Chapter 517: Lenovo’s Invitation

Chapter 517: Lenovo's Invitation

Translator: alyschu

Luo River God of the Capital was fully decked out in high-level mage equipment. She had also reached Level 131, which meant that she had surpassed me once again. Man, mages really did level at a ridiculous rate, there was no way for me, a warrior, to compete with her.

I simply sighed and said, “Beauty Luo, we ended up meeting in combat in the end. Ah, how can I bear to even harm a hair on your head...”

Luo River God of the Capital stifled a laugh. “Oh, cut the crap. This is just a duel in the arena! Come at me! It’s time to decide a winner between us! I want to see the Little Heavenly King’s skills for myself!”


I didn’t want to give Luo River God a chance to cast her unique Magic Shield, so I immediately charged at her with the Heaven-stealing Sword raised high in the air. I slashed down towards her and unleashed a Thousand Ice Slash. I couldn’t hold anything back now that I was fighting an opponent as skilled as Luo River God of the Capital. I would have to use every trick in my proverbial book, but it would be fine as long as I won.


My combat boots caused cracks in the floor as I ran across it. That was how much power I was exerting with each forward bound.


I shot a Dragon Slaying Slash at her, but I didn’t even bother to check if my attack had succeeded or not. When I was duelling against an expert like Luo River God of the Capital, I would be satisfied if the hit rate of my Dragon Slaying Slash was even 30%.

I flashed across the arena as quick as lightning, and I was to the right of Luo River God of the Capital before she could even gasp in surprise. I raised my hand and cast Ice Cyclone Domain, instantly covering the area around us in ice and snow.


Luo River God of the Capital made a quick chant as she agilely shifted her feet. She waved her magic staff at the same time and a Sea of Purgatory Flames spell burst out around us, overlaying itself over my Ice Cyclone Domain. The two domains instantly clashed and the aftershock of the clashing energies shook my body violently. The Sea of Purgatory Flames then attacked me for 4539 damage!

Hmmm, this was still an acceptable amount of damage.

I unleashed another Thousand Ice Slash, forcing Luo River God of the Capital to hurriedly fly to her left. I took this opportunity to lock onto her before I activated Thunderous Charge. Mid-way through my charge, I slashed forward with my sword, causing three fiery blades of sword energy to erupt from it. I had used my flurry skill, Burning Blade Slash!

“Wah, what a cunning little Lu Chen you are...”

Luo River God couldn’t dodge the attack in time, so she ate all three hits. However, she had already managed to cast her Origin Energy Shield, so her sturdy barrier managed to withstand all three hits of my Burning Blade Slash, which resulted in three big “MISS” words flying in the air.

Tsk, tsk, the number one mage of Wind City was certainly living up to her reputation.

She used the interval between my attacks to launch a fierce counterassault. Her magic wand weaved and bobbed in the air before a fierce Dragon’s Roar spell erupted out of it with an explosive boom. This lethal single-target spell was the bane of all warriors in the game!


My entire body was shaken by the fierce roar of a dragon before the spell hit me! I felt as if my entire body was about to fly apart at the seams and a huge damage number flew up above my head. 12093!

Bloody fucking hell, that was way too fierce! What kind of magic attack power was this!? Luo River God of the Capital had activated her Mage Soul Famous General Skill, so her Magic Attack was currently boosted by more than 100%. So she really was the scourge of every heavy-armour player in the game!


The ground cracked beneath my feet as I executed a helix maneuver and skirted her attack radius. After I completed that feint, I suddenly accelerated forward, practically launching myself into Luo River God of the Capital’s back as a cone of swirling indigo energy appeared on the tip of my sword. A universe formation appeared under my feet as I executed my true killing blow, Universe Break!

Luo River God of the Capital’s face went ashen as she let out a soft gasp of shock. Her staff swiftly danced in the air before she suddenly made a forward leap. Her body flickered in the air as she suddenly appeared 20 yards away from her original spot. Shock flashed through my eyes but my movements didn’t slow one iota as I slashed the air with my longsword and sent a Dragon Slaying Slash flying towards her again!



Even though I didn’t deal Luo River God of the Capital any damage, I finally managed to break her Origin Energy Shield. She wouldn’t be able to erect another Origin Energy Shield immediately after her first one broke, so these precious few seconds gave me the ideal window of opportunity. If I missed this window to kill her, she would blast me to death with Sea of Purgatory Flames, Dragon’s Roar and Galaxy Storm!

As I sprinted forward, I used this short pause to unleash another Dragon Slaying Slash!


The cyan blade hurtled towards Luo River God of the Capital. She didn’t dare take the blow head-on without her Origin Energy shield, so she had no choice but to dodge and launch an Ice Arrow Spell at me to slow down my charge. I had no choice but to admit that this mage was really a handful. If you have her a proper stage, she would be willing to go match mechanical skills with any warrior! No wonder Candlelight Shadow had never dared to force a confrontation with her during the contest over Wind City. He had only ever dared to use Ghost God Prophecy to harass her and make her drop levels.


I had pressed in on my opponent in the blink of an eye. My longsword flashed out and swiftly shot towards Luo River God of the Capital’s chest. Her mouth dropped open in surprise, but she swiftly accelerated and changed direction as well. She wove a beautiful Z in the ground as she avoided my ambush. However, she was not prepared for what came next. My left fist swung up towards her as it blazed with the bloody energy from my Magic Piercing Punch.


Luo River God of the Capital was getting serious now. Her magic staff just so happened to block my left fist and she even used the impact of my Magic Piercing Punch to fly backwards. However, it was unfortunate for her that I had not run out of killing blows. I didn’t give her a chance to reset her stance as I launched another Dragon Slaying Slash, a skill which wouldn’t trigger my skill cooldown, at her!


Luo River God of the Capital was already displaying the limits of her sublime mechanical skills as her APM instantly shot to over 600 on the control interface.

What the hell! Even my highest recorded APM was only 500. That wasn’t a very high number, but it was more than enough for my needs.

Her feet slipped to the side as she borrowed the inertia of her movements to barely dodge my Dragon Slaying Slash. However, I was prepared for that as well. I raised the Heaven-stealing Sword in the air before suddenly hurling it forward. The longsword started spinning quicker and quicker in the air, soon transforming into a whirling buzzsaw which shot towards Luo River God of the Capital.

In that instant, Luo River God of the Capital’s expression dramatically changed, “Crap, it’s over. You cunning little Lu Chen...”


The Sword Boomerang slashed across the beautiful mage’s body, it was only one hit, but it wasn’t a hit that she could afford to take right now. The blade of my sword cut through her body unimpeded, causing a huge damage number to jump out above her head.


It had finally come to an end! Luo River God of the Capital slowly sank towards the ground. Even though she was a super mage, health was still her class’ Achilles Heel and she probably only had a little over a ten thousand HP at most. It wasn’t enough to withstand my Sword Boomerang, a longe-range attack skill which could practically deal as much damage as a melee attack skill.

It was my victory and I had gained a large number of points from it!



As I flew out of the arena, I checked the rankings again. Alright, after beating Luo River God of the Capital once, I had flown to the ninth spot on the rankings. I had finally entered the top 10 and currently all of the people who had entered the top 10 were familiar faces to me. Shockingly enough, the person ranked first on the leaderboard was Beiming Xue. Only the heavens knew how many matches this little girl had participated in. She started off her matches by launching a Spiralling Arrow Blade and a Evil Spirit Volley at her opponents, so they were normally affairs which lasted mere seconds. As a result of that, she had fought far more matches than I had. Once you took this and her stunningly high win rate into consideration, it was only natural that she’d take the top spot in the rankings!

The person ranked second was Candlelight Shadow and Lin Yixin was hot on his heels. Purple Marquis, Li Chengfeng, and Farewell Song occupied ranks 4-6 respectively. The spiritual leader of all the assassins in the game was truly in a class of his own. He was able to climb to such a high ranking even though the competition in the arena was so fierce. Yeah, his skills really were worthy of praise!

I was ranked ninth right now, so the system would match me with any of the players from rank 1 to 209. So it wasn’t likely for me to be matched with anyone else in the top 10.

As a result, my next few matches were against players like Inconstant, Iron Pardon, and Purple Wind Chime and I didn’t have any problems maintaining my unbeaten streak. Unfortunately, I didn’t earn a huge amount of points from these wins, so my rank kept fluctuating between 7 and 10. I would have to spend more time grinding the arena if I wanted to advance.

After I thought about it for a moment, I decided to stop for the day. My chances of meeting Candlelight Shadow wasn’t high in the first place and it seemed like he had left to participate in the team arena too.

Oh well, there was always another time. I wasn’t too bothered about getting first place either. I was perfectly content with staying in the top 10. From a certain point of view, continuing to fight in the arena at my rank was no different from hard labor. I would have to fight a countless amount of battles to maintain the number one rank even if I reached it. This was simply far too tedious. If I had that much time, I’d be better off grinding levels. I would even be able to farm equipment at the same time. That was where I found my real joy in the game anyway.


I looked at the time. It was now nearly 6 in the evening, so I sent He Yi a message: “Eve, should we stop here and go for a meal?”

Even replied: “Mmm, I’ve already reached rank 17 in the champion arena and I don’t think I can climb up any further. Let me call Beiming and Mingyue, we’re going to eat at that buffet place again tonight...”


I didn’t really know what to say to that. All of the girls in my workshop were the kind of people who could eat without getting fat and they were all gluttons at that! Their figures were simply fantastic, and the unfairness of it all had practically driven me into despair.


Not long after, the three girls all went offline. Beiming Xue was practically jumping with joy as she rushed towards me and clung onto my arm. She said, “Big bro, did you see that!? I’m ranked first in the arena~”

I didn’t quite know how to respond to that. “Beiming Xue’s really awesome. How many matches did you fight altogether?”

“Hmmm... I fought a little over eight hundred matches and my winning percentage is 99.9%. I just happened to lose that one match...”

“Oh, who did you lose to her?”

“Luo River God of the Capital! Her Origin Energy Shield was way too powerful! I just couldn’t break it and she instagibbed me in a single counterattack. But after that, I kept looking for matches and before I knew it, her rank had dropped down from the number one spot again...”

I couldn’t help but chuckle at those words. “Well, that’s because I managed to beat Luo River God of the Capital an hour ago. Hahahaha!!”

A shocked smile appeared on He Yi’s face. “Wow, really? Lu Chen, you beat Luo River God of the Capital?”

“Uh huh!”

Delighted smiles instantly appeared on the faces of all three girls. “You’re way too strong. Even Luo River God of the Capital lost to you...”

I laughed and followed the girls downstairs. As we stood in the lift, we continued to chat.

I asked He Yi, “Eve, what’s your winning percentage like?”

He Yi replied, “It’s about average. I’m only at 99.2%. I lost three matches.”

I asked, “Oh, who did you lose to?”

He Yi sighed helplessly before answering, “I lost to Li Chengfeng, Candlelight Shadow, and our pretty Lin Yixin...”

I was shocked by her reply. “Damn, you really encountered quite a few tough opponents. Oh man, if only I had encountered these guys, that would simply have been perfect...”

Murong Mingyue immediately retorted in an incredulous manner, “Do you think Eve can compare to a god of mechanics like you? Eve, did you manage to beat any super experts during your run?”

He Yi pondered that question for a moment before she smiled and said, “Hmmm, actually I did beat several of them. I instagibbed Transient Smoke and Clouds once and I also beat Laughing At The Heavens once. Hmmm, who else? Oh right! I also met Dominating Knight God three times, and I destroyed him every single time...”

My forehead broke out in cold sweat. “Bloody hell, no wonder Dominating Knight God’s ranking fell off a cliff. So it was like that. Man, I wonder who this unlucky child offended...”

Beiming Xue laughed and said, “Sis Mingyue, you also took part in the champion arena. What’s your rank?”

Murong Mingyue silently turned around before retorting, “Must we talk about the champion arena? If that’s the case, I’ll make a move first, have fun chatting...”

The girls all laughed at that point.

It was at this precise moment that He Yi’s phone suddenly started to ring. It was a number with 010 region code, so the person who was calling was calling from Beijing.

He Yi accepted the call and asked, “Hello, who’s speaking?”

“Hi, may I ask if this is Ms He Yi? Ancient Sword Dreaming Soul’s guild leader, From Water?” The person on the other side was also a woman.

“Yes I am. May I ask who I’m speaking to?”

“Ah yes, I am from Lenovo Group’s Beijing Headquarters. Can I inquire if you’re free tomorrow morning? If you are, I’ll take a plane down south. I hope that you are open to meeting with me, because I want to discuss forming a Lenovo gaming club with you.”

We were immediately stunned by those words.

Lenovo actually reached out to us! It looks like the Frost Cloud Workshop had really made a name for itself in China!

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