33 Risen#re

Chapter 210 - 210 – Samsaric Vision

"Samsaric Vision," Lirian thought and peered into the fate string of Number 1.

It was like Lirian placed a key into a lock and the door slammed open, revealing a long corridor that stretched on seemingly forever, and the walls were filled with images, images of a baby girl, they showed the girl growing up until one day she started to attend the academy.

She was a girl of common birth, so she was picked on and bullied a lot, even more so because she was very talented, but there was just one person who made it bearable, it was the headmaster Telamon Dao.

As Lirian moved through the memories he saw that the girls name used to Alice, and she used to be in the same class as a prince candidate, and a very important one.

The prince candidate was the child of the empress so basically Lirian's elder brother, Lirian recognised him it was his mothers third son, he'd seen the portrait many times.

Alice used to report everything the prince did to Telamon, it was just like how Telamon was using Hinata.

As Lirian felt immersed in the memories a sudden blinding pain hit his eyes and Lirian pulled back, releasing the ability.

At first he was shocked thinking that Number 1 figured out how to resist the search but he quickly realised that it was his eyes, his eyes couldn't bare such usage.

"Run a diagnosis," Lirian ordered the system as he felt his vision go black for a few seconds.


[Conclusion, Samsaric Vision is the power of a god, it can only be used to a limited degree until godhood his achieved.]


[An effect of the Samsaric vision has been found, if used in conjunction with a fate string search, it will reduce the consumption of resources]

The system performed its task perfectly and in seconds Lirian got his answers.

He was a little disappointed, but it did make sense for his godly ability to only work properly when he became a god.

"Very well let's do this with the system," Lirian said and used it to do a fate string scan.

Number 1 held many secrets of Telamon which gave her fate string a very high value 150 trillion fate particle were required to perform the search, but due to his eyes the cost was reduced to 120 trillion fate particles.

Lirian still had over 900 trillion fate particles so it was more than enough to get the job done, once more he entered her fate string, but it wasn't as clear as the last time when he used his eyes to open it.

In just moments tons of information was revealed to Lirian and some of the things left even Lirian with shock, but the thing that made him the happiest was an object that Alice was carrying.

The calamity grade submission disc that Telamon used to control the students.

As Lirian looked at Alice she was having a wild fit, Lirian wasn't gentle at all with his search and it left her in a horrible state with foam and blood leaking from her seven orifices.

Lirian took a ring of her finger and in it he found the submission disc, Lirian let out a light chuckle as he dispelled a self-destruction mechanism placed on the disc in case it fell into the hands of an outsider.

"Oh, Telamon oh Telamon, this is what I call a gift," Lirian praised Telamon with a look of elation, because as he probed the disc he found that all the zealots were bound to it to.

There were only two problems that Lirian had left, in Alice's memories Lirian found that all the first accord zealots were not Telamons which meant that all of Efrideet's zealots died, and Telamon's zealots didn't know which power those other zealots belonged to, so it was useless to try getting a confession out of them.

The other problem was the people below, they had seen a lot, to much in fact.

"You can't kill them," Edith suddenly said to Lirian and grabbed onto his hand tightly.

"My mother is down there," Edith said.

Lirian was only planning to spare Anya, as for the zealots he could use the disc to command them to hide what they learnt, while it wouldn't hold for long it wouldn't matter because they were destined to die once the truth came out.

"Fine your mother and Anya get to live but I have to get rid of the rest," Lirian said seriously to Edith.

But Edith shook her head, "You used to be a god, don't you have some way to wipe their memories," she pleaded with Lirian, "They did come here to protect you," Edith reminded him.

"Ghhh," Lirian grunted in annoyance, "Edith its not impossible but the odds are low of it holding in the long term," Lirian complained he wanted to silence them, but he also wanted to let Edith have things go her way.

"Why won't it hold?" Edith asked curiously as she clung onto Lirian's arm with a happy smile on her face, she knew that Lirian would let her have her way.

"Because I created a very powerful and shocking memory in their minds, it's already affected their minds on a primal level, if I remove the memory they'll become dumb,"

"But lucky for them they received another shock that has imprinted itself in their heads at the same time that I shocked them," Lirian said pointing to the serpent that still loomed over the world.

"I'll rewrite their memories to make it seem like my apparition did all of this, but a small part of their minds already associate the serpent with me, that's why they might be able to see through the change eventually," Lirian said with a sigh.

As he spoke he prepared the spell and released it onto the elites, the spell immediately took effect and their eyes rolled back in their heads making all of them pass out, the only person who wasn't caught by the spell was Anya, but a different one entered her mind.

In it she saw the reality Lirian created, but it didn't affect her mind, because the entire time she could remember the true reality, in her head their were now two versions of all that happened, one was the version with Lirian and the serpent in the sky, the other one had only the serpent in it, in that version it was the serpent that caused all the destruction.

"Anya," she heard a voice from with the storm, it was a voice she recognised to be Lirian's, his voice had returned to its normal smooth and honeyed tone.

"Watch over all of them for a bit I'll come join all of you in a little bit," she heard Lirian's voice but she couldn't see through the raging storms to see Lirian.

Just then she saw hundreds of rings firing out of the sky and hitting people as it hit them they vanished, until finally one hit her.

Anya blinked and found herself on a lovely cruiser ship, she looked around in confusion until she saw, a muscular blonde-haired man sweating profusely while working with the controls of the ship.

"Alastor," Anya said in confusion as she recognised the man.

"Holy fucking hell," Alastor shouted as he jumped up in fright, and who wouldn't in his position, he was alone on the ship with no one else on board, then he suddenly felt a presence and it was Anya of all people, he still had a very profound impression of her from the last time she nearly beat him to death.

"What are you doing here?" Anya questioned sternly.

"You handed me Lirian's cruiser fleet controls and his instruction," Alastor pointed out and held the controller up, "Now tell me how you got on the ship?" Alastor question sceptically, but as he spoke several more rings opened up.

The elites fell through, then the surviving students started to hit the deck, in the end over 300 people appeared, which was a very small number, but those were all the survivors and even amongst them many were severely injured.

"What the hell is going on?" Alastor questioned Anya as people continued to fill up the ship.

"Let's sort out the injured first then I'll get to your questions?" Anya said in an annoyed tone, she was quite puzzled herself, with all that was happening and until Lirian returned she didn't even know what to say.

It was then that another ring opened up and she saw Lirian step through, in his arms he held onto Edith tightly, but with just a glance Anya could tell that the body was lifeless.

"Lirian," Anya called out to him, but he quickly brushed past her.

"Not now Anya," Lirian said through gritted teeth and Anya could tell that it was taking all of Lirian's effort to stop his voice from shaking.

Lirian cast a quick glance at Alastor and a silver ring of light hit his head, it was similar to the ones Lirian used to alter the memories of everyone, he obviously planted some stuff in Alastor's mind.

As Lirian walked passed them another ring opened up and the zealots all fell through it, they were unconscious at Anya's feet.

When she turned back to Lirian he had already left the control room walked down the corridor and out of sight, but she could still hear him, at that moment he was crying.

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