With a ray of hope and a feather of confidence on her head, Ruth walked on the streets of Vincardine along with Zoe, who kept grumbling now and then.

They left behind Mr Cooper's shop and took a right turn. Not long after, they were already at the main square of Vincardine. A place that was not less than a sanctum for the residents.

Ruth had rarely stepped on this ground as she had nothing to do in that elite part of the town before. Now it seemed that she needed to walk this path on the regular basis.

You may call it overconfidence, but Ruth had already started spinning her future and how she was going to work for Harold Davies and then eventually everything would fall back in place.

Before looking for the building, she paused for a while to look at the grand beauty, that was placed right in the centre of the square.

The statue of the great originator- George Sr. O'Dell. She had seen that statue in her initial days in Vincardine. And the non-living thing never failed to amaze her as if the man was alive and was trying to communicate with her.

She always felt different around that statue. Not strange but... just different... in a good way- that was what she assumed.

Admiring the art for some more minutes, she heard Zoe's voice.

"Oh, yes. We should get going now." Ruth smiled at Zoe.

But her cat ignored her and started walking ahead of her as if she knew the destination. Walking a couple of steps, Zoe realised that and slowed down her pace to let Ruth catch up with her.

Ruth also did not know the location of the exact building. She looked around her at multiple buildings that stood tall. She recalled her coworker saying that it was new construction and it is right in the main square.

She searched for a structure that looked newer than the rest and found one to her left.

"I think that is the one." She said to Zoe.

Zoe mewed in agreement, and they both started walking towards the establishment.

It was a three-storeyed building with large windows that gave out nothing of the insides. Ruth wondered that they were more for the show than for the ventilation and allow the natural light to enter the building.

As she neared the building, the structure increased its size like a cute looking animal turns itself into a giant. The feather of confidence started shrinking with every step.

Ruth had never been to such a place. Even though she had been to 'the great manor' three times, she had never got an opportunity to enter the building. So, technically it would be her first time stepping inside such a place if she was allowed.

She saw two men guarding the front door. They noticed her walking their way, and Ruth felt nervous under their passive gazes.

"G-good morning!" She stuttered nearing the men.

"Good morning madam. How may I help you?"

Ruth relaxed a bit. At least the guard is polite, unlike the one at the front gate of 'the great manor'.

"I heard that they need a cleaner to take care of the building. I... I would like to know more about it." She said.

"Yes. Please walk straight and ask for Mr Secretary. He will guide you further." The man smiled professionally and opened the door for Ruth.

"Thank you!" She smiled back.

"Wait!" She heard the same man say and stopped.


"Is this your cat?" Ruth looked down at her black and white cat.

"Yes. She is my cat."

"I am afraid but you can not take her inside." The man told.

Zoe mewed, showing her watery doe-like eyes, trying to cast her charm, but the man was too stubborn to fall for her trap.

Ruth bit the inside of her cheek. She needed her cat with her for the encouragement. But she also did not want to leave a wrong impression of her.

"Umm.. okay." She mumbled, then crouched down in front of Zoe, who started licking Ruth's hand.

Zoe was curious to see the insides of the building and see who this Harold Davies was. Besides, the soft cushions inside the building seemed more warm and comfortable than the rough ground and glaring sunlight.

"I am sorry sweety. I can not take you inside with me. But I promise I will be back in no time with a good news. Okay? Wait for me here till then." She rubbed her head and neck then stood up again.

Zoe sighed, watching Ruth's retreating figure disappear through the doors. Now she needed to find a good place near the building where she could rest and also wait on Ruth as she did not know how much time she would take inside.

Upon entering the building, Ruth saw a short staircase and two doors at each side of it. She ascended the stairs to find a woman busy scribbling something on the paper.

"Excuse me."

The woman looked up at Ruth and stared at her for a moment longer.


"Erm... I heard you need a cleaner for this place and the guard told me to ask for Mr Secretary. Can I meet him regarding this matter?" Ruth did not know how they talk at such places professionally and formally. So she tried her best.

"Yes, we do need a cleaner. But Mr Secretary is busy at this moment. Would you mind waiting for some time?" The woman asked without a tinge of sincerity, but she did not sound rude either.

Maybe that was the way they talked professionally?!

"Of course! I will wait." Ruth smiled.

The woman then took her to the third floor and showed her a place where she could wait. Ruth thanked the woman again.

She sat in a chair that reminded her of the comfort of the chairs in the Baker's Delight. She looked around her to find some paintings on the beige coloured walls.

She narrowed her eyes as she noticed that the all paintings were of forest, moon, night and... glowing golden eyes.

Golden eyes of a wolf. She found it very strange. Why would someone put paintings of the wolf in their office?

Then she remembered the same kind of wolf painting in Rees's home. But the wolf in that painting was bigger... bigger than she could ever imagine and it had mesmerizing obsidian eyes with blue streaks.


Ruth was startled by an unfamiliar voice, and she looked up at a woman who looked younger than her.

"Water." She said.

Ruth smiled and picked up the glass. The woman did not wait till she finished drinking and left. Ruth chugged down half of the glass and was thankful to the woman for offering her water when she needed it.

Fifteen minutes later, Ruth realised that she had observed and studied every corner of the place and now needed something else to keep herself busy.

Fifteen minutes turned to thirty and then into an hour. Yet Ruth was not called by anyone. After the woman gave her a glass of water, Ruth sat in silence like she was on a deserted island, alone.

She had emptied her glass of water long ago and now needed it to be refilled. She contemplated walking around on her own and ask someone for the water and Mr Secretary.

Her efforts were saved by the same woman who had met her before. She came with another glass of water as if she read Ruth's mind.

"Erm... do you know where Mr Secretary is?"

The woman looked at sitting Ruth from head to toe. Then said, "He is busy with My Lord, in his office."

"My Lord? You mean Mr Davies?"

The woman nodded in affirmation.

"Where is his office?"

The woman, who was not very fond of talking, pointed at the door that was at the end of the corridor.

"Do you know how long he will take?"

The woman shook her head.

"Will you inform him that I am waiting here?"

The woman hesitated then nodded nonetheless. Ruth saw her walking towards the door. She hoped the man would spare ten minutes to her. If she got this job, then she could head straight home and tell everything to Mrs Payne.

And if she was not accepted here then she still would have the rest of the day to look anywhere else.

Ruth waited patiently. She heard the sound of the opening of the door, and the woman stepped outside the office room.

"So what did he say?"

The woman replied, "He said he do not know how long it will take him to come out and meet you. But if you have more impotant things to do then you do not need to wait for him here."

Ruth's face fell upon hearing that. She had not expected that answer from the man. She thought about doing what he suggested but then what if anyone else came after she was gone and the man appointed the other woman for the job?

Ruth was not ready to take that risk.

"Okay. I will wait till he finishes with his work." She told the woman.

The woman only nodded then left without a word. Ruth leaned back in the chair, puffing air out of her mouth.. She seriously needed something to keep herself engaged.

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