33 Risen#re

Chapter 211 - 211 – Aftermath

The world was hazy as Lirian looked around with tired eyes.

There were two figures in the centre of his vision, but they were hazy and difficult to make out, yet they looked so familiar.

"…with my power maybe it might be possible," one of the figures was saying an edge of desperation was mixed into his voice.

'That voice it's so familiar,' Lirian couldn't help feeling that there was something familiar about the voice.

"I'll burn it all, everything that I have, it might just work," the voice said desperately, but there was an edge of hope in the voice.

Lirian looked around and the haze started to vanish, 'Oh right that was me,' Lirian realised with clarity returning to his mind.

But as the haze disappeared so did everything else even the two figures faded away, then Lirian's eyes opened a creak.

Lirian was lying in bed under his sheets, he climbed up and took in the sight of the master bedroom, from within it no one would think that they were on a spaceship.

It resembled a luxurious suite at a glance and there were even windows on the ship, through the windows Lirian could see a vast misty mountain range, he knew that it was just a projection but it was extremely life like.

Everyday the view would change to some other wonderful view, Lirian spent most of the past week starring into those projections, it was the only thing with the ability to distract his mind other than wine and Anya had tossed out everything that was on the ship after she saw how much Lirian had been drinking.

Lirian rolled out of bed with mighty effort, in truth he just wanted to stay there and not move, but then he'd be breaking his promise to her, at the end she told him that he had to live a long life and do everything in his power to be happy.

Lirian rubbed his eyes and grunted as he recalled the dream, that same dream kept replaying in his head every time he shut his eyes, it was his eternal nightmare.

Lirian stumbled over to a couch and fell into it, if you asked anyone else they would say that it stank, but Lirian didn't care he desperate breathed in the stench, it was left there by her.

Lirian had been refusing to let anyone take her body away for days, but in the night prior Anya came in with Milan and forcibly took Edith's body away because it was starting to deteriorate and rot.

Lirian was powerless to stop them, not long after they got on the ship his power faded away, and with every passing moment Lirian could feel the light in his eyes being sealed away.

"How long until my blindness returns," Lirian asked the system.


After a short while passed there was no reply, that was when Lirian looked to the system again and remembered that all its resources had been spent including his own.

[Fate Particles: 1]

That was all that remained without it the system would have gone completely blank, he burned it all, but his wish was not answered his final attempt to save her ended in failure.

Not even the system had the ability to analyse and understand Samsaric power.

A full hour passed before Lirian pulled himself up and went to the window to gaze at the misty mountains, there wasn't much time left before his eyes went dark again so he was taking in the view.

Eventually Lirian entered the closet in his room and pulled out a set of formal attire, black pants a white shirt and a black blazer.

Lirian got dress but left his shirt untucked and his blazer was left open, he was never one to care about looking to presentable, then he put his gold earing in place letting it dangle from his ear lastly he placed the blindfold over his eye's.

He didn't have his power anymore so there was no more memory altering that he could do, so he had to keep up his appearance as a blind man, he'd be one again by the time they reached Xelia anyway.

Lirian strolled through the metallic corridors of the ship, there was over a three hundred people on board but on a cruiser this size the number was negligible.

Even when Lirian walked past, no one seemed to care to greet or start up a conversation, it was to Lirian's satisfaction, he didn't have the energy to make any small talk, and that sentiment held true for everyone else.

They had all lost too much, out of 3000 students just a little over 200 remained, the events of that world still lingered in their minds, giving them trauma that children their age should have never had to face.

Such events can shake the hearts of those with iron wills let alone children that have been sheltered from war and suffering their entire lives.

Lirian made his way down into the cargo hold and after a while of searching for any remaining alcohol Lirian gave up on that thought and opened the door to a room that wasn't too far away.

When Lirian stepped inside he felt the presence of two others, it was Tobias and Media, they'd come to do the same thing as Lirian, they spent most of their time in this room since they got on the ship.

Lirian walked towards a pair of capsules' without saying a word to them, in the past few days none of them said much of anything to each other, most of their time was spent paying their respects to the corpse's that were in the capsules.

"I heard from a doctor that Cole might pull through!" Media suddenly said after hours had passed in silence.

"Mmmh," Tobias sounded in agreement, "I also heard that due his injuries coming from some zealot the families might agree to let him have a new arm, those injuries weren't because of any fault of his own, nor his own inability!"

"Lirian you have to tell the empress to push for Cole's healing, with her say it will happen in an instant," Media said to Lirian with a little happiness in her voice, it was probably the only good news that they got since the expedition begun.

"I'm surprised that you still know how to care for your fellow candidates," Lirian snapped his head at Media and spat coldly.

Media's eyes immediately shrunk as she looked at Lirian but she forced herself to remain calm and said, "I know that you're hurting Lirian but there is no need to take it out on me, we are on the same side," Media said tactfully.

"You really are a sly one," Lirian cursed at Media when he read Alice's fate string he found the power that sold the information to Telamon about people investigating him, it was the Enchantia family, Media's family.

It was because of her that Wentian was targeted specifically by the zealots, she was the one that sold him out, and the only reason there was anything to be sold was because Wentian tried to help him.

It was another person whose death Lirian could credit to his name.

Tobias looked between the two of them and sighed, he didn't know what Lirian was going on about but in the past few days he felt like he didn't understand Lirian at all.

It was like Edith's death snapped something inside of him and he was lashing out at everyone around him.

"Stop trying to pin the blame on Media," Tobias said to Lirian, "I think that we all know who the main person responsible for this catastrophe is, but you don't see us pointing any blame," Tobias said to Lirian dryly.

It didn't take a genius to understand the underlying meaning of Tobias's words.

Lirian immediately frowned at him, it was true that he was the reason for the zealots attack, but it wasn't like he intended to harm them, it was different from Media who sold out a comrade for profit.

But Lirian didn't care to justify his actions he let out a dry chuckle and spoke to Tobias, "Defend her if you will, but if I were you I'd watch out for daggers in my back," Lirian spat coldly and walked to the door, but before he left he turned to Media.

"You know what you did so in the future, when I walk down a corridor, I best not so much as hear a single breath coming out of your mouth," Lirian threatened, "The only reason you are still alive is because of our past friendship," Lirian turned around with those words and walked out the doors, with that he cut of all ties with Media.

Media sunk to the ground with her legs gone weak, she felt Lirian's killing intent on her and it was the real deal, it was even more devastating than that time he used it against that foolish candidate Indra.

Media felt like she had seen her death, just then she turned to see Tobias gently running his hand against Edith's capsule, "Look at us, you've only been gone a few a days and all you've strived to build is already falling apart," Tobias muttered with a grievance filled voice.

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