Arcane Academy: The Divine Extraction Legacy

Chapter 786 Injure Me

Chapter 786 Injure Me

“The Demon Lord?”

Kyle?paused, his gaze flickering between the two dragons, he had to take this warning seriously.

The appearance of the Demon Lord, a figure of legendary power and dark intent, added a new layer of complexity to the unfolding events.

‘Are they planning to attack me together?’ Shane thought as he believed Halvor and the Demon Lord were working together. Farah also hinted that matter when they previously met.

Kyle took a deep breath as he decided to instruct everyone working in the castle.

Except for a few individuals and summons, everyone has to enter their designated shelters to avoid being caught in the battle.

Yes, he was expecting a fierce battle that will come to the castle soon.

Although Kyle was confident with his set of Arcane Spells, Immortal Spells, and Demonic Spells, he still had no idea about the limit of the Demon Lord himself. He didn’t want any unnecessary sacrifice to happen in this battle.

Lisa was already a huge casualty, and he didn’t want the others to add to that.

‘Then I should get someone to look into those three visitors. Their timing was too coincidental to the arrival of Halvor’s Avatar…

Normally,?Kyle?would have ventured forth to meet the visitors himself, but a sense of wary vigilance stayed his steps.

Instead, he entrusted the task to the two True Immortals. There was no way he would doubt their abilities so he knew that they were perfect for this task.

“Your servant will follow…”

With their flowing blonde hair and features that transcended gender, the True Immortals radiated an aura of otherworldly grace as they accepted?Kyle’s orders and made their way to the third barrier.

It was almost instantaneous.

They swiftly arrived at the spot where they could feel the presence of the marked visitors.

As they approached them—Bael,?Jin, and?Giorgi—who stood on the cusp of the unknown trial, a tense silence hung in the air.

The True Immortals’ presence elicited a mix of curiosity and apprehension from the trio.

No matter what, the three of them didn’t think that they would immediately get the Immortal’s attention and welcome their arrival. Their gazes locked on the two Immortals in a silent exchange of unspoken questions.

Soon, one of the Immortals spoke.

“We will be the ones testing you,” The blonde Immortal wearing a long white robe and a sword on his back declared…

His voice carried a note of authority as he exuded with the power of Divinity.

The three visitors did not doubt the presence in front of them. It was indeed an Immortal working for another Immortal!

At any moment now, a battle seemed to start among them.

Bael, Jin, and Giorgi, who were all hiding their identities as someone equal or stronger to an Immortal, couldn’t help but wryly smile.

Bael, a Demon Lord disguised as a nobleman, and Jin and Giorgi, Time Manipulators disguised as Mystic Arts Practitioners, understood the gravity of the challenge that lay ahead.

First of all, they weren’t allowed to show their true abilities, or the Shadow Immortal would attack them!

“Work together to injure me…” The Immortal suddenly commanded, his words taunting them! It stirred the very essence of their beings!

‘Even if we’re disguised, we will not be defeated by the likes of you!’

The three of them had these same thoughts!

With a shared nod of agreement,?Bael,?Jin, and?Giorgi?stepped forward, their movements were fast and almost instantaneous as they positioned themselves for the battle that awaited.

Each of them cloaked in the guise of a?Mystic Arts Practitioner, they channeled their ‘Mystical Energy’ and readied themselves to face the True Immortal in a test of skill…

“Hahaha! That’s it! Show me your strength!” The Immortal taunted once again.

The clash of Spells and Mystical Artifacts, reverberated through the clearing as the combatants engaged in a dazzling display of Arcane Spells!

Bael, his true form hidden beneath a veil of nobility, used a Cursed Item of the Dark Arts Origin and unleashed a torrent of Dark Energy! This Cursed Item released a swift and relentless curses aiming to immobilize the Immortal.

Bael knew that his two companions were Time Manipulators, so they should possess several spells to kill the Immortal if they wanted…

Soon, Bael knew that an opportunity to strike came in! However, Jin and Giorgi seemed to purposely miss the chance!

‘They don’t want to kill the Immortal?’ Bael thought as it appeared that he didn’t know the true plans of these Time Manipulators.

‘Are they being worried that the Immortal would realize their identities?’ Bael mused, but he decided to continue doing his best as an ‘Arcanist…’

JinandGiorgi, used a Mystic Arts related to Haste Spell with a tinge of Time-Based Technique. It was subtle and wouldn’t be noticed at all.

With each move, Jin’s fist found their mark with unerring accuracy, exploiting the slightest gap in the Immortal’s formidable defenses.

However, his fists weren’t too effective since he wasn’t using his Time Spells to twist the Immortal’s defense.

Meanwhile,Giorgiwaited for an opportunity to strike while watching Bael and Jin fight against the Immortal, who seemed to be passively absorbing their attacks in a deliberate manner.

‘I don’t care if you’re observing our moves…’ Giorgi thought to himself.

With a flick of his wrist, he released his Arcane Energy, creating ripples in the space that disrupted theTrue Immortal’s movements and left him vulnerable to their coordinated assault.

It wasn’t a Time-Based Spell but it was reaching that level already. It should not be enough to be pointed at as a Time Manipulator.

As the battle intensified, the atmosphere started to feel heavy with the abundant energy being released as the combatants pushed themselves to their limits! At the very least, to the limit of their current disguised identities!

Bael, Jin, and Giorgi were already tempted to just show their real might and eliminate this immortal!

‘I still need to find the Extraction Ability… I need to be patient and meet the Immortal…’ Bael said to himself as he was feeling annoyed and wanted to kill the Immortal already.

‘We need to find the Golden Key! We have to do this!’ Jin and Giorgi said to themselves.

However, theTrue Immortal, a being that could be said to be paragons of their own, didn’t seem to care about their condition.

He absorbed or met their combined onslaught with his left hand behind his back, while his blade moved like a blur of steel that deflected their attacks with ease!

“Hahaha! This is it! Give your all!” The Immortal taunted. It seemed as if he was truly having fun fighting them!

Jin, his speed was unmatched, darted in and out of the fray, and his strikes started to reveal his martial prowess that tested theTrue Immortal’s reflexes to their limits.

With a lightning-quick flurry of blows, he aimed for the gaps in their opponent’s stajce, each strike a calculated risk that paid off with devastating effect.


Finally, Jin landed a clean blow on the Immortal’s hand, aiming to disarm his weapon!

Giorgi, waiting for this opportunity, unleashed a torrent of mystical energies that warped the very reality around them.

Yes, it was a Mystic Arts that was filled with Illusion!

However, it was as if threads of time wove a shimmering veil of distortion, causing the world to bend and twist in ways that confounded theTrue Immortal’s senses and left him open to their relentless assault.

The other Immortal frowned at this technique, but he didn’t think that it was a time manipulation spell. It only seemed like a strong illusion that could affect even the Immortals. 𝖋𝖗𝖊𝖊𝖜𝔢𝔟𝖓𝖔𝔳𝔢𝔩.𝔠𝖔𝔪

Amidst the chaos of battle,Bael, the Demon Lord in nobleman’s guise, added his owndark magicto the fray.

He pulled out a black bell and rang it…


At this activation of Spell, Shadows danced at his command, coalescing into tendrils of dark energy that lashed out at their foe with malevolent intent.

Each strike carried the weight of centuries of darkness, seeking to ensnare theTrue Immortalin a web of nightmarish power.

“Mhmm… This guy had plenty of impressive Cursed Artifacts… Is he a King of a small nation?” The other Immortal couldn’t help but have this idea.

As the confrontation reached its peak, a tense silence descended upon the clearing, broken only by the clash of steel and the crackling of arcane energies.

In this crucible of battle, the illusion that the Time Manipulators seemed to test the Immortal’s loyalty to the Shadow Immortal! It was a powerful Illusion Spell!

However, the Immortal finally decided to release his Divine Energy to escape from the Time Manipulator’s illusion! This Divinity also removed all the Curses and Dark Tendrils summoned by Bael’s Artifacts!

In the midst of this epic clash, a silent understanding passed betweenBael,Jin, andGiorgias they fought as one!

At this time, Jin and Giorgi also realized that Bael was actually the Demon Lord! It was because of their sensitivity to Demonic Energy he subtly released1

The two looked at each other as they considered whether to escape now or just act like they didn’t know it at all!

However, it was too late!

The second Immortal who had been watching them seemed to have noticed something and made his move!

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