Ceo Unrivaled

Chapter 162 - Double Sigma Fraternity Discussions (2)

Chapter 162 – Double Sigma Fraternity Discussions (2)

"Our brotherhood will remain, but, this time we, the double sigma fraternity, will obey our employer named Sofia. I know this is a name of a lady. She is also young but, I require every member in our brotherhood to not be fooled by this youth for her capability is beyond her age," Danny spoke after his older brother made the necessary announcements.

The members remained standing despite the official meeting was already done. Somehow, they were interested to listen more about their new job.

"Boss, how much is the salary?" one of the members suddenly asked.

"The salary is reasonable for all of us. Get a pen and paper and list all the names who want to be employed and join us. This time, our battle will be in the kitchen and our goal is to satisfy the customers of our employers," Derek ordered.

"Boss Derek, I am Gin, please give us instructions of what we will do. Not all of us is familiar with the kitchen chores. To be honest, I can't cook!" one of the younger members of their fraternity raised his hand and expressed his concern.

"That's right! Naturally, I know that not all of you in this brotherhood can cook," Derek swift his vision to all members. Some guys were grinning at him sheepishly that confirmed his speculations. Most of the members had been in their group for more than five years, hence, he knew all their capabilities.

"I only need three assistants in the kitchen works. Danny will facilitate the other tasks in the dining area. Then, other members can be the waiters and cleaners. Write your names and place what skills do you have next to it," Derek answered.

"So boss, how about our legal documents to go for work? Aren't businesses requires their workers to provide documentation? I ran away from home and all my papers are not with me," another member voiced out.

All other members looked at him before their eyes went back to their leaders. It was indeed an important matter that they need to discuss for most of them had already left their homes and vowed never to return. Some had family conflicts other were really expelled by their parents. Now, they lacked such kinds of documents for them to get a proper job.

"If we don't provide documentation then that means we are not regular employees?" the person at the back also asked.

Despite the violent nature and environment that they stayed in, these members also recognized that it was crucial to provide documentation so that they can obtain a regular job. 

Derek raised his hand as the commotion started to arise in front of him. "Hehe, you guys also know these qualifications!"

The silence quickly returned and the members waited for their boss to speak to them about the work.

"This matter about our legal papers, our future boss did not ask for it. Her requirement is simple. It is to avoid making trouble in the intersection street and in return, she will employ us. This is her decision which is also an advantage to us. So, we can start from working, and then let's figure out what would be our next step," Danny stated.

"Ohh… boss, then, I will join! I want to have stable employment!" the members expressed their interest one after another.

After some time, every member that looked serious had suddenly curled their lips into a smile. They quickly made a list of their names and skills. 

June – cleaner

Willy – can cook

Carlos- waiter



Soon after the list continues until the paper became full. In total, their fraternity had 19 members willing to join this recruitment.

Derek stared at the messy handwriting of his member's names and their skills. He then took a picture of the list and sent the photo to Sofia.

In just a matter of seconds, he received a prompt response from her.


Danny took a glance at the response and stared at it for a long time.

"That's a fast reply!" Derek exclaimed.

"They said that these gamers can really type their reply even if they close their eyes!" Danny stated.

"Is that so? Then, it's really an impressive skill they have!" Derek mumbled.

"She is really an employer. Her reply is even like the other boss that we met in the past," Danny commented while his eyes were still on the message from Sofia.

"Yeah, such a response that is brief yet on point. It is very normal for them to give this kind of reply. We will not regret this decision," Derek stated before putting his phone away.

"But, I also wonder, can they really sustain 21 employees? No, this is just our group for the dining part, right? There is also the housekeeping that she mentioned. She will start a business with this big numbers of the employee, how could they manage to produce a salary? Will the business really become popular?" Danny mumbled.

Sofia's offer was extremely strange. He had never known someone who was too crazy to employ even though the business had not yet started.

"She is that confident about her plans. I've seen this kind of business strategy in few employers too. I think I understand the goal of getting a huge number of employees," Derek said.

After their discussions with the fraternity members, the two of them went straight to their shared room and now settled with a cigarette in their hands.

"What is the goal that she wants to achieve, bro?" Danny asked as he blew the smoke on the window.

"They might divide their manpower soon. Perhaps, this is not the only business that they plan to build. I guess they plan to create a chain of business. Have you noticed one of the clauses in our contract? It says that the employee must be willing to be transferred to another branch or line of business," Derek pointed out.

"Our district is not really a business capital. Only a few locations have a centralized market here. Do you think they plan to build other businesses in the areas with no competitions too?" Danny could not help but continued to venture his curiosity about the plans of their future boss. Although he does not have a lot of knowledge about the corporate world, it seemed that he had a few ideas about how they operate.

"Compete and expand. This is an aggressive strategy to increase the source of profit. The many the business, the higher the potential it will generate. Just like us, the many our members in the group, the stronger we become," Derek answered.

"Oh… Increase the source of profit? I have never seen someone so eager to increase profit without even starting yet! Most business owners would speculate the progress of their first business before they plan for expansion!" Danny spoke.

The smoke from their cigarettes had filled their room even though the small window was already opened. Even though they were not the one who was starting the business, they still felt anxious by it.

"Maybe she is purely naïve? or purely expert? But for her to do this, she must have sufficient capital… I wonder how she would get the number of funds needed? But who knows? Her parents may be helping her in the business too! She sure has such a lucky life," Derek said as he discard the cigarette butt on their cheap ashtray.

"That should be it. Bro, I think that it's better to inform our future boss about our lack of papers for formality. Just in case she would really require us to submit, then, we will be in trouble!" Danny suggested.

"I've already sent a chat earlier about the lack of legal documents. She said that we can figure it out later since the business is not yet operating," Derek slightly laughed as he remembered something else. Then he continued, "She told me that if other members have no documents, we can provide the proof of birth certificate. Then I also mentioned the lack of clearance from the authority. I'm sure that there was no way the bureau would release clearance for all of us. We have caused so much trouble in this district. Ehem… Well, she said that this matter is only required by companies to avoid employing fugitives, not rascals!"

"Rascals? She called us rascals! Isn't it the same? This young lady is surely interesting, I remembered being called this name by our grandpa," Danny spoke with a nostalgic expression on his face. The ash on the tip of his cigarette started to dissolve and dropped on the floor.

"I think she meant we are not criminals only troublemakers. Anyway, she may not want to complicate things for us. I felt like she is helping us in this form of offer. She is considerate," Derek stated.

"Bro, why would she help us? We are not related to her at all!" Danny argued.

"People in her caliber can identify problems that are neglected within the society. Unemployment. Look at us, we are grown men with no idea what to do other than to fight. Who knows? Maybe she thought that our path is to go to jail. So, she was helping us by giving us a decent job," Derek replied as he made a wild guess of the real reason why Sofia had offered them the job.

Their unemployment was not because of their government but because of their negligence to gain credentials and be qualified to pass the criteria of being an employee in their district.

It was the consequence of their past actions. Even if the there are so many job vacancy, they can't apply for it.

Such a circumstance was really problematic but it was caused by no one but poor decision making in the past. And the society could only blame them too about it.

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