Theodora paced in her chamber in irritation. She had never expected that Elsie, out of all people, would stand up against her for that bloody beggar. What magic that woman had done on everyone.

And Edwin... he looked like if he could, then he would not think twice before strangling Theodora to death.

Something told Theodora that there was so much more than it looked on the surface. She was sure of one thing that Elsie, Lester, Edwin were a team. And Rees and Ida were their pawns.

But she did not know their purpose. She had to find it out soon. But before that, she needed to confront that vile woman first who had caused this chaos in the first place.




Elsie ran, following her father to his chamber.

"Father... father I need to speak to you." She said, entering his chamber.

"What is it Elsie?"

Although Augustus was never involved in upbringing his daughters, he was always careful with Elsie, because for two reasons.

First was her gentleness, that he feared if he acted even a little harsh with her, then she might not handle it. And the second was she never argued with him, questioned him and always supported him in everything he did.

"How can you not punish Fannie? She tried to kill Ruth!"

Augustus shut his eyes in irritation momentarily. "Elsie, I heard both sides. Even though your argument is fair, you do not have any witnesses or solid proofs that can make it clear that it was Fannie behind what happened with that servant.

Besides that, we have to abide by the rules. Your mother has a right to dismiss Fannie. If she is not doing it, then what else can I do?"

"But father it is question of one person's life!" Elsie argued.

"Elsie, what is wrong with you? Why are you fussing over a petty maid?" Augustus snapped in irritation.

Elsie could not believe her father.

"A human's life is nothing in your eyes father?" She asked incredulously.

Augustus tsked. "Elsie, I have more important things to do than wasting my time for such nuisance things. And what is wrong with you? Since when did you start arguing with your father?"

Augustus was angry now. He had never seen his younger daughter talk back or bother him like this.

"Since you start ignoring your duties!" Elsie spat in anger.

She had enough of his negligence. Every day she would hear complaints against her father to Edwin. Edwin was being patient, but her father was not ready to understand his mistakes.

He was always lost in his thoughts. He spent hours locked in either his chamber or the room in his office building where others barely visited.

Hearing her answer, Augustus's eyes reddened in anger. The colour of his orbs darkened by a shade.

"What did you say?"

A slap on her cheek made the affected region go numb. But Elsie was beyond shocked than numb. Her father... he slapped her!

"You ungrateful woman! How dare you talk to me like that? Is this how you think of your father?" Augustus's eyes spat fire.

He then narrowed his eyes as if realising something.

"No.. no no no. These are not your words Elsie."

Elsie frowned, still recovering from the initial shock of the slap.

"Even though it is your mouth saying this but the words... they are stuffed into your mouth by someone else. Am I right Elsie?" Augustus stalked to her that made her cower a little.

The man in front of her at that moment was nothing like her father, who loved her dearly.


Her eyes stung with tears.

"Who is teaching you all this, huh?" He gripped her elbow and demanded answers. "Tell me, who is turning you against your own father?"

"Father, please! You are hurting me. Let go of me." Elsie tried twisting her hand from his grip, but it was too tight.

"Now I know. It is your beloved cousin, is not he?"

Elsie shook her head with wide eyes. "No father. You are misundertanding everything."

"Shut up! Stop lying to me! It must be him using you against me. Is not he satisfied by putting me in humiliation all this time? And now he is using these petty issues to annoy me?

And you, despite being my daughter, is putting allegations against me? How dare you, Elsie?"

"Father please stop!" Elsie did not understand how the topic drifted in that wrong direction. She did not like how her father was bad-mouthing about Edwin.

"Tell that fool that he is no better than me! Having a leader as the father does not mean he can be the leader people think he is. Do you get that?

And do not ever try to teach me how to exercise my authority. I have not spent my life for nothing. I have built this empire on my own and not because my father was a leader!" Augustus thundered.

Now he had crossed the limits.

"And this empire belongs to brother Edwin. Is not he the rightful successor of this legacy after uncle Walter?!"

Elsie realised what she had said after it was too late to take her words back. She did not mean to say that, but that was the thought that always ran in her mind.

She wished her father also respected that.

"ELSIE!" Augustus's voice rumbled in the chamber as he raised his hand again to hit her.

His eyes had completely changed their colour to his wolf's. But Elsie did not flinch this time. She matched her father's gaze as her wolf was also came in control.

Her wolf did not like disrespect towards her leader.

Augustus's chest moved up and down as he breathed heavily through his nostrils. He slowly retreated his hand and loosened his grip on her elbow.

After a minute of glaring, he walked out of the chamber.

Elsie collapsed on the floor, trying to control her irregular breathing. What just happened?

She did not understand if it was her same father who she thought was her hero or some doppelganger of him. But, one thing that she realised was, he was not the same person anymore.

Now that she thinks of it, she realised why Edwin was always around her and, never trusted her father with her. She understood why Lester always sided with Edwin against her father.

She understood why the pack members were apprehensive of her father. She understood why Edwin and Augustus's relation never improved all these years, even after many attempts.

Because her father was harbouring such a strong resentment against his nephew. He did not like the fact that Edwin was the leader. He did not like the fact that he was a rightful successor of the O'Dell legacy after his father.

But why?

Elsie finally broke into tears, as she saw how oblivious she was to her surroundings. All this time, she was living in a delusion of a perfect family when it was already broken into thousand pieces.

Was it the reason, Lester asked her to choose sides?

Was there something more that she did not know yet?

Was this why her sister never got along with her father?

Elsie had many questions that had answers that she did not want to believe.

"Elsie?" Lester ran to her and gathered her in his arms after squatting down beside her.

"What are you doing here? And why are you crying?" He sounded alarmed.

Elsie cried, putting her head on his chest.

After Lester's incessant enquiry made her spill the beans. She told her conversation with her father.

Lester felt bad about it. He knew how much Elsie loved her father.

"Please calm down Elsie. Do not think about this more." Lester had nothing else to say.

"Please do not tell brother Edwin about this." Elsie requested.

Lester knew she was right. So he agreed.




"Ruth, what are you thinking?" Mrs Payne asked as she brought two cups of coffee. She gave one to Ruth and sat beside her with her own cup.

"Mrs Payne I think I am ready to go back to work." Ruth told.

Mrs Payne paused with the cup near her mouth. She brought her hand down again before asking, "Are you sure? You do not need to rush. Lady Elsie has said you can take your time."

"I know. But I am tired of sitting idly." Ruth pouted.

"Why do not you finish the book that Lady Elsie has lended you. What is its title.... Fatal Love?"

Ruth had forgotten about that book in all this hassle. But then, she also did not want to sit at home anymore. She was used to working. And the break of all these days bored her.

"I will read it for sure. But I also want to get resumed working."

Mrs Payne became thoughtful for a minute. Then she agreed.

"If you want then I will not stop you. But please be careful from nowonwards. Your mother will not let you go easily. And I do not trust Eloise at all."

"Do not worry, Mrs Payne. I am stronger than they think.. No matter how many attacks I recieve, I will rise again undefeated!" Ruth said determinedly.

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