33 Risen#re

Chapter 238 - 004 – Prologue 2: Arthur, Quaria And The Hateful Little Wisp

Lucian was bound by the power of the mysterious entity, when he finally saw his main body give up on committing suicide he breathed out in relief.

"See there was no need for you to get involved," the mysterious entity said to him in a knowing voice.

Lucian felt the constraints loosening slightly and slowly turned to the entity, "You say that as if you knew the outcome, but that is a fate conflux it's impossible to kno…"

"Impossible for you to know, not impossible for me Lucian," the entity said, "Now Katerina," the entity said.

Lucian's eyes widened as he turned to look at what Katerina was doing, but with the suppression still acting on him it took him a while to turn around.

By the time Lucian turned around the gate through which they were observing Lirian had vanished, but he could see an object being held in Katerina's hands, a long metallic blue katana was held firmly in her hands.

It released torrents of lightning at Katerina as she held it, but the fate strings around her seemed to consume the lightning like it was a thirst-quenching drink.

"You did all of that to get the blade?" Lucian asked in surprise.

"It's a special blade," Katerina said while frowning and released the blade from her grasp, she was a peek immortal so naturally the blade was unable to do anything to her, but she found that despite her power she was unable to perform a forceful submission when she held the blade in her hands.

She could feel the blade humming it seemed to be saying that she did not compare to its master.

Katerina was a very old monster, so naturally her skill with weapons was top-notch, but due to her path as a diviner which forbade her from engaging in any real combat, it was only natural that any weapon would be useless in her hands.

Katerina approached the steps and carefully placed her gorgeous bare feet on the steps, when it was just an inch away from the steps, the fate strings rushed between her feet and the ground, it wouldn't allow anything to desecrate her sacred body.

"Great one," she said and presented the sword to the entity, but it seemed that the entity had no intention to take the blade.

"Return it to it's owner," the entity said and Katerina had a perplexed look in her eyes as she turned around, wondering what was the point of retrieving it if she was simply going to return it, the 'Fate Rewrite' technique wasn't a difficult technique, but it did use up a lot of fate particles which she was extremely low on currently.

But that's when her cold blue eyes landed on Lucian and realisation struck her, he was technically also the owner of the blade.

"Hump," she snorted and tossed the blade to Lucian, she couldn't believe that the last of her fate particles were used to help him.

Lucian extended his hand out instinctively and caught the blade from the air, it stopped releasing the lightning immediately, and after a brief moment of resistance it accepted him as its master.

Lucian could feel that the blade was feeling confused, in his hands, it only wanted to serve one master and that was Lirian, and it had no choice when Hinata picked it up.

But in his hands the blade was getting a vague sense of its master which is what left it in such a confused state.

Lucian didn't blame the blade for being confused, the method that was used for him to split him self was one that not even gods would be able see through, the uniqueness of the ethereal revival embryo was it's ability to give each version of himself their unique aura.

Despite being fundamentally one person, they were all unique existences, it was confusing even for Lucian to think about and he knew the details that made their existence possible, so he could only imagine the confusion of the katana that was still developing its awareness.

"What exactly is it that you want me to do?" Lucian asked the entity, he knew that there was no such thing as a free lunch, the entity had already set up a few things in his path and now it gave him the katana, it was definitely up to something.

"How would you like to experience what its like to stand at the centre of a nexus?" the entity asked in an enticing voice.

"A nexus!" Lucian cried aloud "That's impo…" but he suddenly froze as a thought struck him.

The conditions to create a nexus was to have fate and time work together, something that was deemed impossible by himself after countless attempts, but he had just spent the better part of 3 years in a place that held such conditions.

"Then the script," Lucian muttered absentmindedly.

"Is your paradox and guide," the entity finished for Lucian as if it could read his thoughts.

Lucian also thought back to what that version of Edith had said about the nexus's, there were two, one made by him in the future and one that was made around the six civilizations, he also came to realise that the only reason he could see the temporal time laws around Edith was because the entity wanted him to see it.

The more he thought of it the more unfathomable he thought the entity was, it knew so many things and could do so many things that even he had a hard time grasping, he didn't know if he was working with an enemy or a friend.

"What if I refuse?" Lucian asked as he fell into thought.

"That is an option," the entity said, "But I think you already explained the consequences pretty well to the lovely Morgana Pendragon,"

"This entire six civilizations will vanish, the influence they had over the entire plain will also disappear, but on the bright side there is a chance that the lover your main body took will not die and live her life to become a god, just like you saw," the entity said in an amused tone.

Lucian suddenly smiled wryly he could tell that the entity was lying, since the nexus was already made, the consequences of it being undone would be a disaster like no other.

The immediate destruction of the plain was a very likely consequence and given how weak the plain was, Lucian realised that his choice was just a delusion, he had to fulfil the conditions of the nexus and it was like the entity said the script would be his guide to ensure that all things went smoothly.

Lucian processed a bit of the knowledge from the script and with it he realised that Katerina was a necessary part, but he looked at her hesitantly.

"Is there anyway to ensure that, that extremely annoying trade mark of all the eternals doesn't activate with her?" he asked, the eternals were a special bunch that reincarnated within the 33 Neather Plains endlessly just like him.

They were a bunch that were completely immune to the curse so when he had first discovered one he had become a near fanatical believer of that eternal, his name was Vincent, he had devoted his everything to the one person who accepted him for the first time ever.

But the eternals had their own little twist, the reason the curse didn't affect them was because they had a special purpose in turning his life into a living hell, the first step was making him feel accepted by them as they earned his trust and when that was all said and done, it was like the eternals had a personality shift.

Where they would do a one eighty and completely break him, they'd betray his trust and do everything in their power to give him the most miserable of deaths, if someone wanted to know where he developed his trust issues, then look no further the eternals were the reason.

Lirian learned much later that it was an impulse built into their souls which they could not help but obey, even if they supressed it the desire only grew stronger over time.

Being in his presence was the same as putting a thick and saucy steak in front of a starving man and telling him not to eat, sooner or later the starving man would cave and eat, it was just a matter of time.

"I've taken measures but try not to spend too much time together," the entity said and turned to Katerina the blue mist suddenly engulfed her and when she was released her cultivation had been altered, she was no longer an immortal.

If she remained as one, it would have been impossible to go down into the mortal realm, and she was already prepared for it, "It's time to go," Lucian said while waving the katana around.

"Wait," a sweet and childish voice yelled, "I'm coming with you, and I won't be taking no for an answer," Lucian turned to see a little ball of light glowing brightly with excitement as two little arms of light took form and grabbed onto his clothes with a haughty attitude.

And so, the journey of Arthur Pendragon, Quaria, and a hateful little wisp began.

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