Ruth was getting ready for work in the morning. She was not particularly excited to go back to that place and face the judging eyes. But, she was not hopeless either.

She could not sit all her life behind the walls of her home and avoid facing the world. She had realised that it was a way for the cowards... people who do not believe in themselves.

Ruth's mother- Bertha- had always taught her to believe herself than anything else.

'If you believe in yourself and are willing to move towards a greater goal then there is no one and nothing that could stop you from achieving it.' Bertha used to say.

Yet Ruth was silent since she woke up. And, the reason was that book- 'Fatal Love'.

After Mrs Payne's suggestion, she began reading the book at last. Ruth did not know if she was a fan of romantic stories and, this book would provide her with the answer.

She read the initial few pages that introduced her to the female protagonist. While reading about her life, Ruth could not help but compare her life with that fictional character.

Ruth found many similarities between them from their childhood to their adulthood. The author had given an explicit description of her life. It was written so well that it never failed to send goosebumps over Ruth's skin, made her cry, made her smile along with that character.

At the back of the book, the author had written a sentence that Ruth found interesting- 'They are hero and heroine of my fantasyland.'

Ruth thought that she and the heroine's lives were very similar. Contrary to her expectations, Ruth had at last found someone who shared the same hardships and same joy as hers. She had found someone she could relate to. She had found a new friend in that fictional character.

And then there was the male protagonist that reminded her much of someone she knew closely. The hero shared the same traits as that someone and, Ruth wondered if the book was indeed an imagination of the author's mind or her life deliberately assembled in the words.

"Ruth where are you lost? Hurry up!" Mrs Payne called from the kitchen.

Waking up her brain from the fictional land of the author, she landed back in reality.

After she did her breakfast, she waved at Mrs Payne and left home. Her legs moved at a steady pace on the path that led to the residential part of 'the geat manor'.

Ruth was nervous and, she was not denying it. Yet she had a clearer vision in her mind.

On the way to Elsie's chamber, some people smiled warmly at her, asked her about her health, while some passed cursory looks and whispered amongst themselves. And, few just did not pay any attention to her as they passed by her.

Overall, it was not as bad as Ruth had anticipated.

"Good morning Lady Elsie!"

Elsie looked up from her jewellery box to see Ruth standing in her uniform.

"Ruth? You..."

"I am back on my duty, My Lady!" Ruth smiled.

Elsie was very happy to see her back. She welcomed her with a warm hug. Elsie was doubtful that Ruth might want to leave the job after all that, but she was glad that she did not.

"Welcome back Ruth!" Elsie said, pulling away from her.

"Thank you Lady Elsie!" Ruth smiled.

"How are you feeling now? Although I am happy to see you again, I would have liked it if you have rested for some more days." Elsie said sincerely.

"I was getting bored sitting at home. Besides, I do not want people to say that I was treated biasedly and given salary even though I did not work."

Elsie's smile faltered. She did not miss the bitterness in Ruth's tone. But, she did not blame her. Ruth had always been a target of such accusations. No wonder she would think that way.

The remaining day, Ruth realised although some people were keeping their guards up around her, many were indeed glad to see her. They all treated her well and, that was enough for Ruth.

Elsie decided to not let Ruth carry anything heavy as her hand was still under recovery process. She did not want to strain her healing muscles and cause any more damage.

As Ruth ran errands for Elsie, she kept glancing towards Edwin's building. She hoped to catch a glimpse of him but, the building was deserted except for the stationed guards at their respective positions.

Ruth had no other intention than apologising to him. The fact that he did not come to meet her again made her distressed. The look he had in his eyes when he left her, tugged at her heart.

The afternoon passed and, the evening came. It was Ruth's ninth round she had deliberately created, just to see if he was there. But for the ninth time too, disappointment greeted her with open arms.

Her face fell. She hung her head low as she walked slowly. She wished she could meet Edwin. But, fate pushed her to meet the person she least expected.

She screeched to an abrupt halt before she collided with that person.

"Oh, I am so-" She stopped when she looked up at Theodora's face.

Ruth's brows knitted in the middle, her face hardened as soon as she realised it was Theodora. Without saying anything, Ruth tried walking past her, but that woman held her hand.

She dragged her into a random room and, after closing the door, she freed Ruth.

"What are you doing?" Ruth glared at her.

She did not care if she was disrespecting her or not. Any person who disrespected Mrs Payne deserved no respect at all in Ruth's eyes.

"I see you dare to come back in 'the great manor' after everything that hapened. You are one tough nut to crack. I must give it to you. But you are also a shameless opportunist, are not you Ruth Moore?!"

Ruth did not like her audacious remark.

"I do not want to waste my time on you. Let me go!" Saying that Ruth tried to open the door but, Theodora pushed her away.

Ruth gave her a ridiculed look. What was wrong with this woman?

"You can not leave until I am finished with you!" Theodora glared.

Ruth did not want to share the same air with this woman. Yet, a little part of her also wanted to hear what she had to say. Ruth wanted to know how far she could go because the realisation was something that could never occur to this woman.

"I am listening!" Ruth said.

"Are not you quite brave Ruth? You are daring to speak with that attitude of yours. Are not you afraid of who I am and what can I do or do you think that you have more powerful people on your side?" Theodora asked with narrowed eyes.

"You are right, Lady Theodora. I am not afraid of you anymore because I have seen what kind of a person you are. People praise you and respect you not because they know your real self. They do that because of the title you carry in front of your name.- The O'Dell.

Remove that title and, you will realise you are no different than any other woman from elites. And to answer your second question... I do not need anyone by my side because I am well aware of my intentions and capabilities." Ruth retorted.

The anger she was harbouring for this woman threatened to spill out.

"I see the cat has got a sharp tongue, huh?! But you do not know who you are messing with. Tell me one thing Ruth, who you are aiming for?

Elsie or Edwin? Because Elsie might offer you old dresses, the jewellery she does not like and maybe some coins. But Edwin... you may not want to know what kind of person he is."

Theodora's sharp eyes did not miss the changed look on Ruth's face when she mentioned Edwin's name. Bull's eye!

"I do not know what you are saying." Ruth turned her head to another side.

"Oh you very well know what I am saying Ruth. You were friends with Florence, right? Have not she told you about Edwin?"

Ruth bit the insides of her cheek. How could Ruth forget Florence's madness for Edwin? Initially, Ruth thought that it was sort of love, but when Florence herself confessed that she did not care about anything but Edwin's money and power, Ruth understood why Edwin pushed her away.

Edwin might not be an ideal person but, if that was the reason why he pushed Florence away, then Ruth supported his actions.

"He is a charming man, is not he? He is tall, handsome and has money and name. What else a man needs in life?"

Ruth stared at Theodora for a long moment. She realised how shallow of a person she was. She had no sense of life and no knowledge of emotions. All she cared about were materialistic things that came at the very end of Ruth's list.

That made Ruth wonder- was that the reason Theodora agreed to marry Lord Augustus? Were there any feelings involved from her side in their marriage? And, was it only the external appearance that made Theodora fall for Gerald?

Goosebumps formed on Ruth's skin at those thoughts.

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