Edwin was calm from the outside. As he had already solved the mystery of the murders in the woods. But had he all the answers?

No, he did not!

While seeking answers to his questions, he had new questions that rose in front of him. It was like the more distance he covered while crossing the river, the shore seemed farther away. The distance only kept growing.

Augustus had his eyes on alert, watching every moment of the two young men keenly.

"Lord Augustus, will you tell us the findings of your investigation in details?" Lester asked.

He was curious to know how much Lord Agustus knew and what he was hiding from them for some days.

Augustus passed a cursory glance in Edwin's way, then gave a short nod.

Edwin focused his attention on what his uncle had to say. He needed to listen to every word carefully, for he might find answers to some of his questions from his uncle.

Augustus started reciting the process of investigation while answering Lester's queries patiently. And the man had a dozen of queries that Edwin was surprised how Lord Augustus had not snapped at him for bombarding him with questions.

But then again, his uncle liked Lester more than Edwin. Edwin did not mind Lester's incessant questionnaire as he did not need to ask them instead.

Rees stood guarding the door of the meeting room. Theodora wanted to participate in the meeting, but Augustus declined her wish saying, he needed Edwin and Lester to be comfortable.

They might have reserved some information in Theodora's presence, and he did not want that to happen.

"My Lady... your juice." Fannie passed the glass of juice to Theodora.

She took it and touched her lips. The sweet liquid tasted good.

Theodora put her legs on the table in front of her and looked at Fannie. The silent order that Fannie understood well. She instantly sat on the floor and started massaging Theodora's legs.

Theodora's silence made Fannie curious. It was not like she was very talkative. But Fannie was too smart to squeeze a drop of information from her mistress.

"What happened with Mr Payne was so unfortunate!" She said with a sombre voice.

When Theodora did not respond, Fannie prompted. "He was a good man."

At last, she succeeded. "Who you are talking about Fannie?" Theodora asked monotonously.

"The man who died in the woods recently. He used to work in a timber factory and has his old wife and no children."

Theodora knew how Fannie loved gossips. The woman had knowledge of everything that happened in Vincardine. Theodora had used this talent to her benefit multiple times.

Right now, she had many things on her mind, and the feeling that something big was about to happen had not left her mind yet. She needed distraction and, Fannie was the easy way.

"Then what about his wife now? Does she work anywhere for living?" Theodora asked.

Getting excited that she had piqued her mistresses' interest, Fannie answered, "No, My Lady. Mrs Payne can not work due to her health problems. Mr Payne was the sole bread earner in the home."

"Are you aquainted with them?"

"No, My Lady. But I have met their daughter twice."

Theodora was confused. "Fannie, have not you mentioned that the couple has no children?!"

Fannie told her how their neighbour became nothing less than a daughter to them. She did not know the details but only as much as the other people knew.

Theodora was surprised to hear that. "You mean a stranger who is not a relative nor share any relationship with them other than neighbours, has taken all the responsibility of the old lady when she herself has a hard time living?"

This concept of- some relations are not bonded by the blood but by the hearts- was so foreign to this noble lady. She had only seen and heard how the families lose their meaning and foundations when the members do not hesitate to kill the other family members.

Human relations are strange, she thought. She had experienced them as well as the world of the supernaturals. And she had found a difference that made these two worlds far apart.

"Yes, My Lady. Ruth is known as a very kind-hearted person. She even came to 'the great manor' once."

Fannie told Theodora about the time when Ruth visited 'the great manor' with Florence. She also told Theodora that Ruth was friends with Rees and his fiancee Thea.

Theodora's interest bloomed further hearing that part.

"Are you sure that Rees cared about this woman alot?"

She could not help but feel surprised.

The man had shown no emotions towards anyone but Edwin. He was like Edwin's puppy. The people Edwin like were liked by him too, and those he disliked, he would bark at them at their sight.

Fannie learned a little as if she was about to share a secret with Theodora.

"Shall I be honest My Lady, I think Rees is cheating on his fiancee with Ruth. Although Ruth is known for her morals and values, I suspect that something must be going on between the two of them.

Why would a man care so much about another woman when he was supposed to get married? He is even avoiding deciding the date for his wedding. I have seen how they both care for each other. And I hardly believe that friends can be this close to each other." Fannie told.

Theodora thought for a moment then said, "Then what about Rees's fiancee? Does not she suspect anything?"

"Hmm... the same thought troubles me too. She does not look that naive, to not understand his man cheating with her best friend.

But, then I do not blame Rees for that. Ruth is a very beautiful woman, My Lady. I do not think there is any woman who can compete with her natural and elegant beauty."

Fannie's eyes widened in realisation, and she instantly covered up her mistake. "I mean, except you My Lady. And only you can beat her in beauty!"

Theodora did not react and focused on drinking the juice. She was intrigued by the relationship between Rees and this woman named Ruth.

What Fannie did not know was that Rees was a werewolf. Theodora knew if Rees is supposed to marry another woman, then she must be his mate. And as a werewolf, he would never cheat on his mate unless and until he had a strong motive.

Clearly, as a poor woman no matter how beautiful she was, Rees had no reason to cheat on his mate with her. Then why he cared about this Ruth so much?




Zoe was waiting for Ruth outside under the shadow of a tree. The morning hours had passed, and the day had advanced to the afternoon.

Zoe was tired. She looked around for some other cats to play with but found none. Instead, she was targeted by the dogs of the elites who had taken them out for a walk.

She wondered what took Ruth so long?

Was she safe?

Of course, she had to be. Zoe was alert and had not seen Ruth stepping outside the building. And even if she had, then she would have directly come for Zoe.

Yawning and bored out her mind, Zoe decided to not worry about this human, and take a good nap. She would return by then.

Here Ruth was getting impatient with every passing minute. Her eyelids became heavy, and the softness and comfort of the chair lulled her to sleep.

Startled, she looked around frantically to found herself sitting in the same place. She sighed again.

What the man was doing in the locked-up office room for hours? She was annoyed.

Deciding to wait for some more time, Ruth again found herself slipping into slumber. She curled up in the chair into a ball and let the sleep take over the control.

After some more time, the door at the end of the corridor finally opened, and a man stepped out. He was tired of sitting in one place since the morning. And to comfort his legs, he decided to stroll in the corridor.

Or maybe that was not the sole reason why he came out of the room.

He walked in the corridor and was about to turn to descend the floor when he stopped in his tracks. He saw a woman with toffee brown hair cascading around her head sleeping innocently in the chair.

He was rooted to his spot, mesmerised by her beauty. She was young... younger than him. He had seen many women in his life but never had he seen anyone with such authentic beauty.

She looked soft, yet attractive. Something about her made him took two steps ahead in her direction. The urge of touching her once was very strong.

And now that he thought of it, maybe he had a fair idea of why she was there.

He smiled victoriously that also had a tinge of playfulness. Something told him that he would have a great time today.

Smirking again, he controlled his body and mind.. He then returned back to his office with goosebumps of excitement on his skin.

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