War Sovereign Soaring The Heavens

Chapter 1453 - Die!

Chapter 1453: Die!

When the Gale Hammer flew toward Duan Ling Tian rapidly, Feng Fan whose hand was tightly gripping the Gale Hammer was also dragged along.

Their speed was so fast that it was terrifying!

Currently, Feng Fan did not even use his movement technique and relied solely on the Gale Hammer to bring him along.

At this moment, there were not many people who could see Feng Fan’s figure even if they were outer court disciples at the Paramount Mortal Shedding Stage because the Gale Hammer and Feng Fan’s speed was just too fast.

“Too fast! That’s the speed of the Gale Saint Inscription?” Many outer court disciples looked shocked.

‘The Gale Hammer’s Gale Saint Inscription and the Thousand Mass Broadsword’s Thousand Mass Saint Inscription… This Duan Ling Tian is going to lose,’ the outer court elders thought to themselves.

The group of outer court deacons and outer court disciples who bet on Feng Fan winning heaved a sigh of relief when they saw Feng Fan moved with the Gale Hammer.

In their opinion, this battle had no suspense at all.

In regards to power, Feng Fan possessed the Thousand Mass Broadsword that won Duan Ling Tian.

In regards to speed, Feng Fan possessed the Gale Hammer that also won Duan Ling Tian.

Whether it was strength or speed, Duan Ling Tian was weaker than Feng Fan. He was already beginning to lose.

Not only did the outer court deacons and outer court disciples thought that way, but the other onlookers shared the same idea as well. Everyone felt the situation would not change at this point.

Naturally, nothing is certain in life. There would always be exceptions.

That exception was an outer court disciple who used to rank in the top 100 in the Moon Illumination Sect’s outer court. He had fought Duan Ling Tian two months ago when Duan Ling Tian had just entered the Moon Illumination Sect. This outer court disciple was Ceng Zhi.

Two months ago, he wanted to blackmail Duan Ling Tian who had just arrived at the Moon Illumination Sect but was thoroughly defeated instead.

As one of the parties involved, the strange scene that happened was very memorable to him… In his mind, he concluded that Duan Ling Tian knew a demonic method. Otherwise, how could he shift his attack twice?

After that battle, he explained it many times to the people around him, but no one believed him.

All of them thought he was a sore loser and had intentionally made up an excuse about Duan Ling Tian knowing a demonic method.

Only he knew that he was telling the truth.

When Duan Ling Tian fought Lin Fu a month ago, he thought he would have the chance to expose the fact that Duan Ling Tian knew a demonic method… However, he did not expect Duan Ling Tian would be able to defeat Lin Fu with his own strength without using the demonic method.

Meanwhile, Feng Fan was charging toward Duan Ling Tian with the Gale Hammer. At the crucial moment, almost everyone thought Duan Ling Tian would be defeated. Only Ceng Zhi alone thought the situation would change.

Therefore, from the moment Feng Fan moved with the Gale Hammer, his eyes were fixed on Duan Ling Tian… Indeed, he discovered something strange as he stared at him intently.

He discovered, at this moment, a small black whirlpool had appeared in Duan Ling Tian’s left pupil even though he was standing in the distance. It was spinning rapidly and seemed to be sucking out his soul when he looked at it.

‘I thought I wouldn’t have to use Strange Pupil to kill Feng Fan.’ Duan Ling Tian sighed inwardly.

He did not intend to use the insanely powerful Strange Pupil. However, the pair of Saint Weapons with Two Star Saint Inscriptions in Feng Fan’s hands were so strong that it disrupted and destroyed his previous idea.

He would definitely die if he did not use the Strange Pupil!

Once the Strange Pupil was activated, Feng Fan and the Gale Hammer that initially looked fast began to slow down in Duan Ling Tian’s left eye.

Naturally, his Spiritual Energy began to deplete rapidly as well.

It must be said that Feng Fan was indeed moving very fast.

More accurately, the Gale Hammer was moving very fast.

Although Duan Ling Tian had unleashed the full power of the Strange Pupil, the Gale Hammer, along with Feng Fan who was gripping it tightly, still arrived before him in just a blink of an eye.

“Die!” Feng Fan who was fast approaching Duan Ling Tian did not reduce the speed of the Gale Hammer. Instead, it shot toward him like a cannonball. Moreover, even the Thousand Mass Broadsword in his other hand came crashing down again like Mount Tai. The force was enough to press Duan Ling Tian’s head down.

Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!

The thunderous sound of air explosions reverberated in the wake of the broadsword with the Thousand Mass Saint Inscription. It was blood-curdling!

If one were to be hit by that, one would instantly explode into a mist of blood and die without a corpse.

Not many outer court disciples could catch Feng Fan’s movement. However, those inner court disciples who could, squinted as though they could not bear to watch what would happen next.

As for the group of outer court elders, apart from Huang Cheng who looked excited, the others could not help but shake their heads.

“The heaven is envious of young talents.” Many people sighed inwardly.

“Die! Die!” Deng Wei looked at Duan Ling Tian intently as though he did not want to miss any slight detail of him killing Duan Ling Tian.

“So what if you’re very talented? You are still going to turn into soil in the Martial Dao Saint Land.” Zhou Qi sneered as he looked at Duan Ling Tian with an indifferent gaze.

“Spatial Manipulation!” At the moment when almost everyone thought Duan Ling Tian was going to die, Duan Ling Tian unleashed the full potential of the Strange Pupil as he stared intently at the Thousand Mass Broadsword and Gale Hammer in Feng Fan’s hands.

At this moment, Duan Ling Tian fully unleashed the insanely powerful ability of the Strange Pupil, Spatial Manipulation, and completely exhausted his Spiritual Energy.

When Duan Ling Tian exhausted his Spiritual Energy resulting in his head feeling empty, the Thousand Mass Broadsword in Feng Fan’s hand strangely shifted next to Duan Ling Tian and crashed down like a towering mountain on the sturdy floor of the martial arts practice field as a terrifying force swept out.


With the sound of a loud explosion, the ground of the martial arts practice field cracked as gravel and dust flew up.

“Still a bit lacking!” When Duan Ling Tian saw the Gale Hammer had shifted to the side but was still crashing down on his left arm, his face changed dramatically, and he forced himself to dodge to the side.

However, he was still hit even if he had intended to dodge it.

Fortunately, it only brushed against his arm when it smashed down, tearing off a chunk of meat without injuring any bones or veins.

However, the pain of having a chunk of meat torn off still made Duan Ling Tian break out in cold sweat. Due to the loss of his Spiritual Energy, he was already feeling a little drowsy. Coupled with the pain, he was on the verge of fainting.

‘No! I can’t faint! I can’t faint!’ At this crucial moment, Duan Ling Tian bit the tip of his tongue to stay awake.

He knew in his heart that all his earlier efforts would be futile if he fainted now.

Naturally, Feng Fan could just strike again if he missed his first shot.

If he fainted, he would be the meat on Feng Fan’s chopping board. Feng Fan could kill him in any way he liked.

Duan Ling Tian struggled to stay awake as he focused and stared at Feng Fan who passed him… He could clearly see the shock and disbelief in Feng Fan’s eyes.

Perhaps, Feng Fan would not be able to figure it out even if he racked his brains.

Why did the Thousand Mass Broadsword and Gale Hammer in his hands that almost landed on Duan Ling Tian moved to side during the critical movement and avoided him?

Feng Fan’s attack missed, and his body flew forward due to the inertia from the sword and hammer. He temporarily lost control of his body.

At this time, all his vitals were exposed in front of Duan Ling Tian

Sound of Death!

It was such a good opportunity, Duan Ling Tian, naturally, would not miss it. While a sneer on his face, he shook his right hand that was already on the bowstring of the Sun Shooting Bow.

In the next moment, a True Energy Light Blade appeared and swept out like an electric arc.


The electric arc flew across the sky like a Death God’s scythe and slashed across Feng Fan’s throat, leaving a terrifying wound. Feng Fan had a horrified expression on his face when it happened. The wound tore open and bled profusely.

Under everyone’s watchful eyes, Feng Fan was dragged by the Thousand Mass Broadsword and Gale Hammer. The path in his wake was bloody! Eventually, he fell to the ground into a pool of blood and stopped breathing completely.


The entire place was deadly quiet.

“Demonic Technique! It’s a Demonic Technique!” Ceng Zhi stared at Duan Ling Tian as fear filled his heart.

Gasp! Gasp! Gasp! Gasp! Gasp!

Moments later, the people present on the scene finally regained their senses and began to gasp one after another.

“Feng… Senior Brother Feng Fan’s dead?” All of the outer court disciples were dumbfounded when they saw Feng Fan’s body.

“How’s that possible?!” The face of the outer court deacon, Deng Wei, changed dramatically. He was unresigned as he glared at Duan Ling Tian. “How can this bastard kill Feng Fan! No! Impossible! Impossible!”

Deng Wei was not willing to accept the fact.

Even the other outer court deacons had a bitter expression on their faces.

The moment Feng Fan was killed, the Merit Points they had bet were all for naught.

One outer court disciple thumped his chest and stomped his feet as he kept saying, “My 1,000 Merit Points… Gone! Gone!”

“You still dare to shout about it when it’s just 1,000 Merit Points? I lost 3,000 Merit Points!” The outer court disciple next to him snapped with a gloomy expression on his face.

For a time, all those outer court disciples who placed their bet on Feng Fan had a wretched expression on their faces.

When Feng Fan died, their Merit Points were gone. It would never return to their Crystal Card.

At this moment, they all felt like dying.

“Feng Fan is useless! He’s a powerhouse in the Earth Ranking… He can’t even win against an outer court disciple who joined the sect two months ago.”

“That’s it! So useless!”

“A powerhouse in the Earth Ranking who possessed two Earth Rank Saint Weapons with Two Star Saint Inscriptions died in the hands of a new disciple of the sect… So embarrassing!”

All the outer court disciples who had lost because of Feng Fan began to curse him.

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