Boss, Your Wife Runs Again

Chapter 465

"When did I come out of manto Bay?" She remembered vaguely that there was a man who picked her up. It should be srinheng.

"About three o'clock last night." The bodyguard replied respectfully.

Next, Li qianluo and the bodyguard chatted, she asked, the bodyguard answered.

It was not until an hour later that a sound appeared on the glacier road not far away.

It's a military vehicle, the one with a carriage in the back, and an SUV.

Bodyguards immediately alert Li qianluo surrounded, solid block in the middle of the circle.

Li qianluo looked at this scene, moved, they are using life to protect themselves.

As the car approached slowly, the bodyguard was relieved to see the people on the SUV.

When the people in the car got down, they immediately gave way to a road leading to Li qianluo.

Li qianluo watched the elder brother and Si Jinheng get off the car, happily ran over and threw himself in the arms of Si Jinheng.

The man directly kisses the woman's red lips and hugs her tightly in his arms.

When you see this scene, you have a tacit understanding to put aside your eyes.

The ends of the world can scatter dog food, Mr. Si, Mrs. Si is so bad!

Li qianluo just want to hold his man, did not expect that he directly kiss up, so many people are looking at it! She pushed the man away with a blush.

"How about you and big brother?" Si Jinheng's arm was bandaged! "What's wrong with your arm?" Looking at her anxiously.

"It's OK. It's just shot by the old fox in the sheep house." He said simply.

He was shot? "Did you see the doctor?" My eyes are full of worry.

"The bullet has been taken out and the medicine has been applied. Don't worry!" He rolled the woman's frown with his thumb.

She breathed a sigh of relief, and looked at Li Youhan behind her, "big brother, how are you?"

Li Youhan looked at her sister, rarely joked, "finally think of your brother-in-law, I thought you only have brother-in-law in your eyes!"

A word, let Li qianluo's face crimson, "big brother, you say quickly!" She didn't comply.

Li Youhan looked at her side of the man, he in that gun, or for his block bullet, "I'm ok, not injured."

His younger sister can follow such a heavy affection heavy righteousness man, he is really very pleased.

"Let's get on the bus quickly. Maybe we can find a place before this afternoon." Si Jinheng ordered everyone to stop Li qianluo's waist and get on the cross-country vehicle, while the bodyguard got on the rear military vehicle.

On the SUV, Li Youhan drives, and Si Jinheng and Li qianluo sit in the back seat.

"Take out the watch." He looked at the woman and wondered if she had hidden it in her underwear again.

Sure enough, the woman lowered her head slightly and took the watch out from under her neck.

The man took the pocket watch with body temperature and pressed the switch to turn it on.

On the surface, it's really just an ordinary pocket watch. There's nothing special about it.

Li Youhan takes a look at Si Jinheng, who studies pocket watch from the rearview mirror, and reminds him, "you can take it apart."

Si Jinheng took out a small screw driver from the tool box prepared by the side and unscrewed the small screw on the back.

A piece of paper, or rather a very thin piece of parchment, fell out of it. Srinheng looked at Li qianluo and motioned her to open it.

Li qianluo picked up the small note on his leg and opened it gently. There are strange lines on it and small traditional characters at the bottom.

She can't understand

Si Jinheng restored the pocket watch to its original state, handed it to Li qianluo, and took over the treasure map himself.

After looking at it for a while, "it's in this area. It's marked with gold."

Gold mine? Oh, my God! It's a treasure to describe it as a mine.

However, when Wei Bing was talking about oil, how did it become a gold mine?

Hear is a gold mine, in addition to Li qianluo's expression is very surprised, very surprised, two men in the car have no reaction.

"How can I get there?" Li Youhan only cares about this topic.

Si Jinheng looked at the map carefully. After a long time, "it should be across this glacier. There will be a continent. It is estimated that it is there."

Across the glacier? When will it be.

The car drove for another two hours, and there were still endless glaciers ahead.

The party came down for a rest and set off again.

It's not out of the glacier until dark, and it's getting colder and colder.

Sijinheng ordered to set up camp in the same place and set out at dawn.

Li qianluo gaped at the back of the military car, moved out of the tent, quilts, military coats, blankets and food and other things, very complete.

She had no idea when these were prepared.

Si Jinheng took her a military coat and put it on. The temperature difference between morning and evening is too big. Now it is estimated that it will be a few degrees below zero.A bodyguard is skilled in raising the fire, even the firewood and the pot with them.

The food came with jerky, biscuits, instant noodles, bread and ham sausage.

After dinner, everyone went back to the tent.

Only the tents of sriheng and Li qianluo were crowded with two of them. It was just right to sleep for them. There was no room for them.

"Go and make another tent." Li qianluo was a little embarrassed to look at the man with his arms around him. The others all had a tent.

How can Jin Siheng ignore her eyes! There are no doors!

"All right! Let's sleep She pushed the motionless man and had to give up.

The man just gave her a kiss on the mouth, and his hands began to be dishonest.

Li qianluo quickly took his big hand, so many people, the tent is not soundproof.

She lowered her voice and blew in the man's ear, "don't move. If you dare to mess with me, I'm angry!"

The man's breathing has increased, heard the woman's warning, closed his eyes in pain.

This tormenting goblin!

The night is getting deeper and deeper. There is only the sound of fire and dry wood burning outside. It is quiet around. All the people are gradually sleeping.

Only, sijinheng stopped the woman in his arms and watched her sleeping face in the dim light of fire.

It's not safe outside. He has to be vigilant. Not everyone can fall asleep.

I tucked in a quilt and a military coat for my little wife. I'm afraid she will be cold. Now the temperature should be more than ten degrees below zero!

Looking at the time, it was nearly three o'clock. He gently got up from the quilt and zipped the tent.

As soon as he came out, Li Youhan's tent also had a movement.

Two men in military coats fiddle with the fire to make it bigger.

"You go back to sleep and drive tomorrow." Si Jinheng took a look at Li Youhan and got used to the tone of command.

Li Youhan smiles and shakes his head, "you are injured, you go to sleep." He kept a record of not sleeping for three days and three nights when the army was on duty.

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