33 Risen#re

Chapter 202 - 202 – Spells

"Now then come at me!" Lirian ordered with his eyes blazing, the first step to breaking her mind was to thoroughly defeat her so he released her from his oppressive might and let her begin her assault.

The more Number 1 learned of Lirian the less she felt she knew, it was a twisted kind of irony, she thought that he was just a brat with potential at the beginning but now she had to revaluate, she had heard him say that he used to be a god.

It was unbelievable to her but she felt like she had to treat his words as truth, nothing else would explain his ability to become a sixth grade cultivator, when just a few minutes ago he was a weak mortal that she could flatten with a thought.

Number one started to prepare her spells, she knew that this was going to be a tough fight so she turned to the other warlock and the saint, both of them were suffering from injuries, the warlock had his domain shattered and the saint was missing his arm but she needed them for this battle.

Just then two little balls of purple light no larger than a nail shaving drifted down from the sky and fell onto the two of them, a purple light filled their bodies and in moments both of them began to heal, the backlash of the warlock faded away and the saints arm started to regrow at rapid speed.

In the blink of an eye his arm was restored, but they were all startled as they turned to look at their healer it was Lirian.

In his palm they could see a ball of fire elemental energies, but the elemental energy seemed to have lost a lot of its power as it shrunk down in size.

"Fire holds the potential of absolute destruction, but it is also the element of life," Lirian said softly with a distant look in his eyes while holding onto the elemental energy but his words were filled with malice.

"What's the meaning of this?" they asked with strange looks in their eyes fearing that this was some strange ploy of Lirians.

To their words Lirian chuckled coldly, "Today I will teach you of despair, and I will ingrain the lesson in the depths of your souls never to be forgotten even in a million lives!" Lirian declared to them.

The meaning behind Lirian's words were clear to them, he felt that even with the three of them working together they would have no chance against him, it infuriated them, but then a smile filled their faces.

"Since you wish to die so badly, don't blame us for your own foolishness," the other warlock shouted and floated backwards, creating a formation with Number one and the saint.

The two warlocks stood in the back and the saint stood in the front to form a triangle formation.

"How basic," Lirian commented with disdain as the saint charged at him.

The sword of the saint lit up with yellow light as it streaked down, Lirian slowly extended a hand and the blades edge struck Lirian's palm.

But it failed to go through when Lirian caught the blade with his fingers, "A low level crushing law," Lirian spat, "Is that where your confidence comes from," Lirian spat with anger not even caring about the look of disbelief on the saints face, to Lirian the saint was no different from a country bumpkin so naturally he'd be unable to understand Lirian's abilities.

A crushing law was a law created by merging two other laws, suction and compression, a successful merge would create a crushing law, but it was a low-level crushing law for someone of the seventh grade to still have such a weak law was something to be looked down on.

Lirian stretched out his other hand to empty air, but as he did so powerful ripples were released into the air and the area began to distort until a ball of black shadow appeared only to pop like a bubble revealing a blue sword.

"Don't you know any other tricks?!" Lirian asked coldly the attack by Number 1 was identical to her surprise attack on Mallark.

Lirian cast a bored glance at the other warlock, who was pretending to use shadow laws to mask Number 1's attack, but Lirian knew that Number 1 was well verse in both shadow and frost laws.

"Hurry up and open your domain, it will be to boring if I kill your companions like this," Lirian said with impatience taking them by surprise, they were trying to make it look like their companion was using shadow laws to hide Number 1's attacks while he secretly set up his domain, but Lirian saw through their plan.

But worse than that Lirian didn't seem to care about their plans, his attitude simply showed how little he thought of them.

Without the need to hide it anymore the warlock acted openly increasing the speed of opening his domain while Number 1 looked up with anger filled eyes, she opened her hand and clenched it into a tight fist.

"Hump," Lirian snorted, "Did you think I wouldn't know about the others," Lirian said plainly, and a ring of silver light expanded all around him as a dozen more balls of shadow were revealed each holding an icy sword in them.

Number 1 one looked at the ring of silver light in disbelief as she realised that it was in fact a spell, the speciality of warlocks, as numerous lines and patterns formed she could tell with a glance that it was a spell that even the empire itself would spare no cost to obtain.

"Reality Warp," Lirian shouted and the world seemed to fragment in the area of the circle the only thing that remained clear was the dozen icy swords that hung in the air.

Then the space began to fold in on itself and the several icy swords started to look like illusory images in a mirror as they vanished from sight.

The silver ring disappeared and in its place the world looked just like it did before with the exception of one thing all the swords vanished with only one remaining, but Number 1 could feel the power being released by that sword, it seemed to hold the power of all the swords combined.

Each and every one of those swords had the power to kill seventh grade cultivators yet now all of that power was fused together, Number 1 knew that it was impossible for her to combine the power of just two of her sword let alone a dozen of them, but as she looked up a smile blossomed on her face.

"You fool thanks for the gift," she laughed mockingly as she extended her hand to control her sword, but then her face shrank as she tried to control the sword she felt that her connection was severed, and the sword released its icy aura trough her energy and into her body.

Number 1 fell to the ground and coughed frantically as she suppressed the effect of the sword, if not for her powerful control over frost laws she feared it would have killed her, and that was just from it releasing its aura, she couldn't imagine what would happen if the blade pierced her body, she suspected that even with her laws of frost she wouldn't be able to contend against it.

Lirian extended his free hand and grabbed the blade of the sword, its icy nature did nothing to him as he brandished it around to get a feel for it all whilst still holding onto the saint's sword.

Lirian didn't have any of his own laws to use in combat currently, so he used a spell instead, while Lirian knew he could beat them back with spells alone, he also wanted to torment them as much as possible, a victory through pure strength was not enough to satiate his rage, there had to be more to his victory, how else could he get vengeance for Edith.

"You fool thanks for the gift," Lirian mocked sending Number 1's words right back at her as he brandished the sword in her face Lirian's control of the sword was so flawless that it cut silence into the air but to Number 1 it was like cutting humiliation into her mind as her power was serving another.

Lirian turned back to the saint who was desperately putting pressure on his sword, as he tried to extract it from Lirian's grasp in vain.

"What's the opposite of crushing?" Lirian asked in an amused but scary tone.

The saint looked at him blankly, not seeing where Lirian's question was going.

"You people really are a bore," Lirian cursed when he got no reply after several second, "The answer is expansion."

"Reverse Polarity," Lirian chanted and a silver ring raced down Lirian's arm and through the sword, after seeing one of Lirian's spells earlier the saint dared not wait and released the sword immediately, but he was still too late as the silver ring entered his body.

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