Ruth took hurried steps on the familiar street. She kept looking behind her. She did not know who sent that note. She did not know the gravity of that threat. And, she did not know what lied in her future.

Her heart was drumming fast in fear. She had never faced these emotions before. Was she this scared when she came into Vincardine for the first time?


Was she this scared when she went into Harold's office?


Was she this scared when she lost Mr Payne?


And was she this scared of the blue-eyed monster?

Well... it was complicated. She knew that he was dangerous. More gravely dangerous than the fear she was soaking in her skin at this moment. But something about him assured her that no matter what, he would never let her suffer. He would always have his arms around her.

Before any danger came her way, it would have to go through him! She just felt it in her bones.

Ruth shook her head in disbelief. How could she think of him at such time?

As the library building seemed nearing fast, her nerves tensed more and more. Her palms turned clammy. Ruth did not know what to expect. But one thing she was sure of this meeting was going to blow her mind.

She stopped outside the library building. The door was closed with a huge metal lock. The insides of the building were dark, indicating there was no one inside.

Then who sent that note?

Was it a trick?

Ruth tssked in irritation. With a deep frown etched on her face, she turned around from the door to go back. She should not have fallen for this cheap trick. The day's frustration bubbled inside her mind.

Her steps froze when she heard the sound of thrown stone that rolled down on the rocky ground then came to rest near her.

With ragged breaths and a sweaty forehead, Ruth slowly dared to turn but found no one. Her eyes travelled to look at the stone that rested near her feet.

She looked up, frightened when a light illuminated the space at the distance. There was definitely someone waiting for her.

With shaky legs, Ruth slowly stepped towards the source of the light. The crickets chirped in the dark, and she probably heard the hooting of an owl at some distance. Other than that, all she heard was her fastly beating heart.

The trees that lined up around the library cast scary shadows on the ground. Ruth's heart kept fluttering at the thought of those shadows taking a shape and a form and leapt at her.

She was defenceless and scared. Her mind was occupied with so many things that she doubted she could use her powers tonight.

As she walked in the direction of the light, she kept looking around. She had her all senses on alert. A chilly breeze made the hair on her body rise like icicles. Her mind screamed at her to turn back, but her heart wanted to know what that threat was about. And who was this person and what secret did they know about her?

Ruth stepped around the corner and saw the light coming from one of the back rooms of the building. She again glanced around, but nothing other than darkness and the haunting silence of the night greeted her.

Nearing the room, she saw a rusting old door. Turning its handle, which made a creaking and irritating sound, she opened it enough to peek inside.

Nothing other than piles of books came into her vision. She saw a lantern on the nearby table. Ruth felt coldness seeping under her skin, although she was drenched in sweat.

Mustering all her courage, she entered the room. She kept the door unlocked in case she needed an immediate run. The small room was silent, yet she could hear the disturbing vibes in there.


The silence was too much to bear. She needed to hear some sound, anything and when she found no other, she decided to hear her own.

"Is anyone there?" She tried looking through the creaks in the horizontal lines of the books on the shelves.

Taking a couple of steps ahead, she looked around the room.

A gust of wind that came from the broken window glass opened a book, the fluttering sound of its pages made her soul jump out of her skin.

"Oh are you scared Ruth?"

Ruth jumped again at that voice with a loud gasp. When she adjusted her vision in the dim light of the lantern, she saw a familiar face in front of her. Yes, the features were familiar, but she doubted it was the same person she remembered from her memories.


Ruth was shocked to see her there. She looked different. Her cat-like eyes looked menacing. Her pale skin looked paler than normal. Her hair had lost its glossiness. It looked like she was not taking her care at all.

Her lips widened into a wicked smile as she looked at Ruth as if she was the biggest live joke on the face of the earth. Ruth suddenly felt conscious, but she put up a tough face.

"Surprised to see your forgotten friend here, Ruth?"

Hell, she was! But, Ruth was not ready to admit it.

"So you send that note?" Ruth asked with narrowed eyes.

"Who else?" Florence shrugged.

"Why?" Ruth asked, irritation was clear in her voice.

Florence smirked again as she stalked towards Ruth like a venomous snake ready to bite.

"Well... you can guess." Florence sat down after pulling out a chair with a screeching sound.

Crossing one leg on the other, she cocked her brow at Ruth challengingly.

Ruth did not miss the taunting tone of her words. And that annoyed her to the other level.

"Stop playing games, Florence! Tell me what do you want to say or I am leaving right now." Ruth threatened although the hollowness of it did not go unnoticed by her.

When that taunting smile did not leave Florence's face, Ruth huffed in frustration and took a step ahead to leave. But her foot retreated at Florence's next words.

"Then I assume you are not interested in listening what I have to say. Then it might also not bother you if the world gets to know about your little secret?!"

Ruth felt like hitting Florence's head with the thickest book available in the library.

Feigning nonchalant, Ruth scoffed, "I do not know what you are talking about. You should take a rest, you do not look good anyway. Maybe it has affected your brain also."

She was not ready to back out this time or the coming next times.

"Oh, poor Ruth. You really do not know what I am talking about? And here I thought it will be fun to watch a shock on that pretty face of yours." Florence pouted her thick lips in disappointment.

Many things ran in Ruth's mind. She was not sure which of them was probably made Florence dare to call her here at that time. However, Florence's face told her that she must have found something solid against her.

Her confidence was undeniable and nerving.

"Florence, I am asking you for the last time. Tell me what you know or..."

"or what? Or what Ruth? You will go crying to Edwin O'Dell?"

Ruth gave an incredulous look at her. Why would she think that? Why would she go running to him of all people?

'Ruth! You have done that on many occassions, have not you?' Her subconscious reminded her.

"Shut up Florence! It is you who wants a business with him, not me!"

That angered Florence.

"Really Ruth! Stop acting like you are an innocent saint. I have seen through your facade a long time ago. And now guess what?" Leaning ahead with a victorious smile on her face, Florence whispered audibly. "I have proofs!"

Ruth gulped down nervously. What could be it? What these proofs are?

"If you do not have anything more to say then I am leaving."

Ruth was scared out of her wits. That was the first time when someone's threats affected her so much. Because at some corner of her mind, she was aware of her messed up life and brain.

"Have you ever heard about Warthford island?"

Ruth was puzzled. She recked through her memory, but the name did not sound any ring. But then her eyes widened in realisation.

Warthford Island... Warthford Island... yes!

She now remembered where she had heard that name. Lady Theodora's father- Ralph Longhurst- was from Warthford island.

Now Ruth's nervousness shot through the roof. Why was Florence asking about that place?

A possibility that first struck her mind made her body stiffen, and she could hear her heartbeats in her ear.

"I... I have not." Ruth tried denying that.

There was no way, Florence knew about what happened in Theodora's chamber.

Florence gave a long look to her then nodded.

"Okay. I thought you did. But if you have not then that is also fine!"

"What do you want Florence?" Ruth finally asked.

She was yet to think about what revelation she had heard today and now this. Could this day get any worse than it already was?

Florence's face brightened at that. "Now you are making a progress, my dear friend."

Ruth cringed at how disgustingly she called her dear friend.

Standing up, Florence stalked towards Ruth and stopped, only when she was a hand's distance from her. Looking straight into her eyes, Florence said,

"There are many things I want you to do Ruth. But for the starters..." The smile on her face was replaced by a warning look. "leave your job at 'the Great manor'."

Ruth shook her head a little in disbelief. Out of all the possibilities, she had not thought about this.


"You have very less time Ruth. I hope you will put your wiseness in a good use. I will see you again."

Florence left the library building the way she came- fast and silently.

And now Ruth wondered what should she do?

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