Boss, Your Wife Runs Again

Chapter 466

Two people are so silent, 3:30, not far away from a slight movement.

The two men looked at each other and they both noticed it.

Touch the gun on your waist and be ready to pull it out at any time.

More and more noise, but listen carefully, it doesn't seem to be from people.

The two stood together and looked in the direction of the source of the sound.

In the dark, several pairs of eyes were shining green.

Almost the first time, it can be confirmed that it is the wolves, and the two men feel relieved. Take a closer look. There should be only five or six.

Srinheng immediately turned back and raised the fire to its full height. Then he picked up the flashlight beside him and lit it.

Several wolves have different colors, two red, three dark, the first is snow white, should be their leader.

They have a wide mouth, a sharp snout, a short tail, and no curling at the back, and ears erect.

If he's right, these are the endangered Antarctic wolves.

Without hesitation, he took out his gun and fired at the open space in front of the wolves.

Sure enough, the wolves turned around and ran away.

This sound also awakened everyone.

Li qianluo fiercely opened his eyes, only she was in the tent.

She seemed to have heard the gunshot and climbed out of the tent.

All the bodyguards have also run out, each with a gun on the perimeter.

"It's OK. There were wolves just now. They have left. Go back and have a rest." Li Youhan takes a look at the bodyguard who quickly enters the defensive state. Where does Si Jinheng find these people? It looks very difficult.

Seeing the little woman climbing out in her thin skirt, Si Jinheng immediately went over and stuffed her half body back.

"It's all right. Go back to bed!" On such a cold day, I climbed out of the bed so rashly.

Li qianluo looked at the wound of Si Jin Heng, "has the wolf come?" Another nervous look at the man.

The man pushed her back into the bed. "No, go to sleep." Tuck her in and the woman sits up again.

"You come to sleep, too." Did he not sleep just now.

Si Jinheng pressed her back again and tucked her in again. "I've slept. I'm not sleepy. You should go to sleep first! Good

"I don't want to, you don't sleep, I don't sleep, I accompany you!" She pursed her mouth slightly and looked at Sloan stubbornly.

Si Jinheng smiles and shakes his head. "Be obedient. We are used to it. If I am here, I won't let you suffer." He leaned forward, only his feet out of the tent.

I will not let you suffer.

In a very simple word, it's really warm to hear her ears.

Sleepiness gradually hit, also did not try to be brave again, "you and big brother take turns to rest for a while." Vaguely said such a sentence, fell asleep.

Schlichen touched her long hair, gave her a kiss on the cheek, withdrew from the tent and zipped it tight.

Outside three bodyguards and Li Youhan pushed each other off, "officer Li, you go to rest! We slept for hours, that's enough. "

Si Jinheng looked at the three bodyguards and the upright Li Youhan. "Big brother, go to sleep. You have to drive tomorrow."

Li Youhan was not in the ink this time, so he went back to his tent.

The bodyguard just wanted Si Jinheng to have a rest. He raised his hand to stop them. He knew what they were trying to say. No, he was more at ease watching the laughing woman.

The three bodyguards chatted in a low voice. Si Jinheng looked at the mobile phone with no signal in his hand and flipped through the photos of Li qianluo and his three children.

Mouth has been hanging a smile, three little guys at home are still honest!

In this way, the day gradually dawned. At more than seven o'clock in the morning, Si Jinheng woke up Li qianluo, who was asleep.

To be exact, she rubbed her blurred eyes and looked at the man in front of her.

He didn't sleep all night. How can he still be so energetic? I admire him!

He zipped up the tent, took her coat and army coat and put them on her.

"It should be in the middle of the glacier. It's very cold." He said simply, buttoning her up.

Li qianluo looked at the man who took himself as a child and laughed foolishly and printed his lips.

Si Jinheng smiles and responds to her. How can it be enough with a little light!

After a long time, the tent zipper was opened, Li qianluo blushed, necked and climbed out of the tent.

It's really cold! She gasped and rubbed her hands.

Si Jinheng brought her hot water, poured it on her, and let her wash her face with warm water.

Breakfast simply had some bread, ham and jerky, and the party packed up and set off.

After another day, we still could not see the edge of the glacier, and we began to camp in situ.Li Youhan drove a day's car, for the next day better mental state, early rest.

In the evening, Li qianluo and Si Jinheng sat around a fire. "I fell asleep last night and didn't see the wolf. Will there be any more tonight?" The woman looked at the man excitedly and asked.

Look at her speechless. Is she a three-year-old? Don't you know wolves are fierce things? Actually interested in wolves. "I don't know. It's normal that wolves often appear on the edge of the world."

Li qianluo's eyes widened with excitement, "husband, go to bed quickly. I will protect you tonight." They usually protect her again. This time, she will come.

The man stopped her arm and let her lean on his shoulder. "Thinking too much, can I use a woman to protect me Don't let people laugh off their big teeth!

The woman turned her lips to his arrogance and said, "don't I have a gun? When the wolf comes, just fight directly. " It's better to catch one and bring it back to the side of the lion tiger.

Sijinheng gently shook his head and sighed, his simple little woman! "It's not just wolves, Lolo. You think the world is too good." Didn't she feel that since she left mantuo Bay, she had been calm all the time?

The old pocket watch has been coveted by so many people all the time. Now, many people must have known that they are looking for the treasure.

Some people may be on their way, some people Maybe follow them far away.

He took a look at the road he was going back and forth. He couldn't see anything clearly. Tibetan, the most suitable.

Li qianluo looked at the man doubtfully, and found that his eyes were on the road when he came. She looked at the past, nothing.

"Are we being followed?" Look, that's what he meant.

How could she not know the complicated and sinister side of the world, which she wanted to avoid a lot of times.

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