33 Risen#re

Chapter 239 - 005 – Prologue 3: The Road To Nebula 1

The entity reached out from the throne and the converging laws of time and fate interweaved creating a gate that radiated a, an ethereal purple glow.

Without any hesitation the trio moved into the gate and vanished.

Not a second passed before a man emerged walking through the gate that had just been opened.

The man was geared in a layer of exquisite armour and two shoulder guards that supported a thick and heavy crimson cape that flowed to his feet.

The man was big in size and he had a thick mane of crimson red hair that almost reached his knees and two thick bundles of his crimson mane draped over his shoulders and fell on his chest plate.

There were however two note worthy things about the man, his aura was causing even this place in the immortal realm to shake, but he did not have the power of an immortal no he had the power of a seventh grade mortal, yet his aura was bottomless.

The other note worthy thing was his eyes, they were two fierce grey draconic eyes, that would make anyone run in terror should the mans eyes land on them.

"So, you've returned Lucian or should I say Arthur Pendragon," the entity said and took a glance, Lucian still looked very similar to his old self, but several wrinkles had etched themselves to his eyes and his brows were tight with burdensome weight.

Lucian paid no heed to the entities words as he entered into the throne room, he walked quickly to one of the walls and placed a hand on it, as he did a capsule emerged and floated into his hand.

As the capsule opened up, he pulled out a little wisp of light that was on the verge of going out, and with gentle hands he placed it into the capsule.

"Papa," a little voice said weakly and a little tendril of light extended to gently caress his face, "I'm happy, you know, that we had all those adventures together," the voice was feeble and weak, Lucian trembled as he heard it.

"Just hang in there little one, I've found the way to save you," he muttered and sealed of the capsule, they'd been gone for a very long time too long for her soul to hold out.

"I know that she's alive," Lucian said turning to the entity, "Send me to her," his voice boomed with power as he spoke.

"Do you not wish to wait for your wife?" the entity asked in an amused tone.

A complicated light entered into Lucian's eyes as he shook his head, "We already said our good byes, and when she returns from the immortal realm she'll likely be ready to become a god, this can't wait," Lucian said in a rush.

"Very well," the entity said and waved his power onto Lucian, and Lucian suddenly vanished from the spot.


Hinata lay against the tree trunk, it's not like she had much of a choice anyway, her legs were just in front of her but the weren't attached to her body anymore.

They were right within reach, but funnily enough her hands were gone too, they were beside her severed legs.

And a katana was holding her limbless body in place, making her dangle from the tree, she didn't know how she was still awake or alive for that matter.

She'd lost so much blood already, and everything in her surroundings was destroyed somehow just the tree she was pinned too remained firm and upright not even swaying to the winds or battles taking place around her.

Some would call her lucky she imagined, all this death and destruction and she was alive, but she didn't want to be alive, she wanted to cry, but well her body was almost all out of liquids, so crying was of the tables.

Everything that happened just kept replaying in her head, she had the advantage yet she lost, she lost in so many more ways than just one.

Telamon was treating her as a servant and making her obey his commands unknowingly, she had been brain washed like a foolish girl, she didn't know why she believed Lirian, but she just did she couldn't explain it, she only knew that what he said was the truth.

It made her question everything, was her faith in Telamon something he planted in her or was it her own admiration, was anything real or was it all fake she didn't know.

She only knew that she was played with by the schemes of noble, 'damn bastard nobles' that always made her life hell, but it was all okay she was going to die now, she could see it the lightning that covered the sky, the great serpent that threated to consume all and the magma that had just devoured her severed limbs.

All three were calamities that she was stuck in the middle of so naturally one of them would kill her.

Suddenly a feeling of weightlessness took her and she fell to the ground in surprise, when she looked down the katana was gone and she was on the ground, she didn't know what happened but she was thankful for it, now she didn't have to wait, she could feel the bubbling heat of the magma, it was just inches away from her any second now it would devour her alive.

But then white strings suddenly appeared from nowhere and wrapped itself around her, she blinked in surprise as she was somewhere else entirely.

A cool breeze swept over her as she slumped down in the grass, she couldn't move much but she could hear the sound of crashing water smashing against rocks and the salty smell of the sea entered her nostrils.

She raised her head slightly to see that she was at the top of a very tall cliff and she could vaguely make out the ocean covering everything in sight, then she blinked again and suddenly a person was there perched at the top of the cliff.

The winds lifted his thick red cape and made it lap wildly, but oddly enough the person's hair remained unmoving as he continued peering into the endless sea's as if he could see the corals and fish at it's depths.

The thing that drew her eyes the most was the weapon he held, his two hands were wrapped around the pommel and extended down into the cliff tops, but every second the form of the weapon seemed to change, from sword to axe to spear and more.

It was just like the sword from the stories, the weapon of Arthur Pendragon, Excalibur.

"Kill me," however Hinata had already accepted that she was going to die, and what was the point of living if she was going to be a cripple, better to die than become someone's burden.

"I have been waiting for so long to meet you, why would I kill you when we've only just met," the man said from the peak of the cliff.

"Let me ask you a question girl, what is it that you wish for?" Hinata felt her body shake as the man turned to face her revealing that piercing gaze, as she looked into his eyes, she could see the will a warrior the greatest of warriors, the will of a god, who stood above all other gods, it was oddly reminiscent of someone she knew.

Hinata didn't want to get her hopes up, she didn't want to believe that she could be saved, out of the fear that would all just be a lie one final trick by fate to get her hopes up before killing her, but under that mans gaze she felt like she could tell no lie.

"M-m-m-my hands and legs," she snivelled with hopeful eyes that were tinged with fear, fear that she was making a mistake.

"Hump," the man snorted coldly, "I offer you anything in the universe and you ask for me to perform a parlour trick," the mans deep and powerful voice boomed with anger that made Hinata shudder.

"Girl I ask you again, what do you wish to get out of this forsaken world?" Hinata felt like she was being pressed into the ground and the man's gaze seemed unending those two draconic eyes seemed to gaze upon her from all angles piercing into her soul to reveal her secrets.

"I want to become empress," she cried out, "I want to destroy the system of the nobles," she cried with righteous anger, but she seemed to hesitate to say any more as if anything more would just be her dream.

"Well out with it girl, I can see your final wish, but unless you say it I will not help you achieve any of them," the man said with a cold smirk.

"And…" she took a breath to stabilised herself as she yelled out the last desire within her heart, "I want to crush Lirian, I want to burn all that he loves, and make him regret ever being born before giving him a miserable death!" she said.

"Good," the man said in twisted and satisfied voice, "That I can grant you, but is that the limits of your ambitions, to become the empress of some puny mortal realm,"

"Won't you rather become a god?" the man asked with his eyes a flame.

But Hinata shook her head, "That will be enough for me," she said, she understood why she failed it was because she wanted to much last time, and she was done blindly trusting in people, if she could gain power she'd do what she had to but she would never blindly trust ever again.

"Oh," the man said coldly, "Sadly if that is the limits of your ambition you will never be able to kill the one you call Lirian," the man said with a smile.

"You know Lirian?" Hinata asked in surprise.

"Of course I do," the man said with widened eyes, "If you want to beat him, then you must first know who he is,"

"His real name is Samsara and he is a god, an old god, a lost god but most importantly the most powerful god of all" he said locking eyes with her as he revealed a truth to her that she would have never thought possible, but upon hearing it, it was like all the pieces in her head shifted into place, and she understood what made Lirian so special.

"The heavens have granted you a gift like no other, your talent is miserably pathetic, no where close to what is required, but the heavens have brought us together for a reason, so that I can reforge you through the path of the stone heart, so tell me girl are you willing to walk the road of gods?"

A look of resolution filled her eyes, "Yes," she cried out with determination.

"Then climb up here in your current state or you can forget about getting your hands and legs back?" the man said coldly and turned back to look at the tides, he began to hum a song softly, but it still reached Hinata's ears, it was somewhat familiar, but she couldn't remember where she heard it, she only knew that it was a sad song that made her wish to weep.

Hinata started to crawl up the little slope, it wasn't very far that she had to climb but every movement made her feel like she was going to breathe her last breath.

She had only her stumps, no fingers to grip and pull herself on, no toes to press into the ground to propel herself forward, it was only her stumps that still leaked what little blood remained in her body, and every little move felt like it would bring her death.

She couldn't explain it but she strongly believed that the man could grant her every wish, so somehow she steeled her determination and crawled and rolled until she reached the top, it took her hours to accomplish what an ordinary person could do in a minute, but she finally made it.

"Good, you have will power at least," the man said and reached out with his hand to grab her.

As his hand grew closer Hinata saw a myriad of objects appearing the world and strange circles filled with power, when the mans hand reached her she let out a shrill scream of pain and agony before passing out.

When Hinata awoke she moved her body in disbelief, she was sore, but her hand and legs had returned, but most importantly her body was bursting with energy, it was like she had a new body altogether, even the world looked different in her eyes, it was like a purple glow had tinged the world, it was magical.

But she quickly noticed that her cultivation was gone, she climbed in a panic and found the man still standing there with his sword in the ground and his cape fluttering in the wind, it was like he hadn't move an inch at all.

"My cultivation, what happened to it?" she asked, she was going to yell at first, but when she thought back to all that man had done so far she dared not speak rashly.

"That rubbish was not cultivation," the man said plainly, "You should be well aware of what real power is after what you experienced, and you should understand that the rubbish they gave you in the academy will not aide you in the slightest,"

"My body what did you do to it?" she asked because despite her lack of cultivation she could feel her body bursting with power.

"Congratulations on obtaining a divine body," the man said in a bored tone, and threw Hinata a mirror.

Hinata's heart was beating in excitement, at what she heard and as she looked into the mirror she was taken aback, she had always been a little pretty, it's why some of the noble boys gave her attention, but now she was a complete beauty.

Her skin had a lovely olive glow to it and her black eyes now had a purple ring around it, and her face had become refined and eloquent, it was the dream of any girl.

She smiled brightly as she turned to the man in red, "Good sir how do I address you?" she asked happily.

"To the world I am merely a legend and I must remain that way," he said, "But from now on you will address me as master, now come there is a place we must go to for your training," he said motioning for her to come closer.

Hinata happily obliged, with her new body she felt that she could take on the world, "Master where are we going?" she asked in anticipation.

"A world that probably only you have enough luck to survive, it's a very dangerous world, but it's the only way to make you strong fast enough to kill Samsara, the great civilizations call it Nebula-7," he said as he opened up a portal.

"Master you seem to know why I want to kill Lirian, but why do you want him dead?" she asked, she was grateful for all he had done but she still didn't know if she could trust him.

"Because," her master said with a heavy look in his eyes, "If I am to live Samsara must die."

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