Arcane Academy: The Divine Extraction Legacy

Chapter 799 Truly Defeated

Chapter 799 Truly Defeated

In the easternmost region of the continent, the capital of Luminara, a beacon of hope in the Kingdom of Solstice, was under siege.

After the Demons of the Abyss Realm failed miserably in the central region, their forces moved to this location… After the appearance of the Demon Lord’s aura, they all felt ecstatic and wanted to destroy this region immediately to reach the Demon Lord’s side.

However, after the aura of the Demon Lord disappeared, they just turned all their frustration to the people of this continent.

“My King! We should escape now!” The right hand man of the King suggested after seeing the number of Demons outside their city.

However, the King remained calm… He was still young at the age of 30 and he could still accomplish plenty of things. He might be able to rebuild the kingdom once the disaster had passed.

Yet, he shook his head…

“Without my people… There won’t be any kingdom to rule… I will stay here, Ronan.” The King said. He had already decided about this for a long time.

Demonic Creatures swarmed the skies and streets, their numbers like a dark tide threatening to engulf the city.

Evi Entities, their forms twisted and malevolent, wreaked havoc, while the three Demon Saints, wielders of Corrupted Divinity, loomed over the battlefield, their power a blight upon the land.

The Arcanists and Soldiers of Luminara fought with valor, their blades and spells coordinated to form a strong defiance.

The Elemental Arts Faction called forth firestorms and blizzards, the Holy Arts Faction summoned divine light to purify, the Mystic Arts Faction wove illusions to confound, and the Combat Arts Faction engaged in brutal melee with unyielding ferocity.

Yet, amidst the chaos and carnage, a figure of serene power stood atop the lone Arcane Tower of the Kingdom.

It was Constance, the Half-Immortal, the master of the Mystic Soul Tower, who was sent here by Kyle… Her eyes, reflecting the cosmos, gazed upon the struggling city with focus.

She raised her hands to the heavens, and with a voice that resonated in the sky, she invoked her strongest Celestial Art—Starfall.

As a huge amount of her Divinity disappeared from her body, the sky answered her call.

Stars blinked into existence, streaking across the heavens before transforming into a cascade of meteors. Each one was a small harbinger of destruction, guided by Constance’s will, raining down upon the demonic invaders with unrelenting fury!

“Die…” Constance muttered as she really hated these Demons.


The impact was immediate and devastating. Demonic Creatures were obliterated by the celestial barrage, Evi Entities dissipated into the ether, and even the Demon Saints were forced to shield themselves from the onslaught.

The Arcanists of Luminara, witnessing the awe-inspiring display, felt a surge of hope.

Constance’s beautiful visage, shining with the light of falling stars, became a symbol of their salvation. Her presence revitalized their spirits, and they rallied, their spells and swords renewed with vigor.

“Fight on, brave defenders of Solstice!” Constance’s voice echoed like a clarion call.

With these words, the others followed…

“For Luminara, for our people, we shall not falter!”

The battle raged on, but with Constance leading the charge, the tide began to turn. The Arcanists, inspired by her celestial might, pushed back against the darkness. The Soldiers, emboldened by her valor, stood their ground with their morale at its peak.

And as the last meteor from Constance’s Starfall struck down a Demon General, a cheer rose from the city—a cheer that was both a cry of victory and a hymn of gratitude for their savior, Constance…

This time, even if the three Demon Saints were still present, they knew that they had achieved victory…

As expected, after seeing that Demonic Creatures, Evil Entities, and the Demon Generals died, the Demon Saints only looked at Constance and the group of Elite

Arcanists sent by neighboring nations before they retreated…

The King of Solstice, his heart brimming with gratitude, extended an invitation to Constance, the savior of Luminara.

“I am willing to give anything you need as long as you stay in our kingdom and protect us—”

He wished to bestow upon her a token of friendship, a symbol of the kingdom’s eternal thanks, in hopes of binding her to the Kingdom… He wanted to offer marriage later on but fate had other plans.

A message, urgent and dire, reached Constance through the mystical bond she shared with Orden. 𝑓𝓇𝘦𝘦𝔀𝓮𝒷𝘯𝓸𝓋𝓮𝘭.𝓬𝓸𝘮

Kyle’s castle was in peril. With a heavy heart, she turned to the King.

“I’m sorry… I have to leave now…” Her words were a whisper as she could not waste her time any longer.

Activating the latent power of Kyle’s Immortal blood within her, Constance felt a surge of energy that defied the limits of her Half-Immortal heritage.

The journey to the castle, a trek that would normally span two days, was reduced to a mere six hours under the might of her unleashed potential.

Upon arrival at the vicinity of the castle, Constance was met with an imposing sight.

The castle, once guarded by five layers of mystical barriers, now stood fortified behind fifteen.

“Isn’t this an overkill? Just what kind of opponent entered the castle this time…” Constance mused.

It was a fortress within a fortress, a testament to the gravity of the situation within.

Luckily, she possessed an artifact that Kyle had made himself, allowing her to slip past the layered defenses as if they were mere veils of mist.

As she stepped onto the castle grounds, the auras of those gathered outside washed over her.

Kyle’s slaves, his friends, and companions who were normally outside the castle doing missions had all gathered here.

She immediately felt nervous…

Chad, the half-dragon, stood vigilant at the gates of the castle.

She wanted to ask what was going on, but Constance’s questions died on her lips as Orden’s call beckoned her to the Dragon’s Chamber.

It didn’t take long before she entered, and as soon as she did, she felt the chilling air seeping through her bones…

“W-what’s going on?!”

As Constance entered the hallowed Dragon’s Chamber, a room pulsating with draconic energies, her eyes saw a sight of profound significance.

There, encased within a crystalline prison of shimmering ice, lay Kyle like a dead body!

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