Arcane Academy: The Divine Extraction Legacy

Chapter 800 Solution

Chapter 800 Solution


Constance approached, her eyes tracing the intricate patterns of frost that veiled Kyle’s form. The air was thick with magic, and divinity was intertwined to contain the calamity that had befallen their friend.

‘What happened here?’ Constance thought as she observed Kyle’s situation. However, after not being able to find the reason why, she immediately looked for someone who could answer.

It was the two dragons.

“Orden, what’s going on here?” Constance’s voice was a blend of concern and command.

The Dragon’s reply was a mournful rumble.

“I also can’t tell exactly. However, it was a serious matter. The Death God… We believe he has claimed our master. We fought, but our efforts were in vain… Kyle instructed us to seal him before it was too late…”


Constance’s gaze hardened as she couldn’t believe that someone could also push Kyle to his limit… However, hearing that it was the Death God, it might really be possible…

Nonetheless, she couldn’t accept this. The Mystic Soul Tower had taught her many secrets, and she would not stand idly by while a comrade was in peril.

She asked several more questions as by the crystal, the Death God, and Kyle’s instructions before he was sealed…

However, they don’t seem to be that useful.

Nonetheless, Orden and Ryzoir turned their attention to someone who might be able to help.

It was the two figures with similar appearance with Kyle.

As the assembly’s attention shifted to Kyle’s Avatars, a hush fell over the group.

Kyle had created these two Avatars quite some time ago. They had conducted various missions all over the continent and had rushed here after Orden sent messages to them.

They possessed the Kyle’s memories but lacked the full scope of his divine powers, unable to perform the most extraordinary Celestial Arts exclusive to his true form.

“Avatars of Kyle… What is your perspective?” Constance inquired.

The gathering, which included Overseer Merlin, the Pontiff, Magnus, Denise, Faith, the Immortals, and others, waited with bated breath.

The Avatars, however, could only offer a resigned shake of their heads. The fate of Kyle’s true body was uncertain to them.

Nevertheless, they remained optimistic that this tribulation would be overcome.

The main body was not yet lost; the seal merely prevented the Death God from claiming Kyle entirely. The solution, they proposed, was to seek a means to vanquish the Death God.

“With the Time Manipulators aiding us… I think that we will have a decent chance of eliminating the Death God’s Spirit from claiming his body…” One of the Avatars said.

“For now… I think we should focus in closing all the Rifts… Strengthen the Will of the Realm to ensure that no more demons or other realms would try to take advantage of our land.” The other said.


With Kyle’s fate momentarily out of their hands, the assembly turned their focus to the pressing threat of the Abyssal Rifts.

The Avatars of Kyle, though limited in their divine capabilities, were resolute in their mission.

“We have to eliminate all the threats so we can focus on helping the main body to recover…”

“Very well…”

Assisted by the Time Manipulators, Jin and Giorgi, they embarked on a continent-wide campaign to seal all the Rifts made by the Abyss Realm’s Demon Lord.

Jin and Giorgi, masters of temporal arts, wove intricate spells that bent the fabric of time, allowing them to reach the Rifts with haste.

At each site, the Avatars channeled Kyle’s residual divinity, their hands glowing with celestial energy as they repaired the tears in reality…

Of course, Jin and Giorgi s also had a huge part on this as they made sure to make the fabric of space movable by their Divinity.

The Rifts, which had spewed forth legions of demons, began to close, one by one, their dark energies dissipating into the ether.

“One down… According to the report of the Arcane Bureau. There were about 30 of them remaining.” One of the Avatars said.

“I guess this will be a very long day…”

“Don’t worry… We don’t have to remove all the Rifts in a single day.

Meanwhile, the Four Immortals who had been enslaved by Kyle

—scoured the continent for the remaining demons. The moved alone and hunted as many demons as they could.

Their presence was a storm of retribution against the invaders.

In the valleys, upon the mountains, and across the plains, they clashed with the demonic forces.

The Immortals seemed to unleash their fury against the demons.

Their battles were destructive in scale…

As soon as they found a gathering of Demons, they would unleash powerful spells, each blow would decimate hundreds of Demons at once!

The earth shook, the skies roared, and the seas stormed as they unleashed their might.

Demons fell before them, their essence extinguished by the Immortals’ unrestrained Celestial Arts…

In the north, the Immortal known asAurionfaced a horde of Shadow Beasts, a specific type of Demonic Creature…

His sword, alight with the purest flame, cut through the darkness, each swing leaving trails of fire that consumed his foes.

To the east,Micah, a weaver of enchantments, battled a cabal of Abyssal Sorcerers, a type of Evil Entities. Her Celestial Arts focused in the element of lightt that works really well against the Evil Entities…

In the dense forests of the south,Thane, the Immortal Beastmaster, called upon the creatures of the wild. Together, they descended upon the demon invaders, a coalition of fangs and claws. Thane himself transformed, his form shifting into that of a great wolf, leading the charge as he and his pack tore through the demonic ranks.

And in the western deserts,Zarall, seemed to be the real Thunder Emperor as he summoned a tempest that engulfed the Legion of Bone. Lightning arced from his fingertips, shattering the skeletal warriors to dust. The winds howled at his command, sand and air becoming blades that sliced through the legion as easily as through the dunes.

Just the four of them managed to eliminate almost all of the remaining Demons in the continent in less than 72 hours!

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