Chapter 795: Flesh Eater

Chapter 795: Flesh Eater

Translator: alyschu

The Cyan Netherworld Sword and the Blade of Ghastly Wind danced in the air as Li Chengfeng and I executed the double helix maneuver. Every time we passed each other, our blades would whistle toward Titan God. We struck him four times in one go, but he managed to block one of the hits.

"My god!" Titan God gasped as he swiftly backpedaled. He had been completely overwhelmed by our dual assault and he wasn’t even able to launch a single counter at us!

"Time to die..." Li Chengfeng said with a hearty laugh as the light of his Cyan Dragon Horn erupted from his sword.

Titan God knew how powerful that blow was so he bent backward as he swept his broadsword out in front of him, perfectly parrying Li Chengfeng’s mighty blow. Unfortunately for him, Li Chengfeng’s attack had only been a feint! Half a second after Titan God parried the Blade of Ghastly Wind, energy started rapidly swirling around Li Chengfeng’s left fist as he smashed it into Titan God’s chest!



The punch didn’t do much damage, but its impact caused Titan God to stagger backward!

It was also at this moment that I rushed in from the side and slammed my left arm into Titan God’s head. The Ice Qilin Horse also kicked its hooves forward as I activated War Crush!

Bam! Bam! Bam!

Titan God’s health dropped to precipitously low levels!

"Watch out, he still hasn’t used his invincibility skill!" Li Chengfeng shouted.

However, my left fist was already wrapped in swirling blood-red energy before he had even said those words. My Magic Piercing Punch exploded straight into Titan God’s chest!

A player that got hit by Magic Piercing Punch wouldn’t be able to use any skills, and that included any invincibility skills provided by items!

Titan God’s face instantly turned ashen. He had been far too confident in his own mechanical skills, and he had never imagined that he would lose so miserably to our combined assault. In fact, he didn’t even have a 10% chance of winning!


"Get lost!"

Electricity crackled around the tip of Titan God’s blade as he lashed out at us. Li Chengfeng hurriedly skipped backward, which allowed Titan God to initiate his own expeditious retreat.

"You think you can leave!?"

I waved my left hand forward and activated God Binding Art. The four divine weapons whistled through the air as they landed in a perfect circle around Titan God and bound him just as he was trying to slip away!

Li Chengfeng let out a hearty laugh. "Lu Chen, well done!"


A golden seal appeared in the sky as Li Chengfeng used his Dragonbone Flurry skill, which instantly ripped Titan God’s body to shreds!

However, the sound of the system notice didn’t ring in our ears this time, and there was no announcement made regarding the death of a Heroic Bannerman. That announcement probably only appeared during Nation Wars. However, killing Titan God had still dealt an extremely heavy blow to the morale of Olympus.

A bunch of Fire Rhinoceros riders simply stared at us dumbly as one of them gasped, "Oh my God! Our guild leader is so strong, yet... yet he was killed in such a casual fashion by these Chinese players. How... how is this even possible!?"



As we gave a loud shout, Ancient Sword Dreaming Souls started their all-out assault. Lin Yixin also charged forward with the rest of Snowy Cathaya as they sliced into Olympus’ flanks. We quickly crushed the enemy formation between the two of us. It was at this moment that we heard the sounds of battle break out on the other side. Eyes Like Water and her men had slammed into Olympus from the other side! Blazing Hot Lips’ cavalry had joined the battle!

We finished the battle in about twenty minutes. The battles within our own territory were even more brutal than that first Nation War, and Olympus naturally didn’t stand a chance when three big guilds like Ancient Sword Dreaming Souls, Snowy Cathaya, and Blazing Hot Lips joined hands just to crush it. More than a hundred thousand players had either been killed or chased back to their city, and the entire guild had simply collapsed in the blink of an eye. There wasn’t a single trace of Olympus left in the entire Land of Soul Suppression.

Olympus was an unquestioned legend in Titan City, and they were also said to be its top guild. Unfortunately for them, such was the fate of the losers in this battle for supremacy. After all, winners wrote the history books and the rise of one legend was almost always precipitated by the fall of another. Only the winner of this tournament between kings could continue writing their legend!


We hurriedly cleaned up the battlefield and every single item was picked up and shoved into inventories. Once we were done, we prepared to move out once more. The Nine Tigers Soul Suppressing Tower was only about two kilometers from where we were, so it wouldn’t take us long to reach it.

"Let’s move out! To Nine Tigers Soul Suppressing Tower!"

I spurred my horse forward, and the Dragonlight Cavalry followed me closely.

Lin Yixin and Stranger of Three Lifetimes were also leading their elite forces after me. Now that we were all gathered near Soul Suppressing Tower, we could finally take a good look at it!

It was a beautiful ancient tower of exquisite craftsmanship which was made of pitch-black rock. The base of the tower was the shape of an exceptionally huge octagon that seemed to have a radius of one kilometer. By the looks of things, the tower was designed to accommodate up to ten thousand players. There were no sentries around the tower, but there were a few huge undead monstrosities slumbering around it. They looked like giants crawling on the ground and there was a huge thurible chained to their broad backs. A mass of thorny vines grew out of those enormous thuribles, and we could see that there were many skeletons and rotting corpses stuffed into them. It was a grotesque thing to behold.

"God damn, what are those things. They’re way too disgusting..." Chaos Moon exclaimed as her lips curled up in disgust.

I waved my hand in the air, causing an image of the mobs’ stats to appear in front of everyone—

Flesh Eater (Earth Miniboss)

Level: 185

Attack: 5040~7280

Defense: 7000

HP: 15,000,000

Skills: Sickle Sweep, Corpse Poison Strike, Corpse-littered Field

Introduction: Flesh Eaters are lords of the undead race. They were once mighty human warriors whose bodies were twisted into these warped and bloated monstrosities. They are bloodthirsty and violent, wield sharp sickles in their hands. As the guardians of countless graves and grand necropoleis, these creatures lug around large censers to store corpses in. The rotting bodies inside are used to slowly provide Flesh Eaters with power of undead energy.


We saw a nearby Flesh Eater stagger across the ground as its body swayed, flies buzzing around it. Lin Yixin wrinkled her exquisite nose in disgust as she looked at me and said, "What a grotesque miniboss! It’s all yours..."

My lips puckered up in distaste as I said, "Purple Marquis, you’re up..."

Purple Marquis immediately growled, "Why the hell am I the one taking this shit job..."

I immediately replied, "Okay, then Chanel can do it."

Purple Marquis immediately yelled, "I’ll do it!"

He activated Charge and stunned the Flesh Eater closest to us before immediately starting to scramble backward. His sword flickered out rapidly as he retreated, sending beams of biting cold sword energy plunging into the Flesh Eater’s body.


The giant, which was surrounded by a cloud of noxious gas, let out a loud howl. Its swollen, rotting legs thundered against the ground as it bounded toward us! Purple Marquis, you asshole! You actually led the monster right toward us!

The giant thurible chained to the Flesh Eater’s back contained all sorts of animal corpses and it stunk to the high heavens. But that wasn’t even the worst thing about it! The body of the Flesh Eater itself was completely rotten and putrefied strips of muscle and flesh dangled off its body like strips of bacon. We could see white maggots burrowing in and out of its rotten flesh, causing some of us to gag in disgust.


Lin Yixin retreated as fast as she could and He Yi was right behind her! In an instant, our combat power had been cut by more than 30% as all of the girls firmly rejected the notion of even engaging in battle with this disgusting creature.

"Alright! Gentlemen with strong stomachs, you’re up!" I waved a hand in the air as four divine weapons whistled through the air and bound the Flesh Eater. Divine energy radiated from these godly weapons, completely restricting the wildly-struggling Flesh Eater.

After I barked my command, the men with iron stomachs charged forward.

Xu Yang was at the head of the group and he immediately struck the Flesh Eater’s right calf with a thunderous Mountain Stagger Slash the moment his weapon could reach it!



It was a pretty decent attack, but it also caused the Flesh Eater’s rotten fluids to spray out all over the place. The stench was as revolting and nasty as we had imagined it to be.


Xu Yang made a retching sound as he wiped his face with the sleeve of his robe. After that, he continued slashing at the Flesh Eater.

Gui Guzi brandished his spear as he spurred his mount forward. The tip of his weapon sank into the miniboss's body rapidly as it blew open several large holes in the Flesh Eater’s body. After that, he hit the Flesh Eater with a mighty punch, causing the flabby flesh on its buttock to quiver wildly. Gui Guzi’s face didn’t even twitch at that sight as he immediately followed up his attack with Barrier Break, the flaming spiral of energy scorching all rotten flesh that it touched.

Gui Guzi’s face was flushed red from his exertion as he yelled, "What the fuck, why does its flesh smell rather good after being roasted!? It smells like a steak done medium-well, or that famous Huangshan stinky mandarin fish..."

My lips twisted in disgust as I retorted, "Yeah, you can have as much as you want! Don’t mind me..."

After I said that, I turned around and yelled, "Beiming Xue, stop running and hit this boss with a Bone Eroding Arrow! Let’s kill this monster as quickly as we can! All of you male priests, hurry up and move forward and heal our fighters! Stop being pussies!"


Beiming Xue’s Bone Eroding Arrow had already plunged into one of the Flesh Eater’s eyes with a meaty thunk before I had even finished speaking.

What a frighteningly accurate shot!

After she hit the boss with that arrow, Beiming Xue turned back to continue her conversation with Lin Yixin. She really liked Lin Yixin, a big sister who was as strong as she was bold. It also helped that she treated Beiming Xue unbelievably well and the night she stayed over at the workshop, she chatted with our little archer for an unbelievably long time. Lin Yixin had always been a cunning girl and she was milking the "divide and conquer" strategy for all it was worth. She was planning to first win over the "easiest mark" in the workshop, Beiming Xue. He Yi and Murong Mingyue had responded with a charm offensive of their own by showering Beiming Xue with affection over the last few days. They even kept saying they’d bring her out to eat and shop. This tug-of-war had quickly become a headache for me.


All of us focused our fire on the miniboss, and even its fifteen million health points were quickly depleted by our furious attacks. Finally, the dragon soul in my Cyan Netherworld Sword let out a furious howl as it smashed into the Flesh Eater, causing a huge damage number to pop up above its head. My attack ended its life, letting me claim half of the mob’s EXP and bumped my EXP bar to 29%!



The Flesh Eater’s mountainous corpse tumbled to the ground, equipment and magic stones bursting out of it.

Gui Guzi quickly scanned the items on the ground, a grin appearing on his face. "There are five pieces of Purple Crystal and two gems that can be used for socketing. One of them is a Rank 9 Dragonstone Gem and the other is a Rank 11 Cyanfire Gem. As for the equipment drops... There is a Level 155 2-star Outstanding Earth-grade sword. There is also a Spirit-grade axe and an Earth-grade ring, both are 3-star Outstanding items."

I said, "Split them among yourselves, but give that Earth-grade sword to Snowy Cathaya! The rest of the spoils belong to us!"


Purple Marquis took that Earth-grade sword while Gui Guzi used his guild contribution points to claim the Earth-grade ring. It was a super accessory that added 20% to his max HP, which was perfectly suited for Gui Guzi’s class. After all, he was always in need of more HP, Attack, and Defense.

As we continued to make our way forward, we found that there was a Flesh Eater waiting for us every twenty yards. No one dared to make any reckless moves because of this and even the distant Northern Alliance players could only slowly chip away at them. If we didn’t, these minibosses would show their "true might" by splattering rotten flesh all over us. That wasn’t something any of us wanted to experience again.

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