Ceo Unrivaled

Chapter 191 - Views Of Gaming World, Entertainment World, And Corporate World

Chapter 191 – Views Of Gaming World, Entertainment World, And Corporate World

"Our opponent was so good. We were outplayed for the early game.  Luckily, they did not push, so we made a comeback and defeated them," Claire narrated what happened during their first match. Sofia was also done freshen up and was already changing her bed sheets.

"Were they in one squad? Or just random opponents?" Sofia inquired. Her hands were busy pulling the bedcover while chitchatting with Claire.

"We played a random match. But, they were in one squad. The name is TXX.EN," Claire replied. 

Unlike Sofia who was physically busy, Claire was sitting on the couch and was checking her phone. The device reflected the rankings of the game.. Her fingers nimbly clicked some commands, and the screen prompted various information.

Meanwhile, Sofia paused and stretched her body. She finally took off all the covers of her bed and was about to put the replacement. 

"I've never heard of TXX.EN," she muttered.

"Me too. So, I am checking the rankings now to do a little digging," Claire answered. "The squad is top 12 in the overall global ranking in our server. And the two players that have good coordination earlier are TXX.EN_PACE and TXX.EN_coral… here," Claire stood up from her seat and brought her phone in front of Sofia.

"Ohh… Top 8 mage user and Top 5 fighter user. They have decent MMR too," Sofia commented after looking at the data that Claire presented.

"Their mage and fighter combo were very hard to destroy. But in the late game, Ms. Jing Jing suggested a strategy that was very effective… hmmm… By the way, their fighter user also asked us during the match if we will participate in the regional tournament. Then, I told them that we are still undecided," Claire added.

"AH, that is really a good coincidence to play with them in random matches," Sofia stated and returned her business of fixing her bed. Claire also kept her phone and helped her.

After a while, Sofia's phone vibrated. Claire was near her device and saw that it was an incoming call from Grace. "It's the mayor's daughter," she subconsciously said.

"Grace?" Sofia mumbled as she answered the call.

"Sofia! Hehe, are you busy? I am calling about your business registration. What is the name of your business in the intersection street again? It slipped my mind," Grace stated.

"I'm not busy," Sofia replied. "What are the requirements to register a limited company in our place, Grace?" she thoughtfully asked. She already knew about the documents needed however, it would be safe if she pretended to ask for the details from Grace. In this way, she can prevent any suspicions.

As for "limited", it is one of the business structures that Sofia was thinking to apply in their group. But she was still hesitant.

She planned to make the four members of her squad the stockholders of their business and she will be the registered owner. But she was not certain if her members would agree with her arrangement.

To put it simply, the business name that she planned to register was The Chronos Ltd.

This term "Ltd" would also indicate that the assets of her members will be protected from the future debts, creditors, and other liabilities that the business would incur. Its purpose was clearly to reduce personal risk.

"Ah… well, I'll check the requirements here first. Then, I'll send it to your email," Grace responded. "By the way, about the wedding this Saturday, we have a rehearsal this afternoon. I'll send you the location too."

"Okay, I will wait for your message. See you then," Sofia said before they ended the call.

At that point, Sofia completely abandoned the idea of sleeping. She went to her bathroom and washed off the tiny red taint on the bed sheet. Then, she threw all linens in her washing machine that was situated in the corner beside the sink.

"I'll go to my place, Sof." Claire said and continued stalking the squad members of their last opponent while stepping out of the door.

The email of Grace promoted on Sofia's phone, and she skimmed the details while waiting for the washing machine to finish washing. She also told her members to wait for her after their second game. But her plan was no longer to play. Instead, she would discuss the business arrangement with them.

Half an hour later, Sofia stood in front of her members as they listened to the discussion. 

"What I have in mind is that we will start with The Chronos Ltd. Then, after that, if our profit and earnings increase, we can open another line of business but it would be under your name. For example, Clark, you mentioned that you like baking. In the future, we will also open a pastry shop or something like that, and then it will be registered under your name. We will own chains of business depending on what you want to open," Sofia made her best effort to explain all her plans to them in the simplest possible way.

Earlier, this place contained their noise of squealing "attack" and "retreat" signals. But now, the four members were completely silent. 

"What do you think? Do you agree with this arrangement?" Sofia asked while the four members blinked their eyes in perfect synchrony.

"I agree," Claire was the first to respond. Then, the other three boys also nodded their heads.

"Okay, then, I'll tell Grace to proceed with the registration," Sofia said. She then replied to Grace's email, thanking the lady for the information she sent as well as confirming the name of their business.

"Then, what do we need to do, Sof?" Clark asked. Sofia just told them about her plan, but, there was no instruction on what her members should do.

"First, let's sign an agreement to finalize what we have discussed. I will create the documents so, you just continue your practice for now," Sofia said and took her seat too.

"I'll make the documents of your agreement, Sofia. You can review the file after," Jing Jing presented. She had been so idle and was just playing games with these teens. Somehow, she also felt guilty for not doing anything.

"Thank you, Sister Jing! I have a draft of the clauses here," Sofia agreed and showed Jing Jing the file.

"You're welcome. I got this. You can play with them while waiting for me to finish. With your draft, I can make the file easily!" Jing Jing actively responded.

Sofia smiled and then switched her attention to her members. "How's your shooting last time, Joey?"

It was the summer campaign of the swimwear that Joey presented to endorse. The payment was already forwarded to their bank account but Joey did not mention anything about his photo shoot.

"Hehe, the photographer was so hot! Guys, you should see her! She could be a model! They also said that it will be officially released on or before the end of this month," Joey said. His expression sparkled with excitement.

"Heh!" Stephen rolled his eyes. "Why am I not surprised at all?"

Upon hearing Stephen's remarks, Joey playfully glared at him. "It is true! It was a pity that I had no chance to talk with her. Otherwise, I would have asked for her number," he shrugged.

"Maybe this girl will see you in the next tournament, Joey. They said that the competition will be broadcasted widely. Do your best, eh?" Claire responded while grinning at him.

"Hahaha, I hope there is another shooting. Sof, put me again if another photo shoot will be offered to us," Joey eagerly suggested.

"Haha, I will. It's good that you are enjoying this modeling job. I will withdraw the money and give it to you tomorrow," Sofia replied. Naturally, she would not keep the money for it was only Joey who work hard for it. 

But Joey wave his hand and gestured for a 'no'. "Just add the money to our budget in the business, Sof. Don't withdraw it… after all the endorsement is under our squad." he hurriedly expressed.

"Okay," Sofia did not argue. "Did you have fun?"

"Yes, yes! I had fun posing for pictures," Joey replied while imitating some of his poses.

Stephen and Clark shook their heads while looking at him.

"Also, there was someone who asked me if I want to do some acting for a side character of a TV drama. They gave me a piece of contact information just in case I will be interested," Joey said and took his wallet to show the calling card.

"Oh, you were scouted! Joey, you will become a celebrity! Ehh, did you accept the offer?" Claire asked enthusiastically. 

"I don't know. I thought I would ask Sofia first," Joey said.

"It's a great opportunity, Joey! Just be mindful that he nature of competition in the world of entertainment is different from the gaming world. In the gaming world, our great asset is the skills in gaming. But in the entertainment world, your worth will be measured using your physical appearance, your talent, and your value on screen. If you can handle the pressure, go for it," Sofia thoroughly replied.

"Ohh.. what about the competition in business world, Sof?" Clark interrupted before Joey could make a reaction.

'The corporate world is a game of opportunities,' Sofia momentarily thought. Then she earnestly looked at her members and spoke,

"In the business world, it's like playing chess. Every decision we make is a gamble that can either lead our business to the path of failure or success. The competition is how we earn and profit out of our decisions. In regards to our group, the value of our business will be measured by the customer's satisfaction."

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