33 Risen#re

Chapter 237 - 003 – Prologue 1: God Realm 3

The four gods all went silent upon hearing Odin, they knew that he wasn't joking around, and that he was serious about crossing into the other plain, but it came with a fair share of risk.

It was something that the other gods had frequently discussed, but they didn't have the means to cross plains, which was the first hurdle, and then there was the risk factor of going to another plain without having any knowledge about it.

The searches done on the plain invaders were always unfruitful, so their knowledge on the other plain was abysmally small, what they had just learned was probably the greatest leap in intel they got, and it was almost negligible.

When compared to the plain invaders, that targeted their plain from the time the boundaries of the plain weakened and gathered intel about them, they were at severe disadvantage in this war.

The gods carefully considered before coming to a decision, "If you have a way to get there then I'm in," Poseidon said firmly, and the other gods echoed similar sentiments.

"I just want to know why none of your subordinates are here?" Hades asked warily, Odin had a very large power behind him, so it stood to reason that he should have gotten them on board first.

"Don't tell me you're trying use us as sacrifices for your plans?" she asked warily and prepared to flee at any moment.

"Kekekeke," Odin suddenly laughed manically, "Thor will be the only one from my organisation joining us, but he is currently retrieving someone that we desperately need to carry out our operation," Odin explained putting her worries at ease.

"Our group needs to be small but powerful and adaptive, which is why I asked all of you to come with me, and since all of us are from different groups our organisations won't be able to take advantage of each-other, due to a power vacuum."

"The other gods are not going to be to happy when they learn about this," Azazel muttered aloud.

The gods seemed to believe that trying to cross the plains was a bad idea, they kept going on about how attempting to cross the plains would split the power they had at hand and make it easier for the invaders to beat them.

"The old gods are a bunch of narrow minded fools," Odin said, he knew better than anyone that knowledge was where power truly lay, with enough knowledge about the invaders he was certain that he could turn the tide of the battle.

But most importantly Odin could feel an attraction to the other world, he had pushed himself infinitely close to reaching the third grade but he knew that this was his limit.

He needed answers to break that barrier, and he believed that the answers lay in the other plain, if he was successful, he would become the second third grade god.

It would give their plain a better chance at survival, in the war and there was one other thing, it was like Azazel had said to Hades about assimilating people from the other plain when they were compatible, if they could selectively find, kill ,and assimilate people of the other plain, it would drastically increase their combat power in a very short period of time.

Even if their search for intel ended in failure, if they could significantly power up, it would make a complete world of difference in the battle.

The main reason he chose this particular group was because he believed that they had the potential to break the barrier of the second grade, it was his back-up plan, but in the end of the day it was all one big gamble.

Odin suddenly took to the sky and the other gods all followed after him with purpose, they did agree with his sentiment about the gods being fools, in any war it was obvious that the side who understands his enemy better would win.

But the gods had been spooked especially after the last battle, when the invaders made their push with three existences that held a power on the same level as a third grade god, if not for Adolins arrival, even if they won they would have lost to much to be able to consider it a victory.

They headed for the battlefield, it was close to the void tear that connected the other plain to their own and as they got close they were taken aback by the darkness that engulfed everything.

"This is the aftermath of Adolins battle," Poseidon said calmly, over a thousand star zones were swept from the skies, every world every star all of it was turned into nothing.

Even the bodies of the fallen were not spared that fate, such was the power of a third-grade god, it left a big gapping hole of nothing, that was unfathomable.

"There is no time to bother with this, we need to reach that void tear," Odin said to them and continued to make his way into the empty place, it didn't take long for them to draw close to the place.

It was a big black cut in the skin of the universe with an eery red aura that lingered within and around it they could see structures being built and numerous people from the other plain all working endlessly as they built new structures or restored old ones.

"They sure do work fast," Hades commented seeing that the invaders base seemed almost as good as new, when the battle had only just finished a few days ago.

"The damage to their base wasn't all that bad, their leaders were determined to protect it even when they were being beaten back,"

"Leaders?" Odin snorted, "Those three are just the small fry amongst their third grade god equivalents," he said knowingly.

It was basic strategy, even if you play a strong hand at the start, you never put your aces in the first battle, your aces come later when the main battle begins.

"I'm glad to see that your brain hasn't grown dull with age brat," a ripple appeared besides the group and two people came walking out of the ripple.

The gods all recognised one of the two it was a big burly man that looked like he ate muscles for breakfast lunch and dinner every day of his life Thor, Odin's third in command, as for the other they could instantly tell that he was a very powerful god on the same level as Odin but they didn't recognise him.

He had a misty blue aura that surrounded him, it wouldn't be wrong to say that his body seemed to be made of the misty blue substance, and his eyes were pitch black with no other colour visible in them, and short blue hairs filled his head.

"Lord Baylord," Odin said stepping forward and giving the man a bear hug, that was uncharacteristic of him, it showed that he had a very deep relationship with the man who had just called him a brat.

"Lord Baylord?!" the gods said in surprise looking at the newcomer, "You're the void overlord?" they asked in surprise.

They all knew of Lord Baylord's name naturally, he was one of the oldest gods in existence and a very elusive god at that, it was said that he almost always remains in the void, and rarely returned to the plain.

For most gods traveling through the void was dangerous, it was impossible to restore ones power, and one had to constantly use their power to fend of the erosion of the void, even gods couldn't last for more than a few years within the void before being forced to return to the plain.

The exception to the rule was none other than the god before them who learned the mysteries of the void and based his esper technique around the void, which allowed him to live within the void.

Due to that he rarely ever returned to the plain and very few of the gods had ever met him, but they all had heard of his name.

"Thor has informed me about your plan, in truth I had just returned not long ago and was planning to do the same thing once I learned how serious the situation is," Baylord said getting straight to the point he wasn't much of a people person to begin with, so he was very direct.

"I can take all of you with me, but be warned we'll be gone for quite some time and that is before we arrive, the journey through their tunnel could take a few hundred years if we are lucky or a few thousand years if we aren't,"

"Why not just make a path through the void directly to their plain?" Michael asked, it seemed much safer than using their tunnel which would also very likely lead them directly into enemy territory.

"Because I have no clue where their plain is, and to blindly search in the void is just a waste of time, I've only discovered a handful of plains in my searches over all these years," Baylord explained.

"Okay one last question," Michael said, "If we die in the other plain will we be able to revive from our embryo's?" she asked a question that all the other gods were a little too scared to ask.

"No idea," Baylord answered and sucked them all into his body, his body had its own world within then he set his two pitch black eyes onto the void tear.

"Elysium Plain here I come," he muttered softly as he penetrated the tear.

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