White-Robed Chief

Chapter 676 - Invitation

Chapter 676: Invitation

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation  Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Chu Li had the vague feeling that he would achieve foresight if he cultivated the Nature Restoration Manifestation to its full potential.

The Omniscient Mirror allowed him to cultivate the Nature Restoration Manifestation to its core, but the first step was still always the hardest to cultivate. A normal person had limited eyesight and energy, so it was impossible to clearly read every move their opponent would make. The less you could see, the less accurate your predictions would be.

The Omniscient Mirror could present everything to one’s eyes, without leaving a single detail out. Because of this, the prediction would always be more accurate.

He slowly went into the zone and was completely absorbed in his cultivation, such that he was undisturbed by worldly affairs. However, he was soon interrupted by a random invitation card. It was an invitation card sent from the Verdant Cloud Brothel, but it was not from Mo Qingyu, it was from Miss Ji Xue Ling.

He sat in the living room as he stared at the invitation card as he thought of Yang Zongwen coming over to report the news of Miss Qingyu yesterday.

The Secret Guardians Hall investigation had revealed nothing about Miss Qingyu. She was one of the ladies Verdant Cloud Brothel, she was not well-versed in martial arts, and was pure yet coldly arrogant. She resolutely refused to meet the average person and only entertained her frequent customers, such that it was near impossible for a stranger to meet her.

The investigation also listed out all of Miss Qingyu’s customers, which included Chu Li.

Chu Li went through the list of names and found that Mo Qingyu did her job flawlessly. There was nothing suspicious about it at all.

It seemed that Sister Mo could not be underestimated. Her means were shrewd and formidable as it was not an easy task to deceive the Secret Guardians Hall. There was some merit to Amethyst Mountain’s reputation after all.

Her Ethereal Heavenly Heart could be a skill that stabilizes the heart, constantly maintaining a state of calmness, unaffected by emotions. With this, she would have been able to maintain her calmness and rationality, ensuring that she made no mistakes in her mission. Even when she was in combat, her state of mind was most likely unruffled, meaning her keen judgement was unaffected.

He had never met Miss Ji Xue Ling before, so why would she send him an invitation card?

It was a huge honor to receive an invitation card from a lady of the Verdant Cloud Brothel, there were nearly none who would reject the invitation. Not attending would mean one did not have any dignity.

No man would let a chance like this go. Chu Li shook his head and let out a smile. He did not plan on attending the feast.

Chief Zhu’s voice could be heard from the outside. “Head Chief, there’s another invitation card.”

“Bring it in, then,” said Chu Li.

Chief Zhu pushed open the door and made a closed-fist salute to Leng Qiu and Leng Qing, who were cultivating their swordsmanship. Then, he went to the living room and presented Chu Li with the invitation card.

Chu Li scanned the card. He seemed to be deep in thought as he nodded. This was about right.

“It would be best not to reject the Imperial Crown Prince’s invitation. If we are to redeem Miss Qingyu, we must make sure not to anger Imperial Crown Prince Shi. He has deep connections within the Fairy’s Capital, we must be wary of him,” said Chief Zhu.

Chu Li’s eyebrows twitched.

“Think about it, Head Chief, how many high officials spend their free time at the Verdant Cloud Brothel? There are only so many ladies at the Verdant Cloud Brothel, and there aren’t enough hostesses, they would select guest based on their faces. Imperial Crown Prince Shi could simply give us his nod of approval as a favor.” said Chief Zhu.

Chu Li nodded and smiled. “Elder Zhu, you’ve improved!”

Chief Zhu gave an embarrassed smile. “Hehe, I’m just shooting blindly, I know that the Head Chief could think of that too.”

“That might not be the case, even the brilliant can make mistakes. Also, I’m not even a brilliant person, your reminder was right, I must attend the feast tonight,” grinned Chu Li.

“Shall I prepare the Protectors to travel together?” Chief Zhu hurriedly said.

“No need for that, I shall go alone.” Chu Li shook his head.

“Alright.” Chief Zhu replied before he tactfully retired.

Chu Li held the two invitation cards in his hand and let out a small laugh. The Imperial Crown Prince Shi was an impressive person.

When he first opened the New Moon Brothel in the Fairy’s Capital, it was because of something similar to this. There were many smart people in the world, and Imperial Crown Prince Shi was one such person. The Verdant Cloud Brothel was supposedly under Prince Bao, but Imperial Crown Prince Shi could have been behind it all.


Chu Li passed the invitation card to the Protector, but right before the Protector went in to report his attendance, Leng Shoushi and Leng Shoushan came out of the main door together. They greeted him with a closed-fist salute.

Chu Li was surprised as he returned the gesture with a closed-fist salute and smiled.

“Head Chief Chu, let’s talk in the courtyard, please come in!” Leng Shoushi spoke calmly and coldly. Even when he was being polite, he gave off an aura of arrogance.

Chu Li smiled as he nodded, before entering the Ji Xue Ling Courtyard with the two of them.

Miss Ji Xue Ling was a pure and bright beauty, with only Xiao Shi beating her by a hair. However, she was still one of the rare beauties of the world.

Mo Qingyu was pure and pretty. She was gentle and had a spiritual energy of elegance. Her serenity only served to increase her mysteriousness, such that even though Ji Xue Ling was prettier than her, it was easy to feel a sense of intimacy around her.

The four of them sat at a square table. Ji Xue Ling held up a pot as she filled up three white jade cups alongside her own.

Leng Shoushan subtly laughed. “Come, Head Chief Chu, I’ve heard about you. I’ll drink first, as a sign of respect.”

He emptied the drink in one go.

Chu Li did the same with a smile.

He did not have to look at what Leng Shoushan was thinking to know what he was talking about. It was none other than the death of Leng Shoujiang.

Yang Zongwen had already reported to him what he had initially predicted. The magistrate could not solve the case, and he could only delegate it to the Secret Guardians Hall.

“Does Head Chief Chu like Miss Xue Ling Qing?” Smiled Leng Shoushan.

Chu Li shook his head. “I am talking to her out of politeness, I don’t have any other intentions.”

“Are you not going to redeem Miss Xue Ling Qing?” Leng Shoushan subtly laughed. “From what I know, Head Chief Chu has already redeemed two ladies for someone else. Our ninth brother can’t stand it anymore!”

He looked toward Leng Shoushi as he said this.

Leng Shoushi continued, “He picks and trained all the ladies meticulously, he spent a lot of effort doing so to make sure they would not be corrupted by the ways of the world. He needed to make sure all of them were pure and kind. Even I am unwilling to let go when any one of them has to leave.”

“Brother Jiu takes good care of all of the ladies, he cherishes them a lot,” Leng Shoushan shook his head. “He is worried that they might get married to a bastard.”

“These ladies have a good eye for men, they will definitely pick the right one,” smiled Chu Li. “Both of my friends are people worth entrusting their lifetimes to.”

“Zhu Tianhua is still fine, but Han Fei…” Leng Shoushi shook his head.

Chu Li smiled. “Han Fei is fickle when it comes to people, but he won’t love them and leave them, Imperial Crown Prince Shi.”

“Hopefully.” Nodded Leng Shoushi.

“Sigh…” Leng Shoushan suddenly sighed as he put down his white jade cup.

Chu Li smiled to himself. ‘Here it comes.’

Leng Shoushan shook his head. “Father hasn’t been smiling these days, the atmosphere in the house is very gloomy, even I don’t feel like going back.”

“Having to watch someone this young leave… How can he not be sad?” Replied Chu Li, “I am sorry for the Royal Highness’s loss, I shall visit again some other day.”

“My Father has only one thing on his mind right now, he wants to avenge our fifth brother!” Leng Shoushan sighed. “After learning that the Secret Guardians Hall had taken over the case, he let out a sigh of relief. That’s because he always thought highly of you, Head Chief Chu. He says that your intelligence is extraordinary. If you’re on the case, the murderer of Fifth Brother will surely be found!”

“Prince Kang exaggerates, I am truly humbled. This case is delegated to the Secret Guardians Hall, but I am not assigned to it.”

“My father doesn’t trust anyone else,” continued Leng Shoushan.

Chu Li put on a worried expression. “This case involves Prince Kang, so it is being assigned to the Mei Yi Courtyard, the most elite in the residence. With the Mei Yi Courtyard’s help, the outcome is undoubtedly going to be better than if it were handled by the Mei Er Courtyard. If they can’t find out who the murderer is, I am afraid that we won’t be able to either. Actually, at this point, the killer must’ve run far away. Prince Kang probably understands but refuses to accept the fact.”

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