What Do You Mean There Are Other Transmigrators In My Harem Fantasy?

Chapter 112 The School Dorms

As this was still the first day of school, there weren’t any lessons going on so we were dismissed after that.

As I was curious about how the boarding rooms looked, I ended up following Odeta to her dormitory to check it out.

I learned that the dormitory itself was located a short distance away from the school building itself, requiring us to exit the school grounds and walk through a few streets to get there.

On the way, we passed by several other students who were making their way out of school as well and they were giving me complicated looks when they saw me. Some of them were whispering amongst themselves while pointing in my direction.

I’m pretty sure they were all talking about my challenge that I gave out during the assembly just now, that’s to be expected I suppose, seeing how big of an uproar it made. Well, I put thoughts of that aside for now and concentrated on my companion.

“Ehehe~ Is sister Aster also staying in the dorms?” Odeta asked as we walked.

I shook my head, “Mother has a house here so I’m staying with her.”

“Oh… I was hoping that we might be roommates… I guess we can’t…” She muttered dejectedly with her head lowered.

I giggled and patted her on her arm, “Don’t feel sad! How about I meet you at the dormitory every morning so that we could go to school together?”

The Amrap perked up, “Eh?! Really?! No, wait! I should wait in front of Aster’s house instead! Let’s go to sister Aster’s house first!”

“Ah… Ummm… That might not be very suitable…” I stammered.

Neither she nor Ardi knows my family yet and I don’t exactly want to advertise it either… I would be quite sad if they were to treat me differently because of my family.

But… I also feel bad for keeping such a secret from them as well… I’m sure if I were to reveal this later, they wouldn’t like it either so should I tell her or not?

Odeta lowered her head again, “I see… Umm… Am I a bother to sister Aster? I’m sorry…”

Oh no!!

“No, no, no! It’s nothing serious! It’s just… Umm… I’m just settling some things at home and it’s a little messy… Could I show you my house another time?”

“Eh? Ah!! Umm… Of course! I don’t mind! I just… I just thought I was a bother to sister Aster so you didn’t want me over…”

“That can’t be possible! Odeta is not a bother! You’re so cute!”

“Ehehe~ Sister Aster is beautiful too! Actually, sister Aster is even more beautiful than before! I think if big sister Ardi saw you now, she would definitely want to take you back to our village!”

“Eh? Why the village?”

“So that we could all get married of course!”

Ah… Right… I forgot about that…

What? A lot of things happened in the last few years ok?

I turned to her, “Just to check… Does Odeta know what getting married means?”

“Hehe~ Of course I do! It means we all get to stay together all the time in one big house! Am I right?” She beamed at me with a completely pure and innocent grin.

“Ehehe~ Of course you are! Head pats for you!”

“Ehehe~ Sister Aster’s head pats are so warm~”

So cuuute! I want to take her home with meeee!!

“Ah! We’re here! There’s the dormitory!”

I looked up and sure enough, we were standing in front of a large three story building that had a wall surrounding its perimeter. Odeta took the lead and opened the door for us, revealing a rather normal entryway inside.

To the immediate right of the door was what seemed to be a security booth with a female Mahun sitting inside.

“Hello ladies, could I see your dormitory passes please?”

Odeta shrugged off her blazer to reveal a satchel she had been carrying on her side, her hand reaching inside it to pull out an official looking card.

Those must be the dorm passes she’s talking about.

“Umm… I’m her friend… Is that ok?”

,m The security guard, if that’s her role that is, smiled at me, “Are you a futa by any chance?”

I nodded, “Would that be a problem?”

“Well, not exactly. I’ll just need to note down your details here since this is a female dorm. If any of the students here get pregnant, we’ll know who we need to contact in case no one assumes responsibility~”

“Eh? So… This place doesn’t restrict males from coming in either?”

“Fufu~ You’re an outsider aren’t you?”

I froze up for a second until I realised she was asking if I had come from outside the city, not outside this World.

“Umm.. Yes. I lived in a rather rural place until my family moved here for me to attend the school.”

“There’s nothing to be ashamed about. For Aerialla Academy, we believe in student freedom and accountability. If you are brilliant enough to be accepted into the school, then we do not hold you back with such arbitrary rules as long as you take accountability for your own actions~”

This is arbitra– Oh wait… Yeah… I forgot… This World’s people sees sex as something normal to the point that in some places, public sex is normal too…

Odeta was already poking me with a pouty face so I quickly wrote down the necessary details for me to get a visitor pass before following her up to her room.

“Tadah! Welcome to my room!”

I looked around and it was… Normal?

No wait, this room is about the size of the bedroom back at Mother’s house in Dragon Sanctuary, it even had an attached bathroom too. Do all students get such rooms here?

Odeta did a spin around the centre of the room, “They said that this room is reserved for special class students like us! Isn’t it nice? How about Aster move in with me too?”

Ah, that explains why this room is so spacious. But for her invitation… If I were to accept it, I’m sure Mother and Katsuki would be really sad…

Ugh… This is bad…

“Unngg… I’m sorry, I can’t…” I muttered.

She started to panic, “Eh?! Ah! I already know sister Aster can’t! Don’t be sad! I’m just happy that I got to see sister Aster again!”

Hnnng! Why are you so cute! Let me pat you!

Ahem… Anyway, looking at the room properly now, I can see she had personalised it by quite a bit.

And by that, I meant there were various different kinds of weapons being displayed around the room and there were even trophies of beasts that I assume she had hunted before hanging around as well.

Something piqued my interest and I pointed towards it, “Ummm… What is that?”

Odeta looked at the thing I was pointing at and grinned, “That’s the tooth of the dragon I killed! What do you think?!”

That thing that was as long as Odeta is tall is the dragon’s tooth?! Damn, that must have been a really big dragon!

And to think she fought that monster for three days straight before killing it.

“It’s really impressive… And cool.”

“Ehehe~ I know right?! Big sister Ardi said I can use it as a dowry when we get married to you!”

I don’t even know what to say to that…

The Amrap then sat herself down on the floor and crossed her legs, patting the space beside her, “Come sit with me, Aster! I wanna know what cool things sister Aster has been doing!”

I giggled and joined her on the ground, “Well, nothing much actually. I moved here about two years ago and I became a Mercenary and a Dungeoneer during this time.”

“Yay! I’m also a Mercenary too! Look! Look!”

She fished out her Guild card from her satchel and sure enough, it was shown there that she was an E ranked Mercenary.

“Eh? You’re still an E rank after beating that dragon?”

“Oh! I defeated that dragon before signing up as a Mercenary! Besides, it’s not like there was a request on its subjugation so I wouldn’t have gotten anything from it.”

That means she ranked up on her own after that in that one year? She must have been quite hardcore in completing Mercenary requests then.

I took out my own Guild card to show her, “I’m still F rank though since I wasn’t that active. But my Dungeoneer rank is at E.”

“Uwaa~ That means I’m sister Aster’s senior as a Mercenary? You can count on me to protect you then!” She patted her chest confidently.

I saw the bounce of her chest and while she isn’t as endowed as I was in the chest department, they were still there. I think they’re probably a B cup right now? But judging by Ardi’s size, Odeta must still be growing anyway.

Odeta then leaned her head on top of mine and nuzzled me with her chin, “I’m just happy to see sister Aster again~ Ehehe~ Unlike last time, I’m stronger now so I can protect sister Aster too! Please rely on me!”

“Ufufu~ In that case, please take care of me for the coming school years.”

“Yes! I will do my best!! If anyone dares to bully you, just let me know and I’ll take care of them!”

Ahhh~ She’s so cute! Katsuki is cute too but there’s just the appeal of a larger sized girl being all mushy and cute too!

I so wanna take her home with me!!

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