Ceo Unrivaled

Chapter 161 - Double Sigma Fraternity Discusions (1)

Chapter 161 – Double Sigma Fraternity Discusions (1)

Frat House of Double Sigma

The two frat leaders casually strolled back on the alleyway with an imposing aura around them. The people on the side of the street who noticed their figures quickly looked away and did not dare to make eye contact.

"Brother, we finally have a regular job. We can live a normal life," Danny spoke while looking straight ahead of the road. His tone carries a vibrance that sounded strange yet warm. 

With their ages, they had already outgrown the streetfights and constant disputes. 

"The normal life is not that easy. But, this is our starting point. We owe this to the young lady," Derek responded thoughtfully.

"The dining place huh… We can manage this job right?" Danny asked.

"We don't need to manage it. As I observed that young girl, she seemed very hands-on with this business. Since she is opening a diner's place then, she may have an idea about it. All we need to do is follow her lead," Derek stated.

Danny's steps halted and he slowly glanced at his older brother. For him to be able to hear such kind of words coming from a fellow leader was something that could only occur once in a blue moon.

They were supposed to lead, but now, his older brother had declared them to follow someone else. Moreover, the person that they were talking about was younger than them!

"Continue walking," Derek commanded when he noticed that his brother was in a full stop. "We have to tell this news to the members." he added.

"Brother!" Danny called and sprinted forward. "Did you just say what I just heard? Am I dreaming? Brother, please be clear!" he questioned his older brother with a bewildered expression.

"I know a good leader when I see one. That young lady, do you think someone of her age in this district could speak with such bearing like that? Even those arrogant gangs in their early twenties could not carry that air of authority she had. We will follow her, I have a feeling that she won't abandon us. Even if we are not related to her by blood nor have a close friendship."

Danny scratched his head with a strong force that the portion of his hair was messed up. "I don't understand, bro!"

"It is a work of fate that you met her. She had spoken about this business at you first, why did you agree with her? You could argue and forget what she said. But, you reported the matter to me."

"Because its something important!" Danny replied.

"How? The offer could just be a bluff by some random teen who wants to mess up with you. It could just be a prank. How did you know that her offer was real?" Derek asked to make his brother realized what he had just missed.

"I was… Well, at that time, she sounded so genuine. No, I think, it's her eyes… now that I remember it, she did not look away when she offered me the job," Danny stated as he remembered his first encounter with Sofia.

"It's her character. She had perhaps the strongest character among all people that I met. This made her words so hard to ignore. That is why you considered her offer as important," Derek announced.

"Character… that sounds so profound," Danny muttered.

"Look around and noticed that no one was peering at us. The people are avoiding our path. This is the effect of our character that we managed to build. They fear us. But kind of effect has limits. If we crossed paths to a more stronger opponent, they could trample us and the effect of our character to the people would be faded like dry leaves." Derek stated. He was aware of their limitations. 

Even though their group controlled the territory of the outskirts in District 7, the man knew that it may not be the same in the future. They were getting old and the new generation started to form their own groups. Someone was bound to challenge their authority and they may not be able to keep up with the new generation.

Thus, he thinks that it was better if they had a stable job and build their own reputation without using fear. By then, the civilians would look at them with respect instead of avoiding them in fear.

"Brother, if we have such kind of character, then, what do you think is the character of the young lady? I am not so keen on observing these kinds of things. But I know that you can evaluate people right away," Danny spoke softly.

"Some characters are weak, others are dominant. But there is something in the middle ground between the weak and strong. And those who know how to stay in the middle are likely to be the calculative type and most self-disciplined. That Sofia, her character is balanced. I hit her accidentally, she was furious about my action. But the fury was quickly replaced with a formal and civil expression. You see, she did not ignore my action and point out her views about it. But she did not also bore grudges. The young lady just move forward and continued with our agreement." Derek thoroughly explained.

"That is also true. If it was other employers, they may have canceled the job offer. But she actually took her time to lecture you and then proceed to talk about the job," Danny mentioned. "And bro, I find it strange that I apologized to her. I never apologized to anyone that you have hurt before. Maybe, I am worried that she would just back out," he added.

"She is a good person to follow. Let's not mind about her age. My gut feeling is telling me that this time, we are on the right path," Derek said.

These two turned left and the street became more narrowed. They passed a block then went back to another wider street. It was a shortcut to their place and their frat house was already few steps away. 

"Boss, welcome back!"

"How is it, boss? Is it good news?"

Two of their members came out from the gate of their frat house and run towards them asking about their recent appointments with Sofia.

Derek gave a thumbs up to confirm that it was a good news.

"I almost screwed it up by pulling a prank to our employer. But it turned out that this person is worthy of our respect. Once the two of you meet her, and the rest of her squad, you must act politely and avoid violence at any cost," Derek told the two members.

"Yes, boss! What is the job, and why is there a squad?" one of the members asked.

"The boss announced earlier that the employers were gamers right?  So, their group is called squads. Hehe, Boss, are going to be hired as their bodyguards?" the other one also inquired.

The four men entered their house and all members inside stood from their seats and offered a customary bow after seeing their leaders. They then formed a line and wait for any orders. The other two members who met up with them earlier went to join the group who formed a line. 

"Listen, everyone! Our brotherhood had always been sailing in troubled waters. Double Sigma Fraternity is constantly having conflicts. So, your leaders and founders made a decision to change this kind of living. Anyone who doesn't like these changes will have the freedom to leave. We won't blame you. But, hear me out first, for I will tell you a good opportunity," Derek started while Danny stood beside him. 

The members nodded their heads and silently waited for Derek to continue his speech.

Danny scanned all the faces of their members and then spoke before his older brother could say a word. "We are in our prime age and I am hit with a hard realization that it is hard to find a job with no academic background. It made me regret my actions in the past. I wished I did not dropped school so that I can have a normal job. Do you have the same feelings with me?"

"Yes, boss Danny! But we will follow this brotherhood and remain as a family with the Double Sigma. We won't betray the hands that fed us when we have nowhere to go!" the members answered in chorus.

"That's good! Then, I will let my brother tell you about this opportunity that we managed to gain," Danny stated with full of satisfaction. 

"Brothers! We had a meeting with a potential employer and confirmed a job for all of us. It will be a hostel and the location is in the intersection street. Our employer assigned us to be in charge of the diner's place. Can you handle the job?" Derek asked his members.

"Yes, boss Derek! We only need the chance to have a job. Finding one is very hard for a dropout like us. But if we will be employed, we will take any job!" the members confirmed right away.

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