Chapter 290 - WHY ARE YOU ANGRY?

Edwin was getting ready in his chamber for the blood bond ceremony of Thea and Rees. And no matter what, he could not take out the image of Ruth walking down the aisle in her blue dress.

He remembered how his heart skipped a beat as soon as his eyes caught her image. He remembered what emotions surged through him as she walked slowly and shyly.

The natural pink blush that tinted her cheeks was so adorable that he regretted not walking to her and pinching her cheeks till she got annoyed.

He took out the brown piece of cloth from the box. Since Ruth had started working in 'the great manor', he had kept it safely in his chamber. Because now, he need it only when she was not around. The other times, whenever he missed her, he would just meltdown in the shadows and follow her everywhere she went.

Sometimes he wondered he was becoming a creep. He held the brown cloth to his chest. Closing his eyes, he inhaled a long breath and her flowery scent that was intense than every day today, clouded his mind.

Oh, Moon Goddess, it felt like he was running through thousands of jasmines and roses. He could picture himself running through the fields with colourful flowers in rows all around him. And there stood queen of his heart.

She was standing at the end of the field in that blue dress and the pendant he had given her. And this time, she wore the earrings that Edwin wanted to gift her. She turned around when he called her name loudly.

As soon as she saw him, a wide and bright smile adorned her face. She opened her hands wide to welcome him. That was what he needed. He wanted to use his werewolf speed to get near her, but then why should he hurry when she was there for him. She was there waiting for him till he reach her after crossing the distance between them.

A smile made its way on Edwin's face that made the dimple appear on his right cheek. He opened his eyes, he caught his reflection in the mirror.

He was smiling! He was smiling like a sixteen-seventeen-year-old boy who had fallen in love with a girl of his dreams.

"What are you doing to me, my Luna?" He whispered, the smile had not left his face yet.

The most favourite part of today for Edwin was their dance. Although Ruth ran away from him without any word, he would always cherish their first dance and the first moment when they were physically so close for that long in his heart.

He changed from his all-black suit, and into a simple and loose white shirt. He wore black pants below with his favourite shoes. The hair he had styled perfectly for the whole day made him frown.

He never liked taming his wild coffee brown locks. Running his hand through his silky strands, he smiled satisfyingly, when he looked like... him!

This was how he was- casual, free, and dangerous.

He checked the time and wondered why Lester and Elsie were still not there. He had called them as soon as he came back from the wedding.

~"Lester, where the fuck are you, idiot?"~

~"Why do not we meet directly in the cave? I... I am busy right now."~

What the hell was he busy with? Edwin smelled something that was fishy.

~"I want you and Elsie in my chamber RIGHT NOW!"~ That left no room for more discussion.

Five minutes later, Edwin put the brown piece of cloth in the same box and put it safely in his cupboard when he heard a knock on the door.

"Come in." He answered, still facing the opposite direction of the door.

Lester, followed by Elsie, stepped inside with nervousness.

Elsie was on the verge of fainting even after hours of convincing from Lester. Lester was confident before, but as soon as he saw Edwin stop abruptly and his body stiffened, the walls of his confidence started cracking.

Elsie looked at Lester in alarm. Before he reacted, a punch landed on the left side of his face.

When the stars revolving around his head vanished and his vision stabilised, he saw Edwin's angry face right in front of him.

"Why the hell I smell YOU all over my sister?"

Lester recovering from the shock and impact of the punch smiled nervously. "Guess it."

Raged, Edwin lifted his hand for another punch, but Elsie ran to him and, blurted. "Because we marked each other!"

She immediately covered her mouth with both her hands. She did not know telling that to her overprotective elder brother would be so awkward.

Edwin looked at her as she had lost all her sense, looking for the moment to come when she would just laugh, saying it was a stupid joke. But that moment never came.

Edwin then turned towards Lester to see that same annoying smile on his animal face.


Edwin's hand that was mid-air slumped down as if it had lost all its energy. Shaking his head as if in denial, he separated himself from Lester.


He stopped Elsie by showing her finger. That shut her up instantly.

A minute later, Lester straightened up. "Edwin, I am sorry that you found it out this way. But know that I love your sister as much as you love her. I will not let any harm come her way. She is my mate!"

Elsie was so proud of Lester for saying that to Edwin with such confidence and seriousness.

Although Edwin was his best friend, he was also his leader. No matter how close their bond was, Lester could not hurt or defy his leader in any circumstances.

They watched Edwin's tensed back as he kept breathing silently.

"I need some time. Tell the family members in the morning."

With that said, he walked out of the chamber without glancing in their way.

Elsie's eyes watered at such treatment from her cousin. She thought he understood her.

"Lester... brother Edwin..."

Lester cupped her face in his hands and smiled. "He is just shocked, Elsie. Do you think if he was not fine with our love, then he would have let me go alive after mating with his dearest cousin?"

Well, that made sense.

"He has always loved you and cared for you Elsie. He is just having a hard time believing that now you are marked, and now there will be another man to share your love and affection with him.

Do not worry, he will calm down soon. Now let's go."

Elsie and Lester followed Edwin's trail. Edwin was already inside his carriage. Lester was surprised to see another carriage standing beside it. They all were going to share the same carriage.

"My Lord, Young Master has asked you both to ride another carriage." A guard told.

Lester pursed his lips in a thin line. He understood that Edwin was shocked and probably upset. But, this was inevitable. It was bound to happen sooner or later.

"Lester... can I ride with him, please?" He heard Elsie requesting.

He was not sure if it was a good idea. He loved Edwin, he did, but after witnessing his wolf's bad side, he was apprehensive of testing his patience.

But the look in Elsie's eyes convinced him. He nodded defeatedly and walked to the other carriage. With an encouraging nod at herself, Elsie ignored the guard and climbed the carriage. She sat in front of Edwin.

She saw how he tensed at her entrance. She must still reek of Lester's scent.

The guard waited for Edwin's signal. When he got it, he closed the door of the carriage. A minute later, the horses started pulling the carriage on the bumpy road to the woods.

Edwin kept staring out of the window with the two lines straight on his forehead.

Daringly, Elsie broke the silence first, "brother Edwin... wh-why are you angry?"

She saw a twitch of his jaw. He was indeed very angry.

"Would you still have acted this way if it was you and Ruth in our place?"

That made him snap his neck to her direction with the speed of light.

"Brother Edwin... you know when we find our mate, how difficult it is to stay away from them. It is nearly impossible to not... be with them, feel them and-"


Elsie gulped down in nervousness. Had she spoken too much?

Edwin gave her a long look. "I failed to realise that my little sister was now a grown up woman. She has her own life and choices."

A lump formed in Elsie's throat. She had messed it up more.

A minute of silence later, she finally decided to try again. She could not bore her cousin's silent treatment.

"Do you remember that day, when I was crying in the garden because a kid said that I was a bad omen and that was why my mother left me."

Edwin was now listening to her attentively.

"I was not ready to stop crying and kept asking for my mother. Sister Eloise was so irritated with me that she even slapped me twice to shut me up. But that only made it worse.

Someone informed father about it. I was expecting him to come and tell me something... anything. And the most important words that I expected from him were I am here for you."

Tears rolled down her eyes at that memory. That was her first introduction to the words pain and loneliness.

"But he never said that. He did not even came to look for me. He was busy in a business meeting. He prioritised his flourishing trade over his five years old daughter."

Edwin remembered that moment. He was so angry at his uncle that he dared to confront him that very night. But that was an unpopular story, and Edwin kept it that way till now.

"But when you came home, you threw your weapons and ran to see me first." Elsie smiled through the tears.

"I still remember you running towards me and scooped me up in your arms. I clung to you like my gloomy heart had found a hope... the hope of love. You said all the right things to me- everything that my five year old wanted to hear.

You told me that when there will be no one for me in this world, I would still have you as my shield. You told me that you love me and will always stand by my side. You even sang me lullaby till I fell asleep in your lap."

Edwin's anger had vaporised long ago. His face was void of any expressions, but his heart was melting inside his chest. That was the first time, Edwin had found someone who shared the same pain as him. He had lived through that emptiness and had walked through those dark alleys of loneliness at a very young age.

It was terrifying!

He still visited those dark alleys, but after decades of games played by life, he was now more stronger than then.

But he never wanted that for his younger cousin. That day, he promised himself and Lord Augustus that he would never let her feel those monsters winning over her peace.

"I love you, brother Edwin! Lester or anyone else can never replace you in my life and my heart. You were always my hero, and you will remain that till my last breath.

Please do not be mad at your little sister, brother Edwin. I want my shield to protect me! I want you to be beside me in this way you always did. I and Lester both are sorry if we have hurt you in any way. Please!"

Edwin was speechless. He was not against Lester marking his mate. But the news came so unexpectedly, and he indeed did not realise that his little sister was now a grown-up individual.

After a pause, He opened his arms, and Elsie jumped in them with joy.

"Thank you brother Edwin! Thank you very much!" She sobbed on his chest.

Edwin hugged her tight with a smile.

"But I am not going to apologise for that punch!"

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