera…



"Dear! How is it, how did the rest of the memorial go?"

In the Ross' residence back in the trial, Riley just let the day go by without really doing anything; just watching Megawoman's memorial with Diana and Hannah.

Of course, perhaps he enjoyed the memorial more than his family; after all, in the real reality, he returned Megawoman to the public — this time, however, the memorial was extremely peaceful and Bernard got home just fine… bringing someone else with him.

"Oh my… Isn't this Hera?"

"She insisted on coming with me," Bernard took off his armor and gestured to Hera to come inside the house, "She said… she and Riley know each other?"

And as Bernard said that, both Diana and Hannah quickly turned to look at Riley, who was still in front of the TV.

"Psst, Riley!" Hannah rushed toward Riley and loudly whispered, "...How do you know Hera?"

"I forgot to tell all of you," Riley sighed while standing up, "Hera and I are involved in a sexual partnership."

"No, no we're not!" Hera quickly interrupted Riley. Also rushing toward him and covering her mouth, "Riley… we're not going with that story again."

"Oh, I apologize, Hera. It is the most effective one, but I forgot we do not really need an excuse to get out of the house," Riley nodded before looking at Hannah and their parents, "Mother, Father, Hannah — Hera and I have something to tell you…

…and it is more important than her being pregnant."

Crazy Kaiju Evolution

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