White-Robed Chief

Chapter 730 - Requesting Assistance

Chapter 730: Requesting Assistance

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation  Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

“It’s probably an Asura!” Xu Huande huffed. “How despicable!”

Fu Mengshan said, “Commander Xu, any thoughts?”

Xu Huande shook his head. “Who in the Secret Guardians Hall can take on an Asura?”

“I’ll go,” Chu Li offered. “I can take this opportunity to avoid the Holy Church of Light. There’s not much they can do to me in a military encampment!”

Now, he got excited whenever he heard the word ‘Asura’. It was related to his advancement in his Nature Restoration Manifestation cultivation after all. In any case, capturing another one had multiple benefits.

Therefore, while others saw it as dangerous, he viewed it as a potential path to success.

“This will be very dangerous,” Fu Mengshan said with a frown. “You should know, Young Chu, that the scariest thing here is not the Asura, but the fact isthat even Grandmasters become very weak and can easily lose their lives when placed in a battle formation!”

Chu Li patiently replied, “I know.”

“And you still wish to go?” Fu Mengshan huffed.

Chu Li responded, “If I don’t go, who else would you send? Qin Jin and the others? Or Centurion Chen and the group?”

Fu Mengshan continued frowning and did not speak.

Xu Huande suggested, “The Secret Guardians Hall can try passing the baton to the High Officials of the Imperial House and have them go instead.”

Chu Li shook his head. “Since the Xi Jiang Military has already sent their people over to request assistance from us, how can the Secret Guardians Hall just brush it off? Just let me do it!”

“Hmm…” Fu Mengshan sighed.

Xu Huande said, “Let’s ask the other centurions to come over and discuss this matter. We can see if anyone is willing to go.”

“Yeah.” Fu Mengshan nodded.

He was certain that the other centurions would avoid this like the plague. Only Chu Li would not care about his own safety and volunteer to go.

Having such a subordinate gave them peace of mind as Commanders, but they also felt sorry for him.

Fu Mengshan instructed Zhe Liang to invite the rest of the centurions over.

When Chen Donghai came in and saw Chu Li there, he approached him with a look of amazement. “Centurion Chu, has everything been settled at the Ji Public House?”

Chu Li nodded.

Chen Donghai asked curiously, “Was there actually anything wrong with them?”

Chu Li shook his head. “Nothing major.”

“That’s good then,” Chen Donghai replied and sighed deeply. “If there were to be any problems with the High Duke’s Public House, I really have no idea what we should do.”

Chu Li smiled and nodded.

“Ahem!” Fu Mengshan cleared his throat, and then swept his eyes over the twelve centurions before him. “We have just received a request for assistance from the Xi Jiang Military. The Li Dynasty’s army has suddenly sent over more than ten monsters, and our military’s battle formation has been ineffective in restraining them. They have been slaughtering people like animals and have already wiped out a company of a hundred men!”

Chu Li sat down and remained silent as he knew what they were thinking.

“These creatures are very elusive. They will appear out of nowhere for a sneak attack and then vanish after the slaughter. None of the master trackers from the army have managed to track them down, so the army is now requesting assistance from the Secret Guardians Hall and asking us to send our master trackers over.”

“The Ning Brothers!” Someone suggested without hesitation.

Xu Huande scoffed. “All of your Courtyards have your own master trackers but you’re suggesting to only send the Ning Brothers to go and help?”

“Commander Xu, if the Xi Jiang Military can’t handle them, even if we were to go, it’ll be useless!”

“Indeed, indeed. Maybe they’re trying this as a last resort. They might not be placing much hope in us either.”

“Let’s just send them any two of our master trackers!”

They knew very well how tremendously powerful the Xi Jiang Military was. The army’s martial arts masters were far stronger than the Secret Guardians Hall, and if those people could not deal with these monsters, the Secret Guardians Hall would not fair much better.

“These creatures are Asuras, aren’t they?” Someone asked.

Xu Huande scoffed and said, “At least you guys are clear about the situation! If not mistaken, they should be Asuras!”

The centurions fell silent out of fear.

The main hall became so quiet all of a sudden that one could have heard a pin drop.

All of them were aware of how dangerous an Asura was. Aside from the fact that the Body of Asura was extremely tough and almost indestructible, killing was more or less second nature to Asuras. This made them a force to be reckoned with.

Xu Huande challenged them, “What, none of you would like to go?”

“Commander Xu, going up against these creatures is really…”

“Humph, are you planning to have us tell the Xi Jiang Military that none of the master trackers from the Secret Guardians Hall are bold enough to go?”

“How about we just let the Ning Brothers go?” Chen Donghai suggested. “The Ning Brothers are also skilled at the Light-body Technique, so if they manage to discover any of the Asuras, they will be able to escape!”

“Commander Xu, there will be some martial arts masters from the Xi Jiang Army there to protect us, right?”

Xu Huande replied, “Of course!”

“I’m just worried that they might not be able to guarantee our safety,” one of the centurions said before sighing.

Xu Huande said coldly, “Very well then. Go back to your duties. I’ll find some other people to go!”

“Commander Xu, this task is way too dangerous…” They all seemed rather embarrassed.

Fu Mengshan waved a hand at them and said, “Enough. I finally understand what kind of people you guys are. You would grab any merit you can get your hands on, but in the face of danger, you don’t hesitate to shirk your responsibilities!”

The centurions pretended not to hear him. After all, the lives of their subordinates were at risk here. How could they flaunt their superiority and try to be the hero in such a situation?

After they left, only three people remained in the main hall.

“Ah…” Fu Mengshan shook his head and said, “It seems like it’ll have to be you, after all, Young Chu.”

Xu Huande suggested, “Bring the Ning Brothers with you then.”

Chu Li shook his head. “It’ll be fine for me to go alone.”

“… Will you really be fine by yourself?” Xu Huande questioned while frowning.

Chu Li smiled. “I’ve dealt with King Ping before, so we won’t be strangers this time.”

“King Ping still owes us a favor as well,” Fu Mengshan said, laughing. “Young Chu, when you go to them this time, you can use the favor.”

Chu Li nodded.

“… Alright then, I’ll leave this to you.” Fu Mengshan let out a sigh. “The Secret Guardians Hall is becoming more and more useless now. These guys should really be punished!”

“We’re not lacking talented people. It’s just that they’re all unwilling to lend their strength and take responsibility,” Xu Huande said, shaking his head. “Other than the Ning Brothers, Elder Gu and Elder Pu are both rare master trackers.”

Chu Li chuckled. “They’re also doing this to protect the lives of their own subordinates — just like how I’m not willing to let the Ning Brothers go with me too.”

“That makes sense,” Fu Mengshan said. “If you weren’t around, Young Chu, I would’ve had to force them to go.”

Chu Li nodded. “Since the army is requesting urgent assistance, I shall rush over at once.”

“Be careful!” Fu Mengshan said. “Your life is important. If you can’t fight them, then run!”

Chu Li nodded and gave them a fist salute before turning around to leave the main hall.

The Marshal’s tent of King Ping.

King Ping was staring intently at the topographic map with a dark expression, his brows tightly knitted together.

A heavily armored soldier suddenly entered the tent. “Your Royal Highness, there’s a scribe from your residence outside called Scribe Liu asking to meet you. He has an access tag with him.”

“Scribe Liu?” King Ping lifted his face and glanced at the soldier with a thoughtful look. “Let him in!”

“Understood!” The heavily armored soldier responded and turned around to leave.

A moment later, after having been led into the tent by the soldier, Chu Li gave a fist salute and bowed. “Greetings, Your Royal Highness.”

King Ping replied, “It is you after all!”

He waved a hand and the soldier left.

King Ping went on, “You’re the master tracker that has been sent by the Secret Guardians Hall?”

Chu Li smiled and nodded. “I have achieved some mastery in my tracking technique. Your Royal Highness would like to track down Asuras?”

“That’s right!” King Ping replied. “Find them, and kill them!”

Chu Li nodded. “You can leave it to me. However, I will need quite a number of martial arts masters!”

“No problem!” King Ping exhaled sharply. “How many martial arts masters will you need?”

“Fifteen,” Chu Li answered. “Their cultivation must be high enough.”

“When will you be making your move?”

“I can do it on this very day!” Chu Li replied.

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