White-Robed Chief

Chapter 721 - Requesting for Help

Chapter 721: Requesting for Help

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation  Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Zhou Zifeng was sitting in the main hall of the High Duke’s Public House with a dark expression on his honest face.

Lu Yuancheng sat next to him with his eyebrows knitted together. “Eldest Master, panic is spreading through the town right now. There are rumors springing up everywhere, and I’m afraid we won’t be able to contain these rumors any longer. Someone is trying to take advantage of the situation to stir up trouble.”

“Damn it!” Zhou Zifeng slammed his hand angrily on the armrest of the armchair and huffed. “Is it possible to track them down?”

Lu Yuancheng shook his head. “It’ll be very difficult.”

Zhou Zifeng replied, “Fortunately, that old man didn’t return. He must’ve been dealt with by Young Master Chu. However, I fear that a second one might appear. If that were the case, not many in Ji River Valley will be able to survive!”

“Exactly.” Lu Yuancheng nodded. “The High Duke should’ve received the news by now. When the High Duke returns, we’ll all be able to set our hearts at rest. Right now, we can only hope for the High Duke to be back as soon as possible!”

“I believe we’ll have to wait for three more days!” Zhou Zifeng said. “It should take him three days at the earliest.”

Lu Yuancheng said, “Three days… How about this? Let’s dispatch all our protectors from the High Duke’s Public House and have them patrol the streets in groups to calm the people’s hearts!”

Zhou Zifeng slowly nodded. “That’s all we can do.”

Lu Yuancheng sighed. “In that case, however, the Public House will become a danger zone.”

Zhou Zifeng waved a hand dismissively. “I’ll go stay at the restaurant in town.”

“That’s great!” Lu Yuancheng quickly nodded.

Having the eldest young master stay at the restaurant in town would play a critical role in calming the people. Upon seeing the eldest young master there, they would not be affected by the rumors. Thus, their emotions would not be so easily influenced as well. They would only need to persist for three more days. Once the High Duke returned, the situation would calm down.

Suddenly, they heard the sound of footsteps approaching from outside. Then, an elderly man hurried in with an anxious expression on his face. “Eldest Master, Second Master has fallen unconscious!”

Zhou Zifeng stood up at once and walked out of the hall straightaway. “Wasn’t he still awake this morning?”

“His condition is worsening very fast!” The elderly man trailed after him and said in an urgent manner, “Eldest Master, if his situation were to go on like this, the outcome would be unthinkable!”

Zhou Zifeng came to a courtyard wearing a grave look. At the moment, a beautiful young married woman was sitting in the gazebo with tears streaming down her face. When she saw Zhou Zifeng walk in, she turned away to avoid his gaze and pretended not to have noticed him.

Having no time to care about this second sister-in-law of his, Zhou Zifeng strode directly into the bedchamber and saw the young man lying on the bed.

The young man had an oval-shaped face. Despite his darkening complexion, one could easily tell that he was far more good-looking than his eldest brother. At present, he was lying unconscious with his brows knitted together. There were two elderly men standing by his bedside with grave expressions.

Upon seeing Zhou Zifeng enter the room, the two elderly men gave a fist salute and bowed at him.

Zhou Zifeng waved a hand at them. “You’re still unable to suppress it?”

“No.” The two men shook their heads.

A thin elderly man said, “The Shura Palm’s energy is too vicious. The spirit medicines are useless against it. Only a more refined inner energy can suppress it, but the Asura who wounded Second Master has an extraordinarily high cultivation level.”

“Is there no other way?” Zhou Zifeng huffed.

The thin old man sighed. “Previously, there was the option of cutting off Second Master’s arm, but it’s too late for that now. The Shura Palm energy has spread all over his body. I’m afraid…”

He was shaking his head as he spoke.

The other elderly man continued the sentence. “He might not be able to live past tonight.”

“Nonsense!” Zhou Zifeng exhaled a sharp breath. “Second Young Brother has a physiognomy that indicates longevity. He won’t die!”

“Eldest Master, we might have hope if the High Duke returns,” the thin old man said. “If the High Duke is still not back by dawn tomorrow, I’m afraid Second Master won’t be able to hold on any longer. There’s nothing more we can do!”

“Shura Palm!” Zhou Zifeng slammed his palm on the bedside.

Lu Yuancheng also walked into the room.

Zhou Zifeng turned to give him an ardent look of expectation.

Lu Yuancheng shook his head helplessly.

Facing such a situation, he was also at a loss for ideas.

Zhou Zifeng silently stared at Zhou Zimo, who was in great agony and sighed. “Second Younger Brother is so pitiful!”

“Heaven helps the worthy. Second Master will be okay.” Lu Yuancheng sighed.

The rest of them nodded.

At this point, this was the only thought they could hold on to. As for whether or not Heaven would really help the worthy, they knew very well in their hearts that unless the High Duke managed to return to the Public House now, the second young master would certainly die. This was how scary and potent the Shura Palm was.

“You may all leave now. I’ll accompany Second Younger Brother.” Zhou Zifeng waved a hand to dismiss them.

The rest of them quietly left the bedchamber and came to the courtyard.

When they saw the tearful young woman in the gazebo, their hearts felt even heavier.

There came the sound of footsteps approaching. Then, a middle-aged man rushed in a quiet and cautious manner and met their gaze.

“Elder Huang, what’s the matter?” Lu Yuancheng asked.

Elder Huang hurried replied, “There’s a Young Master Chu Li outside requesting an audience.”

“Chu Li?” They looked shocked.

Lu Yuancheng repeated. “Chu Li?”

“Yes.” Elder Huang nodded anxiously. “He seems very young but has such an air of dignity. I didn’t dare to treat him with disrespect, so I have no choice but to come and inform Eldest Master about this.”

“Go ahead and invite him in.” Lu Yuancheng instructed. “I’ll inform Eldest Master.”

“Understood.” Elder Huang turned around and left.

When Lu Yuancheng came back into the bedchamber, Zhou Zifeng was staring down at Zhou Zimo as he huffed. “I don’t feel like speaking to anyone right now.”

“Eldest Master, there’s hope for Second Master now!” Lu Yuancheng exclaimed.

Stunned, Zhou Zifeng turned to look at him.

Lu Yuancheng explained. “Chu Li is a master of martial arts. He may be able to save Second Master! … In fact, as we’ve discussed before, it may have been Chu Li who lured that Asura away!”

Zhou Zifeng frowned. “Can he and Chu Lingfeng really be the same person?”

Lu Yuancheng said, “In this situation, we have to try whatever we can!”

“… Alright then.” Zhou Zifeng slowly nodded. “He has probably come to investigate us on behalf of the Secret Guardians Hall!”

“Let’s worry about that after saving Second Master.” Lu Yuancheng advised. “Our High Duke’s Public House has always been upright and honest. We’re not afraid of being investigated!”

Zhou Zifeng stood up and walked out. When he arrived at the main hall, he found a heroic-looking, white-robed Chu Li already seated there drinking tea.

Zhou Zifeng gave a fist salute as he smiled at him. “Chief Chu, excuse me for not coming out to welcome you earlier.”

Chu Li stood up and returned the fist salute. “Don’t worry about it, Eldest Master. I was the one who came without notice. Thank you for your hospitality.”

“Ah… Chief Chu has not come at a good time,” Zhou Zifeng said with a grim smile. “My father isn’t around right now, and my second younger brother is suffering from serious injury. There’s also panic spreading among the people in the entire town. Thankfully, you’ve managed to lure that Asura away yesterday, Chief Chu!”

“Me…?” Chu Li feigned surprise. “I didn’t even arrive at Ji River Valley yesterday.”

“Was it not you, Chief Chu?” Zhou Zifeng studied him closely.

Chu Li laughed. “I wouldn’t dare to claim merit for such a good deed.”

“It seems like we’ve gotten the wrong person then.” Zhou Zifeng nodded. “May I know on what business you have come, Chief Chu?”

“I was hoping to have a quick word with the High Duke,” Chu Li replied with a smile. “May I know when the High Duke will be back?”

Zhou Zifeng shook his head and said, “If you don’t mind, Chief Chu, please stay in town for a couple of days for now. I believe it won’t take my father too long to return.”

“Sure.” Chu Li nodded and rose from his seat before giving a fist salute. “Well then, I shall take my leave.”

As soon as he had finished speaking, he walked out of the room.

He needed to keep his Chu Lingfeng alias intact since he still had some use for it in the future. After all. this was a flawless alias that had been carefully prepared for him by the Secret Guardians Hall.

“Wait,” Zhou Zifeng anxiously said.

Chu Li stopped and looked at him.

Zhou Zifeng paused, not knowing what to say.

Lu Yuancheng held up a fist salute as he interjected. “I’m Lu Yuancheng. Greetings, Chief Chu.”

Chu Li returned the fist salute.

Lu Yuancheng explained. “The second young master has been injured by a Shura Palm, and right now, his condition is worsening. We’ve heard that Chief Chu has a high cultivation level. Will it be possible…”

Chu Li agreed without hesitation, “Bring me to him.”

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