Arcane Academy: The Divine Extraction Legacy

Chapter 787 Helping the Shadow Immortal

Chapter 787 Helping the Shadow Immortal

?As the battle continued between the Immortals and the visitors of Shane’s castle, Farah, the Avatar of the Fortune Goddess, sensed the impending danger that threatened the Shadow Immortal.

With multiple powerful entities converging on him simultaneously, she knew she had to intervene to alleviate his plight.

“I must help him…” Farah whispered to herself, her gaze fixed on a hidden base of the Dark Arts Faction. Kyle may be aware of his conflict with the Dark Arts Practitioners, but he wasn’t aware of their plans right now.

Within the shadows of the building that Farah was looking at, a group of Dark Ritualists conducted an ominous ritual to summon the Death God, a being of unfathomable darkness and power.

“They might really succeed at this rate…” Farah thought as she actually felt quite worried. Her Avatar wasn’t really that strong in combat after all. This Avatar was really just made to bless her followers. It wasn’t meant to fight otherwordly beings.


Soon, a strong surge of energy came out of the building.

Farah’s heart raced with urgency as she realized the gravity of the situation. Without hesitation, she channeled her divine energy, creating a protective barrier around herself to shield from the malevolent forces converging from the base of the Dark Arts Faction.


Meanwhile, within the depths of the hidden base, the Dark Ritualists continued chanting ancient incantations.

As they did this, their voices echoed ominously in the chamber. The temperature lowered, and the air grew thick with an oppressive aura as dark energies swirled and coalesced, forming a gateway to the realm of the Death God.

As the ritual reached its climax, a rift in reality tore open, unleashing a chilling presence that sent shivers down the spines of all who beheld it.

None of them knew if it was an Avatar or not, but they could tell that it was indeed the presence of the the Death God. It was cloaked in shadows and wielding a scythe of pure malice. It had materialized before the awe-struck Ritualists and Dark Magicians!

Farah, sensing the imminent threat, focused her divine powers to disrupt the dark ritual and weaken the Death God’s connection to the mortal realm.

Although it had already materialized, the realm of the dead was still open, and she could still try to do something about it.

Soon, a blinding light erupted from her, dispelling the shadows and disrupting the ritualistic energies that bound the malevolent entity.

In a clash of divine and dark energies, the chamber where the ritual proceeded trembled with the intensity of the clash!

As the Death God’s sinister gaze fell upon the spot where Farah concealed herself, a chilling realization dawned upon him.

“Is it the Fortune Goddess?” he growled, recognizing the source of the disturbance that was troubling his entry into the mortal realm.

With a deafening roar that shook the very foundations of the chamber, the Death God focused his malevolent intent on breaking free from Farah’s interference and unleashing his wrath upon the world.

With a surge of dark energy, the Death God completed his materialization, his form solidifying in the midst of the ritual chamber.

With a contemptuous glance at the bewildered Dark Arts Practitioners who had summoned him, he closed the rift through which he had entered the realm, severing his connection to their control.

Ignoring their pleas and tremors of fear, the Death God strode purposefully out of the crumbling building, his gaze fixed on the elusive Fortune Goddess!

Emerging into the moonlit night, the Death God’s presence cast a foreboding shadow over the landscape as he sought out Farah, the Avatar of the Fortune Goddess.

“Gahaha! Found you!” The Death God laughed as she looked at the appearance of the beautiful Avatar of the Fortune Goddess. The figure was still hiding through a concealment spell, but it was nothing in his eyes.

Sensing his approach, Farah stepped out from her concealment, her eyes meeting the malevolent gaze of the Death God with unwavering resolve.

“You have no place in this realm, Death God.” Farah spoke with a voice as resolute as steel. “I will not allow your darkness to consume the light of hope that shines within this world.”

The Death God’s response was a guttural snarl. It was a taunt and a promise of imminent destruction as he raised his scythe, wreathed in shadows, ready to strike.

“The Demons are already here! This Human Realm is over! You’re just delaying this word’s end! It’s inevitable!” The Death God shouted as he charged towards the Avatar of the Fortune Goddess.

The ensuing battle was a dance of light anddarkness, each combatant weaving intricate patterns of magic and divine energy in a deadly display of power.

Farahimmediately flew into the sky to avoid damaging the surroundings with the Aura of Death that the Death God was emitting. Her movements were quick as she evaded the Death God’s relentless assaults.

“Hmph! You think too highly of yourself.” Farah muttered.

With a wave of her hand, she conjured tendrils of radiant light that lashed out at her foe, forcing him to retreat momentarily.

In retaliation, the Death God unleashed a barrage of shadowy tendrils that sought to ensnareFarahin their malevolent grasp.

With a swift sidestep and a burst of divine energy, she shattered the dark tendrils, pushing back against the encroachingdarkness.

“Hahaha! So the Fortune Goddess is only this strong… I should’ve done this a long time ago if I knew you’re this pathetic!” The Death God laughed as charged once again. This time, he was even more serious.

As the battle betweenFarahand the Death God intensified, the sky was filled with chaotic energy. They unleashed powerful spells and countered each other’s moves with immortal spells!

Farah, calling upon the powers of theFortune Goddess, cast the “Radiant Nova” spell, sending forth a burst of blinding light that seared through the shadows surrounding the Death God!

The intense brilliance forced him to shield his eyes, momentarily disoriented by the sudden flare of divine energy.

In response, the Death God chanted the incantation for “Eclipse of Despair,” a spell that shrouded the battlefield in a veil of darkness, draining the vitality fromFarahand weakening her defenses…

It wouldn’t normally affect Farah but since she just finished casting a spell, her Divine Energy wasn’t stable yet.

However, despite the oppressive gloom,Farahremained steadfast, she was focused on killing the Death God as she countered with a “Luminous Shield” spell, creating a barrier of pure light to repel the encroaching darkness.

“Impressive! However, your Avatar doesn’t have enough Divinity!”

The Death God, sensingFarah’s weakness, unleashed a series of “Soul Drainer” spells, dark tendrils reaching out to sap her strength and drain her life force.

Farahgritted her teeth against the onslaught, her form flickering with ethereal light as she summoned the “Healing Radiance” spell to mend her wounds and restore her vitality.

The battle raged on, a clash of light and shadow continued as the two battled in a dazzling display of immortal might.

Farahand the Death God moved with an intent to kill, each anticipating the other’s next move in a deadly game of cat and mouse.

As the confrontation reached its peak, a surge of dark energy bursted through the air, strikingFarahwith a vicious blow that sent her reeling.

“Aahhh!” Farah was injured, and she felt the pain!

Blood trickled from a wound on her shoulder, a grim reminder of the Death God’s malevolent power. It was too unfair for her since she didn’t have many offensive Immortal Spells since she was only an Avatar!

Nonetheless, she knew that she couldn’t die here yet. As long as she stays alive, her church will allow her to remain strong, and their faith will fill her Divinity once again.

‘Tsk… I don’t want to do this but—’

Realizing the gravity of her injuries,Farahmade a split-second decision to retreat, her mind racing with thoughts of strategy and survival.

With a final burst of divine energy, she created a blinding flash of light to cover her escape, disappearing into the shadows as she sought a momentary respite to tend to her wounds.

The Death God, also wounded and weakened from the fierce battle, watchedFarah’s retreat with a malevolent glint in his eyes, his form flickering as he struggled to maintain his grip on the mortal realm.

After all, he just fought against someone who was at the peak of the Holy Arts! He was definitely not in a good position to begin with.

Luckily, he had prepared enough as he thought that he would face the Shadow Immortal. Aside from that, Farah was only an Avatar who did not specialize in combat. If not for that, his unstable form would’ve been sent back to the Realm of the Dead!

With a guttural growl of frustration, he vanished into the darkness…

He also needed to recuperate before even thinking of meeting the Shadow Immortal, who possibly had the Divine Extraction Power!

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