Arcane Academy: The Divine Extraction Legacy

Chapter 769 Faith’s Task

Chapter 769 Faith’s Task

?A day earlier, as the first rays of dawn pierced the veil of night, Faith awoke to the gentle warmth of sunlight filtering through her chamber window.

The soft light played upon her fair skin and cascaded over her flowing white hair, which lay spread across her pillow like a silken fan.

She rose after a few moments, appearing completely normal even though with her half-immortal, half-spirit nature…

After adorning herself in simple yet elegant attire befitting her station, Faith descended to the dining hall, where a modest meal awaited her. She ate with thoughtful appreciation as she confirmed that their daily lives had truly gotten a lot better after staying here for years.

‘Is it my schedule to create Divine Talisman today?’ Faith mused as she tried to recall her schedule…

‘Right… I must have been really tired yesterday.’ Faith shook her head as she didn’t want to remember her yesterday’s task where she had to assist another village that was infested by a disease that came from the remnant forces of the Church of the Eminence of the Sea.

That was a terrible experience since so many people died because of the disease.

Although Kyle had already killed the Eminence’s Avatar and defeated their pontiff and Storm Knights, there were still a few of their fanatics who wouldn’t stop from causing chaos!

Anyway, with her morning repast concluded, Faith made her way to the heart of the castle’s arcane knowledge—Magnus’ Laboratory.

The surrounding air here was thick with the scent of ancient tomes and the trace of alchemical reagents. Shelves lined with meticulously labeled vials and jars reached towards the high ceiling, and at the center of this sanctum of magic stood the crafting table, a site of countless mystical creations.

Faith was alone in this laboratory today, but everything had already been prepared.

During this Abyss Realm Invasion, Kyle didn’t want them to go out as much as possible. Only when they were lacking personnel should they consider going out.

Well, it certainly happened a few times as the four Immortals were deployed in various places, and Lisa together with Faith, had to go to various cities and towns to assist the people there.

“Whew~ I hope I can make at least five Divine Talismans today.” Faith whispered as she recalled Kyle or Vale’s teachings about the method to create these Divine Talismans.

It wasn’t easy since it requires plenty of things.

The forging of Divine Talismans are objects of potent magic that required both precision and a deep understanding of the divine…

Because of that, Kyle, the Shadow Immortal, had decreed that the four Immortals within the castle walls would contribute their blood, a sacred component in the talismans’ creation.

The blood of the Immortal was obviously the main ingredient for this.

Faith approached the table, her fingers tracing the intricate patterns etched into its surface.

Just the table itself wasn’t normal and it was one of Magnus’ pride.

Anyway, Faith looked at her memories once again.

She was one of the few privy to the secrets of the talismans, a knowledge shared only with Magnus and Kyle. But with Magnus preoccupied with other pressing matters, the responsibility had fallen to her.

Faith wryly smiled as she believed that Pearl should be the one doing this instead of her. However, Shane only taught Magnus and her to create the Divine Talisman because Pearl ‘had other things to do.’

After a few moments, Faith began the meticulous process.

She picked up the materials she needed, showing incredible focus and care as each step was a testament to her expertise.

The vials of immortal blood were handled with reverence; their contents were more than mere fluid—they were the essence of beings who had walked the realms for centuries.

Just by getting close to it, Faith was already having an urge to consume it in hopes of obtaining more Divinity. However, doing so rashly would harm her body to the point that she may no longer be capable of producing her own Divinity.

As she worked, Faith’s mind was filled with incantations and invocations to calm the surrounding Arcane Energy.

Her hands moved with assured confidence, weaving the intricate Divinity and Arcane Energy that called upon various chaotic burst in the crafting process. A single drop of Immortal Blood was mixed with various concoctions to create a special ink to be used on the talisman.

The surrounding room shimmered with power as the first talisman received the processed blood…

‘Looks good…’ Faith mused. Her current success rate was only 60%. However, she felt that if she had succeeded on her first try today, she would have had a better success rate for the whole day!

After all, it would certainly affect her mood or motivation to work!

Hours passed, the sun reaching its peak and then beginning its slow descent.

Faith remained undisturbed, her focus was unbreakable. The talismans, now complete, glowed with a soft light, their surfaces inscribed with runes that pulsed with divine might…

From her 20 attempts, she was able to make 15 of them!

It was already his highest accomplishment in terms of Talisman Crafting!

Although she would probably be hated or maybe even skinned alive by many Arcanists for wasting 5 drops of Immortal Blood, she was still happy with this result!

Exhaustion tugged at the edges of her consciousness, but Faith felt a surge of satisfaction.

“I can finally rest for the day….”

She had achieved what few could—she crafted a talisman that could be used by even a 3rd-class Arcanist to fight a Demon Saint.

As the last light of day faded, Faith placed the talismans into protective cases, ready for distribution among the castle’s defenders or wherever their leader planned it to be used.

Of course, she already had a few of them, and she was thinking of using the Divine Talisman she collected for a future tradable item in the new Dark Arts Academy that Vale would create in the future.

As her task was now completed, she allowed herself a moment of respite, her gaze lingering on the fruits of her labor.

Her white hair, now loose and cascading over her shoulders, caught the glow of the setting sun, turning it into an ethereal light that framed her wraithlike beauty.

As dusk embraced the castle, Faith’s day was far from over.

Instead of seeking the solace of her chambers, she ventured deeper into the castle’s corridors…

Well, she was curious of something…

Her destination was the chamber where Vale’s enslaved Demon Generals were kept!

Gorath the Iron Reaver and Zarvok the Soulflayer, once mighty commanders in the demonic legions, now served a different master.

Their formidable presences were contained within the castle’s enchanted walls so no one could even sense their presence from the outside.

Gorath was a towering figure, his skin the color of molten iron, muscles rippling like they were about ot burst.

Chains draped over his broad shoulders, each link inscribed with runes. They weren’t containing him but these chains were actually his weapon.

At this time, his eyes, once filled with the fires of conquest, now glowed with a subdued ember and even a slight sign of intelligence.

Beside him stood Zarvok, a being of a more sinister elegance. His form was thinner than Gorath and he had long, agile fingers ended in talons that could rend the spirit as easily as flesh.

In the center of the chamber, amidst the Demon Generals, moved the creations of Denise—the metal golems of the androids.

They were marvels of magic and mechanics, varying in size from human-like to towering constructs that rivaled Gorath in stature.

Their metallic bodies gleamed under the flickering torchlight…

“Those androids looked stronger than before… Is she still not satisfied with her creations?” Faith muttered as she watched the androids sparred with the Demon Generals.

Their combat was something that would rarely be seen in this world.

Watching a demon against an android was quite fascinating in itself.

The androids, programmed for combat and strategy, proved to be formidable opponents, pushing the demons to the limits of their enslaved abilities.

Denise, the architect of these mechanical wonders, observed from the sidelines, her eyes was filled with the thrill of innovation.

“Incredible, isn’t it?” She remarked to Faith, her voice tinged with pride. “They learn with every bout, adapting and evolving. A perfect fusion of art and warfare. Vale helped me perfect them… It’s incredible…”

Faith nodded, her white hair cascading over her shoulders, a stark contrast to the dark chamber around her.

“They are indeed impressive, Denise. But let us not forget the beings they spar with. Although they are enslaved by Kyle, they still have natural corruption in their bodies. It may affect android’s components if they fight them for too long.”

Denise nodded after hearing this advice.

“That’s true… I have to always change my androids every hour to ensure that the corruption won’t affect the parts too much… If we’re in real combat, I won’t allow these demons to survive for long…”

She replied after some thought. Then, as she was about to command her androids, a message appeared in her communication crystal, and she immediately checked it out.

As soon as she heard the message, she frowned and turned to Faith.

“It’s an intruder alert.”

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