33 Risen#re

Chapter 201 - 201 – Samsara’s Eyes Shine Once More 3

The ouroboros hung above Lirians head while shining directly on him casting a sacred light on Lirian the light changed to form a set of silver robes on Lirian that twinkled with silver light.

"Where were we?" Lirian asked coldly as he turned back to the pugilist, his voice like the death bells of hell calling the pugilist to the afterlife.

"That's right I was about to give you a gift," Lirian said with a smile as the elemental energies began to wrap around his arm.

Lirian imitated the movements of the pugilist perfectly then he proceeded and shaved off every last bit of wasted movement in the combat art honing it to perfection.

To the pugilist Lirian's movement looked more like the natural flow of the energies within the universe, with a simple move Lirian appeared to have become one with the elements of nature.

He could even feel the energy in Lirian's attack, it didn't even use a hundredth of the power he used to release it, yet it emanated such might that the pugilist found himself incapable of avoiding it.

"Sinking Star," Lirian shouted as he hooked his fist and smashed the pugilist with the power of earth and fire.

The pugilist felt surging waves of unparalleled power course through his body from the point of impact, it felt like his body was being stretched like a sling shot, the world became a blur as he felt his body shoot up like a rocket.

As he went up he could feel the fabric of the world splitting in his path as he continued to rapidly push through the atmosphere without showing any signs of slowing down.

The entire world went dark in his eyes then it returned to normal then it went dark again, the cycle went on for several time before the pugilist lost all his power and his mind went blank, without him actively trying to stop his body from breaking, his body splattered into pulp under the momentum.

Lirian looked up to the sky and had to admit that the technique he copied wasn't bad, if he had to guess he would say that the technique came from a gods trail ground, the technique was to profound for a mortal to come up with and any immortal who created such a technique would hold it close not sharing it with anyone.

'He must have got it by some lucky coincidence,' Lirian thought looking at the trail left behind by the pugilist.

The pugilist was hit so hard that he smashed space apart creating dozens of rips in the fabric of the world, every time he saw darkness it was because he entered a spatial tear, finally he cut through the atmospheric shell of the planet creating a hole in the atmosphere.

'Looks like I've already caused damage to this planet,' Lirian mused in satisfaction as the clouds and air began to rush towards the hole, the world resembled a balloon that had just been popped, but just a short while later the laws of the world came together and stitched up the hole returning stability to the world.

Lirian soared up into the sky with a feeling of dissatisfaction, he was happy with his power, but that little attack of his did nothing to quell the rage brewing inside him, he turned his focus back to his other selves in the throne world.

They were currently enduring the black madness that was burrowing in to their minds and shielding Lirian from its touch, if they didn't do anything it would have landed solely on Lirian, making it impossible for him to focus, in fact he'd be lucky to move while enduring it.

Seeing that the situation was still under control Lirian looked down, everything in sight was still covered in a dust cloud, Lirian spread his hands out and released a wave of energy that expanded outward in all directions sweeping the dust cloud away and returning visibility to the region.

In just a second Lirian spotted a group of three and he recognised the auras of the group.

One aura belonged to the warlock that created the shadow domain, the other belonged to the saint who was missing an arm and the last one, was one that pushed Lirian's killing intent to new hights.

When the pugilist attacked, they all ran as fast they could to get out of range of the attack, they felt like it was sure kill attack even they feared being hit directly by such an attack and they did not want to be anywhere near the centre of the explosion.

They regrouped in the dust cloud and waited for the pugilist to appear, but that was when they saw the apparition of the snake in the sky, its radiance was so great that even in the dust in which they could barely see each other they could clearly see the serpent in the sky clearly showing of its unfathomable might.

They couldn't help but feel a sense of impending doom as they saw the serpent, they gave up on running in the face of such a creature, that could swallow a world whole, what would running even accomplish.

The apparition was so lifelike, that they couldn't even see that the snake wasn't real, while filled with fear a sense of relief washed over them.

They knew that they were going to die at the end of their mission, but there were so many problems that came up, they were uncertain if Lirian truly died, and there were the elites from the family, if any off them returned alive it would spell big trouble for their masters.

But with such a monstrous creature looming over the world no one could possibly survive, everything would be written off as an accident, and no trouble would come to their master.

"The heavens are helping us, the heavens are on our side," Number 1 cried out with an emotional voice, zealots weren't supposed to have any emotions the only emotions they held was loyalty to their master.

Number 1's voice rang out with fanatical zeal as she repeated her words like a broken record, each time she said it her voice was filled with more conviction she was convinced that the heavens were aiding her master, if this wasn't a sign that her master was protected by the heavens then what was?

As Number 1 was lost in her fantasy of Telamon's greatness, the dust suddenly vanished, and a loud voice boomed in their ears, no not a single voice but many voices filled with maliciousness all resounding in unison.

"The heavens care only for itself!" as they heard the voices all of them turned around in disbelief, with their gazes fixed on a figure in a silver robe that hovered in the sky.

Number 1's eyes narrowed in disbelief as she saw Lirian looking down at her with killing intent that forced her to her knees and left her feeling powerless to move.

"H-h-h-ow?" she mouthed unable to even let out a sound, the killing intent was so stifling and she couldn't understand how it locked her in place, killing intent didn't have the power to do such a thing.

That's when Lirian let a bit of his aura leak out and understanding dawned in Number 1's eyes, she could tell that Lirian's cultivation was much lower than her own but the quality of his cultivation energy, was from a different world all together, it was power that didn't belong to the world of mortals.

But that was only the beginning of her shock because she could make out an aura identical to the serpent in sky radiating from Lirian.

The final thing that was gnawing on her mind was Lirian's ability to fly that was a power bestowed by the heavens onto those who reached the seventh grade, yet Lirian who was at the sixth grade was able to fly.

It was then that she understood, it was the opposite of her of earlier words, the heavens were not helping them, no the heavens were against them, completely against them.

"No this can't be right our master, is a great man chosen by the heavens to lead the civilization of Clovis on the right path," she cried out with a grievance filled voice.

"Telamon chosen?!" Lirian barked out in a crazed laughter mixed with anger, fury and ridicule.

"It's like a said earlier the heavens help no one but itself, and let's say for just a second that the heavens were to help someone, there is no way that it would help filth like Telamon," Lirian's words were like an decree filled with imposing might that made it impossible for Number 1 argue against.

"No, I refuse to except thi…" Number 1 started to say but Lirian's voice filled with killing intent cut her off.

"Shut up!" Lirian roared, it was taking all his will power not to smash her to pieces instantly, the only reason she wasn't dead yet was because she didn't deserve an easy death, so Lirian intended to break her mind before sending her on her way.

"Now then come at me!" Lirian ordered with his eyes blazing, the first step to breaking her mind was to thoroughly defeat her so he released her from his oppressive might and let her begin her assault.

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