Zhan Long

Chapter 1194: Fighting Windmill

Chapter 1194: Fighting Windmill

Until late at night, when we arrived at Shura World, the stars were now discolored. Shura World’s outer valley was a patch of red and on the mountain range were many players. Legend and Hero Mound’s 100 thousand strong army was on the ridge and none of them dared to push forwards. When I flew close I saw that those red dots were giant beasts. Level 220 level 8 Hybrid Demons. Logically speaking they shouldn’t be too hard to deal with so why did Hero Mound and Legend players stop here? even Legend, Prague and Appearance Alliance were here. Was there nothing they could do?


The little dragon daughter roared and we landed on the mountains. Fang Ge Que and Q-Sword were nearby and they brought the core players of their guilds over.

“What happened, why aren’t all of you entering?” I smiled and asked.

Fang Ge Que’s face was solemn, “Xiao Yao we aren’t as calm as you. Shura World’s outer canyon is too difficult to breakthrough. We have lost tens of thousands of members.”

“Tens of thousands?” I was stunned, “The Spirit Flower Bugs?”


Q-Sword pointed at the flame beasts up ahead, “It was because of these level 8 Hybrid Demons.”

I licked my lips, “Huh? They will explode?”

“Nope.” Fang Ge Que shook his head.

I smiled, “Then what are you afraid of, just go ahead and slice them!”

Enchanted Painting smiled, “Then why not Guild Leader Xiao Yao try?”

I looked at Li Mu, Wang Jian, Lin Wan Er and Dancing Forest and said, “Then I shall go try. Take a look, the best way to understand a monster is to attack them!”

The Zhan Long players nodded their heads.

Just in case, I used Icy Wings and flew down the mountain. Such an attack made Q-Sword and Enchanted Painting really envious. Icy Wings was a top skill that all close combat players wanted but only I had.


My swords came out of their sheaths as I charged over. I slashed three of them and the attack effect was decent. but the moment I attacked, the Flame Swallowing Beasts within 50 yards were all aggroed. They charged over with their fat bodies and before they got close they used their mouths to bite their tails and they rolled over. 70-80 fire wheels charged right at me!

“Peng peng peng…”

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It was as if I was swallowed by them and each time I suffered 10 thousand damage. In a blink of an eye, my health was about to disappear so I used Strength of a Thousand Men+Wind Carrying Slash along with a Double Hit. I triggered Butterfly’s effect twice and managed to regain my health. I also killed 7-8 of them but they continued to roar and formed a shockwave effect. While dealing damage to me it also drew in more of their brothers. Very quickly a hundred of them were rolling in the valley. From above, it looked like meteors striking the ground.

“Boss come back, don’t die!” Xue Rou said hurriedly. She saw that I couldn’t fight alone under such a circumstance.

It was hard to escape as the flame wheels weren’t much slower than me. I jumped up in the air and flew a few hundred meters up to drop aggro before heading towards the ridge.

I landed on the ground.

I panted and slapped off the flames on my shoulders. I also wiped off the blood on my sword.

“So now you understand how strong they are right?” Fang Ge Que smiled.

I nodded, “En they are really quick and they are probably 9 times faster than walking players. Even if I fly I might not be faster than them. They can form a trample effect and players won’t be able to block them. The more of us head down, the more we would lose.”


Q-Sword was impressed, “This is why only 1% of those that we sent down had returned and most of them died inside.”

I actually saw that there were many corpses and equipment on the ground but I didn’t bring myself to pick it up. I smiled, “Most of Zhan Long players are here so how are we planning to attack?”

Fang Ge Que said, “Q-Sword, Mu Xuan, Yan Zhao Warrior and I discussed. If we want to fight, we need to attack from different angles. The moment we come into contact with them we will lower their temperature!”

“Oh? How so?” I smiled and asked.

Fang Ge Que looked toward Dong Cheng Yue and said, “Using Cang Yue’s Aisha’s Staff. 120-second freeze for 1000 yards. We can use this 120 seconds to gain a footing and things will be much simpler.”

Dong Cheng Yue was stunned, “The canyon is so huge, I need to use it at the center. But they are so strong and I would definitely die.”

I said, “Don’t worry, I will bring you down. After tossing you down use your invincibility and then drink wine to recover rage value. Then use Ice Queen’s Rage.”

“Okay then.” She pouted at me, “If I die you need to take responsibility…”

I rolled my eyes, “The guild will naturally pay for your losses. I will pick up the equipment dropped too, don’t worry.”


Q-Sword, Lu Chunyang and Fang Ge Que were all speechless. It was rare for other guilds to tease their guild leaders like in Zhan Long.

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I continued to arrange Zhan Long’s battle formation. I focused on Li Meng Yao and Tang Heart to protect Dancing Forest. Dancing Forest was Zhan Long’s strategic weapon and her Sun Shooting Bow was so terrifying. I had to ensure that she could damage peacefully and become an unstoppable blade.

Lin Wan Er and Yue Qing Qian were both in charge of defending Dancing Forest. Zhan Long’s Furnace God Cavalry moved towards the eastern side of the ridge and prepared to charge down. When everyone was prepared, I brought Dong Cheng Yue up into the air. I let her go at the center of the ridge and she fell face first. Star light shone on her face and her eyes were filled with despair. She looked like a determined person falling into an abyss and she smiled, “Should we eat mala tang tonight?”

I nearly spat out blood.


The moment she landed, she activated her invincibility and then drank a jug of Celestial Brew. Her rage points grew and her body was covered in the invincible light. She ignored the monsters’ attacks and her staff was covered in frost. She waved forwards and a layer of frost spread out. Even I sensed the coldness. The flame wheels in the canyon were all extinguished.

Dong Cheng Yue kept her staff right away and raised her arms like she wanted a hug.

I dove down and hugged her before charging right at Zhan Long’s camp. At this moment, the players of the various guilds all charged down. They started to attack, taking the chance that the Flame Swallowing Beasts were in a frozen state. I let go of her right in front of the Furnace God Cavalries. There was nothing to fear and she raised her staff to send several large scale spells into the crowd.

Not far away, Dancing Forest was dealing damage. She had 20% health and it was obviously self-inflicted. Her attacks formed a blood shield that protected her so in truth her health upper limit was above her normal max. Sun Shooting Bow’s arrows had a blistering flame effect that lit up the area. Each arrow was like shooting out a sun. Dancing Forest’s attack speed was really high so many flame arrows hit the monsters and she could kill one of them every few seconds.

I landed on the ground and joined the Furnace God Cavalries. Li Mu, Wang Jian etc turned their dragons into land dragons and charged forwards with the cavalries. Zhan Long formed up. The Furnace God Cavalries had Flying General+Quickness to stun them so we stunned the Flame Swallowing Beasts along the way. This reduced the damage we took. Attack was the best form of defence and this was a theory that would never change.

120 seconds passed quickly and the Flame Swallowing Beasts all broke out of the ice. They bit their tails and started their flame wheel attacks once more. Most of the flame wheels in our direction were stunned so we were still okay. However, Legend, Hero Mound and Prague weren’t so lucky. They had to kill these flame wheels and they couldn’t retreat at all.

Thus, 200 thousand China players were risking our lives. Flame light surged into the sky and we were losing players at a quick rate. But we couldn’t think of any better idea.

“Wan Er, save Dancing Forest!” I glanced and saw dozens of them hitting the defence around Dancing Forest. As there was a penetrative effect, Meng Yao and Tang Heart’s blocking were useless.

Lin Wan Er was quick. She jumped off and used Crescent Moon Storm. Then she used City Shaking Dance to stun the flame wheels. She used Blade of the Death God to insta kill one before charging at the other.

As more and more of them appeared, she didn’t hesitate. She raised her blade and a golden light shone brightly. God Tier Skill– Igoras Strike!

Within 1000 yards, numerous silver souls descended from above and smashed into the crowd. This was Igoras’s soul and it lasted for 18 seconds. The moment it disappeared, Xue Rou raised Energy Returning Sword and used— Return of the energies!

This was a super heal skill and low health players within 1000 yards were back to full health.

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