Arcane Academy: The Divine Extraction Legacy

Chapter 768 Sneaking In

Chapter 768 Sneaking In

?As the dust settled from the retreat of the Death God’s Eye, Kyle’s gaze shifted to the three elders of the Dark Arts Faction.

As soon as he did this, they obviously felt threatened, and they swiftly acted.

Kyle didn’t move as he watched them carefully. He doesn’t feel threatened by them at all after they spent so much of their Divinity to summon the Death God’s Eye.

‘That must’ve taken more than half of their Divinity.’ Kyle thought.

Nonetheless, the three emitted a powerful aura as the air around them started turning cold, before turning hot again and again.

Kyle frowned after sensing this fluctuation of energy.

‘They’re not serious, are they?’ Kyle couldn’t help but step back for a moment.

With a dangerous energy, Kyle knew what was going on. It was a prelude to their final, desperate gambit.

Sade, Morganna, and Gavriel stood united, their hands clasped in a circle, as they began to chant in a language that was ancient and forbidden.

The ground beneath them ruptured, and a dark miasma seeped from the cracks, swirling around the trio in a vortex of impending doom.

“We shall drag you to hell with us, Shadow Immortal!” Eldric’s voice boomed, distorted by the power he was invoking.

‘They’re serious?! Aren’t you rushing to your death too quickly! We should at least exchange a few moves before doing this…’ Kyle was genuinely surprised at their rash decision.

Nonetheless, he could certainly recognize this kind of energy fluctuation.

Without a doubt, the energy they’re emitting had the signs of a self-destructive spell! He knew that even with his true Immortal status, he would be tested against such a cataclysmic force!

The three Half-Immortals, with Divinity coursing through their veins, were prepared to sacrifice everything to take him down with them! This was not a small matter even for him!

With no time to spare, Kyle retreated, weaving several defensive spells around him.

A dome of shadow and light enveloped him, a barrier against the suicidal onslaught that was about to be unleashed. It didn’t end there as Moonlight Specters formed around him, an Abyssal Fire attacked the three elders, Shadow Soldiers attacked them sneakily, and another meteor was summoned to crush them!

Just like that, Kyle used 5 or more Spells at the same time!

Nonetheless, the elders didn’t care about his Spells.

Their bodies began to glow with an eerie light, their life forces burning like dying stars.

“For the Darkness!” They cried out, their voices merging into a single, haunting echo.

The explosion that followed felt apocalyptic. The land itself screamed as the energies released by the elders tore through it, a destructive force that sought to annihilate everything in its path.

Kyle, within his protective cocoon, felt the shockwaves battering against his defenses. He braced himself, channeling every ounce of his power into maintaining the spells that kept him safe.

‘Mhmm? It’s not eating up as much Divinity as I thought… I guess I’ve gotten too strong over the past few months.’ Kyle thought as he let the time pass.

As the chaos subsided, Kyle emerged from his shield, expecting to find nothing but devastation in the wake of the elders’ sacrifice.

But to his astonishment, the landscape, though scarred, was not the barren wasteland he had anticipated.

And there, where the three necromancers had stood, was emptiness.

They had vanished, leaving behind no trace of their presence. It was as if they had never been there at all.

‘Is it an illusion? No… There’s still remnant energy… They must’ve controlled it in a way that it will look destructive while it was actually just a show… How interesting.’

Kyle stood in the silence, his mind racing.

After a few moments, he shook his head with a helpless smile on his face.

“They really fled…” He muttered as the truth dawning on him. The entire display, the show of self-destruction, had been nothing but a ruse—a distraction to cover their escape.

A wry smile touched Kyle’s lips.

“That was clever… I didn’t notice how they left… That Elder Sade must be really good at Space Magic.” He muttered to himself. The elders had played their hand well, using their knowledge of ancient spells to deceive even him.

‘Extracting his memory fragments might prove useful…’ Kyle thought for a moment as he could certainly do memory extraction with his current level of control with the Divine Extraction.

Nonetheless, the elder’s departure changed nothing. Kyle would continue on his task and would take Lesley from them sooner or later.


He sheathed his Stormbringer Sword and looked to the horizon, where the first light of dawn was breaking…

Well, it might not be the dawn, but at this time, the dark veil that the three elders cast in the whole nation was slowly disappearing as the sun light started coming back once again.

‘I guess I have to worry about what the Death God mentioned just now.’ Kyle mused as he truly felt bothered after the Death God uttered the word Divine Extraction.

That was definitely not a guess!


In the meantime, as soon as Kyle’s original body left his castle, someone else noticed this.

In the village of Elderglen, nestled at the edge of the Forbidden Forest, lived a young man named Aiden. His life was simple, his joys found in the humble tasks of village life. At sixteen, Aiden was known for his diligence and the meticulous care he took in crafting leather, a skill passed down from his father, the village tanner.

When the opportunity arose to supply leather to the grand castle of mysterious the Shadow Immortal, Aiden embraced it with both hands, swelling with pride at the trust bestowed upon him.

But such pride did not go unnoticed.

Lurking in the shadows, an entity of ancient malice set its gaze upon Aiden. It was Pride, one of the Deadly Sins, seeking a vessel to infiltrate the heart of power.

With Kyle’s departure from the castle, the entity seized its chance, waking up from Aiden’s being, after sleeping there for a while, cloaking itself in the young man’s innocence.

As Aiden, now a host to Pride, approached the towering gates of the castle, he was met by an unusual guardian.

The figure before him was both imposing and exotic—a half-

dragon, half-human sentinel named Chad. He doesn’t have scales that would easily reveal his identity but his eyes held the depth of the ancient drakes.

‘A half-dragon?’ Pride didn’t expect the existence of a half-

dragon here. The Dragon Realm was probably the most difficult place to enter and if they left their essence here, he might’ve get a chance of being able to find the Dragon Realm in the future.

‘These creatures are prideful… I will definitely have a chance.’ Pride thought.

Anyway, Chad’s duty was to protect the castle in Kyle’s absence, a task he performed with unwavering loyalty.

“State your business…” Chad’s voice rumbled, a hint of draconic power lacing his words.

“I am Aiden, from Elderglen. I bring supplies for the castle…” The young man replied, his voice steady despite the turmoil within.

Draven scrutinized Aiden, sensing an unfamiliar aura but finding no immediate threat.

“Very well, you may enter. But know that this place is under my watch…” He warned, stepping aside to allow Aiden passage.

Inside the castle, Aiden marveled at the grandeur that surrounded him. The halls were lined with mysterious artifacts and the air thrummed with the residual magic of the Shadow Immortal.


Pride, within him, stirred with anticipation, its essence reaching out to the castle’s inhabitants, searching for a new host—one closer to Kyle.

As Aiden made his way deeper into the castle, he encountered the staff and residents who were taking care of the castle and their businesses outside.

Each interaction with them was a chance for Pride to leap into another. But the sin found no opportunity; the people here were fortified against such darkness, their spirits aligned with the balance the Immortal upheld.

Frustration grew within the entity as Aiden continued his delivery, the leather goods now a mere pretense for its sinister objective.

Pride immediately assessed her and realized that she was also a half-immortal! To be exact, she was half-immortal and half-

spirit! It was incredible! She was a perfect target!

Faith, unaware of the malevolent attention she had garnered, moved through the castle as she seemed to be heading to the library.

Her aura was like an ethereal light in Pride’s vision. She was surely a perfect body to host! With her body, Pride knew that he would easily get the chance to meet the Shadow Immortal!

The Deadly Sin, emboldened by the absence of the Shadow Immortal, prepared to seize control, to claim Faith’s form as its own.

It readied itself to strike with all the force of its ancient power, to overwhelm her defenses and ensnare her soul.

But fate had other plans.

Before Pride could enact its vile intent, the air shifted as a wave of power that even it could not ignore. He suddenly felt the presence of two True Immortals!

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