World Defying Dan God

Chapter 3371

Ma Tianhai thought about it and said: “He seems to have just stepped into the World Defying Sacred Realm late stage. Although I am the peak of the World Defying Sacred Realm middle stage, it is not his opponent.”

“How are you so weak?” Shen Xiang laughed. “You are a Crown Prince. What are the resources for cultivation? Shouldn’t it be less than other guys? You are actually surpassed, even if someone’s cultivation base is higher than you, but You are Crown Prince, you should be challenged.”

“There is also a force behind other Princes. It is our Centaur Demon Clan. Other forces are supporting Prince. Once Prince successfully climbs the throne, those forces will be able to take off.” Ma Tianhai said: “But no one supports me.”

“Okay, okay, you go to the guy, I want to challenge him, can you,” said Shen Xiang. “He just said that he was going to challenge him and didn’t say anyone.”

“I am going to ask him to ask him,” Ma Tianhai said.

“Why should I go with you? I am here waiting for you, you go to that’s alright,” said Shen Xiang.

“When you go together, you can explain it!” Ma Tianhai is actually a little scared to pull Shen Xiang’s. He doesn’t know why. Shen Xiang gives him the feeling that he is a fearless guy who is very courageous.

“Okay!” Shen Xiang found that Ma Tianhai was like a timid mouse. The mouse might have been more courageous than him. He didn’t say the thoughts in his heart, otherwise Ma Tianhai would flies into a rage.

The Imperial Palace is very large. Only the Prince with a high status and strength has a small villa. Otherwise, there is only one small house. Ma Tianhai, the waste Crown Prince, now has only his own mountain village to show off.

Shen Xiang followed Ma Tianhai to the villa of the five Princes. The five Prince named Ma Tianqiang is a very strong person.

After being allowed, Ma Tianhai took Shen Xiang into the villa and went outside the hall. Shen Xiang smelled a burst of wine, and there was a voice of laughter and laughter in the hall. A large group of people were eating and drinking.

“Isn’t this my Crown Prince elder brother? What wind is blowing you?” Ma Tianqiang said while loudly laughing.

Ma Tianqiang’s body is very majestic. It is a very tall and powerful Centaur. He doesn’t wear clothes like other Centaur, but he is wearing a very scary muscle.

Although Ma Tianhai is also strong, Ma Tianqiang is a bigger circle than him. From the perspective of size, it is better than Ma Tianhai.

“Five brothers, this is the case. I just met a human friend. He is now a guest of my Celestial Sea Villa,” Ma Tianhai said.

Shen Xiang stunned, when did he become a guest, and Ma Tianhai dared to hang him.

“Oh? You went out for a few days and found such a guy? Do you want him to beat me and then recapture the two dao creation saint stones?” Ma Tianqiang looked at Shen Xiang, said with a sneer.

He is two heads taller than Shen Xiang, and he is still Centaur, Shen Xiang. He is a thin brat in his eyes.

“Five brothers, you are really smart, this can be guessed by you.” Ma Tianhai said with a smile.

“Hey, I don’t fight!” Ma Tianqiang said: “You just have to find a guy, I have to fight with him? My time is precious!”

After seeing other Centaur here, they nodded.

“Crown Prince, you take your guest away, he looks too weaker than you, and you can’t even beat Prince. This human guest is estimated to be defeated.”

“That is, five Princes want to drink with us, and there is no time to spend such a guy. If you are playing on your own, it’s almost the same.”

“If Crown Prince dares to play on his own, he will already be on the table. Don’t be difficult for him.”

“haha…” everyone laughed.

Ma Tianhai’s face is ugly.

“If I lose, Crown Prince’s Celestial Sea Villa is back to Five Prince, how? You are too small, not as big as Crown Prince, and Crown Prince’s location is also very good.” Shen Xiang suddenly said.

When Ma Tianhai just wanted to oppose it, he was pinched by Shen Xiang and dared not speak again.

In the battle for the throne, Ma Tianhai lost very thoroughly. Only Celestial Sea Villa can make him feel a little bit more like Crown Prince. If he loses, he can’t mix in the Imperial Palace.

“Do you really agree?” Ma Tianqiang was moved. Ma Tianhai’s mountain village had long wanted him, but only because Ma Tianhai had nothing at all, he did not dare not satisfied with small gains, otherwise he angered his Imperial Father. He is also not good at it.

If Ma Tianhai voluntarily gave it, then Ma Tianqiang was also justified.

“I agree, but… if he loses, I just exchange the mountain with you.” Ma Tianhai thought about it and said that even if Shen Xiang lost, he still had a place to live.

Shen Xiang glanced at Ma Tianhai without a good temper, and he had already made plans to lose. He was secretly stunned, and he should be laughed at by the waste Crown Prince.

“it is good!”

Ma Tianqiang laughed a few times and he was very satisfied. Now he has a long period of time from the time when he is enthroned. During this time, he can get the second largest Crown Prince in the Imperial Palace. It is very face-saving, and it can be stepped on again. A foot of Crown Prince.

“After ten days, I will try it on the battle platform of the Imperial Palace. If you don’t come, you will lose.” Ma Tianqiang looked haughty.

Ma Tianhai hastily left Shen Xiang and returned to his villa.

“He really promised… you have to fight with him. If you lose, my mountain village will be gone.” Ma Tianhai walked around the hall, very anxious: “Ma Tianqiang is among us. It is the strongest, do you really want to fight with him?”

Shen Xiang is speechless. Before this, the bear goods let him and Ma Tianqiang fight. If they win, they can get two dao creation saint stones. Now, Ma Tianqiang agrees, but this bear goods is very worried.

“It’s not that you are on the stage, what are you afraid of?” Shen Xiang coldly snorted: “What I am worried about now is that when I win, Ma Tianhai will do what?”

“This is definitely not going to be. He is a grand Prince. When he will be called by many people… Scorpio, when so many people come to watch the game, will you have a lot of pressure? When people look at it, I will be very nervous.” Ma Tianhai began to worry again.

Shen Xiang would like to stun the idiot. If such a guy can become the Emperor of Centaur, it is a shame of Centaur.

“You haven’t saved!” Shen Xiang shook his head. “Give me a quiet place, I have to be ready.”

Shen Xiang’s current opponent is Centaur. What kind of strength does Soul Demon have? He is not too clear now, but now he wants to step into the World Defying Sacred Realm middle stage. I don’t know if it will come, but can I still? Winning is hard to say, so he has to prepare for both hands.

Ma Tianhai arranged a secret room for Shen Xiang to let Shen Xiang practice inside.

“Ten days may not be enough for you to step into the World Defying Sacred Realm middle stage.” Su Maiyao said: “This we discussed, even with your Time Domain, it may be difficult, World Defying Sacred Realm will compare slow.”

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