Ceo Unrivaled

Chapter 198 - [Bonus ] A Fist - Fight

Chapter 198 – [Bonus ] A Fist – Fight

Stephen and Joey were about to cross the opposite road when a commotion suddenly broke just a few meters away from where they stood.

"Fight! Fight!"

Few people were yelling as if inciting a riot. Then, those who were in the pedestrians started to gather.

"There's a brawl outside the convenience store!" Joey spoke with a startled tone. He then grabbed Stephen's arm and dragged the man to check the fight.

"This fight is none of our business! Aren't you going to catch a bus?" Stephen complained. He was also curious but his curiosity did not reach the same level as Joey. To resolve an argument in a fistfight was a normal occurrence in their place. Especially that there were gangs and fraternity conflicts in their district.

"Let's just look for a few minutes and see who is so bold to fight here.. Maybe we can recognize some of them," Joey responded. He continued to pull Stephen towards the location until they saw a figure of a man that was certainly the center of everybody's attention.

"What? Do you want to die? Come!" a man shouted arrogantly. He was clearly one of the students in the university.

He rolled the sleeves of his school uniform clenched his fist. In just a blink of an eye, he threw a fist towards the figure in front of them.

"Fight! Fight! Fight!"

The cheering of some audiences in the brawl became louder. People were excited when they saw the man started punching.

Then, the onlookers started to form a circle and surrounded them. These two figures looked like they were ready to kill each other but, unexpectedly, the opponent of the man was actually a girl!

The girl was wearing civilian clothes however she was wearing an ID sling that belonged to the university. It was clear that they were schoolmates. But, as for the reason for this fight, no one had bothered to discuss it.

"Your posture is too bad," the girl stated with a small smirk on her face.

Just as the fist of the man reached few inches away from the girl's chin, her body slightly moved backward and she raised her leg to kick the man in his abdomen. Her counterattack made all people gasp an air.

"Ouch!" Stephen winced while witnessing the kick landed towards the man at a perfect angle. Even he who was just watching the scene unfolded before he could relate to the pain that the man received.

"What ouch? You are reacting to her target? Did you feel the pain?" Stephen playfully commented with a grin on his face. But there was also a glint of admiration in his eyes after seeing the girl's ability.

"Hehe, that kick was damn strong. Who is that girl? Do you know her?" Joey inquired. His face showed full of interest.

"No. Why would I know her?" Stephen raised a brow and asked him. Joey only shrugged and did not speak any response anymore.

At the center, the man curled his body for a few seconds and pressed his hands on his stomach to ease the pain that he felt. He could almost feel the need to vomit after her foot touched his stomach. The attack was no joke! And his arrogant face was replaced with a grim expression.

"You! How dare you kick me!" He shouted in fury and raised his index finger to the girl. "I will kill you! I will kill you!"

The man forced his feet to move forward and punches the girl again. But his attempt for the second time had failed. The girl easily docked her head and exchange a blow. Her punch connected right on the man's jaw. The man staggered before his body completely dropped to the ground.

"Show is over. Scram!" a feminine voice sounded. If they had not witnessed the fistfight, everyone would think that this girl is just harmless. Her eyelids fluttered as she looked at the crowd before turning away.

She started walking inside the convenience store and ignored the people who were staring at her back.

At this point, everyone who watched this scene had realized that this girl was not simple. They immediately memorized the features of her face to avoid her.

"This… wow! Knock out?!" Joey spoke and was lost in words. The man was really sprawled unconscious on the ground. It was just a single punch but the girl knew where to hit her target.

Those who were cheering for a fight earlier quickly tended to the man and carried him on their shoulder. It turned out that they were

"The girl can do a real punch," Stephen commented.

The onlookers started to disperse and talked about the incident. Some groups were asking which year the girl belongs. Others were curious about her section. But none of them had actually known the details for she was wearing an item of civilian clothing.

"I think those students in night class are allowed to wear civilian clothes?" one of the onlookers pointed out.

"Ohh… that's right! Those students," another one mumbled.

If Sofia was there, she would have recognized the girl right away. It was one of her classmates, Kristelle!

Meanwhile, Joey and Stephen finally crossed on the opposite side of the road and continued to walk. Somehow, the incident had made them forgot about the status of their gaming accounts. But when they reached on the other side, Joey's thoughts started to linger again about the suspension of his account.

"Unbelievable," he mumbled while shaking his head.

"Are you stunned with the girl's fighting skills?" Stephen asked while glancing at him.

"No! Not the girl. I'm thinking about our accounts. How could it be suspended for so long! One day without playing feels like eternity!" Joey stated in a dramatic tone.

Stephen shook his head and forced a bitter laugh. The two of them had already walked closer to the bus stop and Stephen's place too.

"It's abnormal. But if the system works that way, then, what else can we do?" Stephen said calmly. But, as he looked straight ahead, his face suddenly turned grim.

He saw a luxury van parked in front of his place. And it was not just a random vehicle. The van was very familiar to him.

This change of expression did not miss Joey's eyes. He shifted his line of sight to where Stephen was looking and understood the situation right away. Stephen's father could be in his place!

"It seems that you have a visitor too? Maybe, today is region 7 parental visitation day?" Joey joked after seeing the van. At first, it was Claire's parents who were visiting her. Now, there was also the possibility of Stephen's parents. He could not help but put an emphasis on such coincidence.

Stephen only scoffed and gritted his teeth. Then he bitterly spoke, "Tsk! It's probably Mr. and Mrs. Ching this time."

His tone was lack of affection and if there was emotion that could be hinted from it, Joey could tell that it was full of disdain.

They both halted their steps. Joey could feel that Stephen was reluctant to go back to his place.

"Bro, just face them. I don't know your family issues but they are still your parents. If Sofia is here, she would probably push you forward to meet them," Joey encouraged him.

"Yeah," Stephen nodded his head in agreement.

"I'll catch my bus here. Damn, no one is sharing a sympathy of my suspended account!" Joey muttered to lighten up their mood.

"If you find that girl earlier, maybe she will share a sympathy?" Stephen chuckled.

"Hahaha… never mind!" Joey objected. A bus stopped in front of them. The two exchanged a quick fist bump before he swiftly got in.

Joey picked the window seat. He waved at Stephen. But before the bus could take its leave, another figure ran inside and sat next to Joey's seat.

"You've got to be kidding me!" Joey froze on his seat for a few seconds. Then, he carefully leaned his head on the window to hide from this seatmate. The last-minute passenger was actually the girl who knocked out a man earlier!

Joey closed his eyes and pretended to fall asleep. Unfortunately, despite his efforts, he still heard the girl spoke. "You are from that champion squad last tournament?"

Even if this girl won't call his name, it was obvious that she was talking to him. Joey opened his eyes and took a courage to look at the girl.

"Y-yes," he replied.

"I'm Kristelle, Sofia's classmate. How is she?" Kristelle casually introduced her name and asked him.

"AH! You are a classmate of our squad leader!" Joey exclaimed in astonishment.

"Yeah, I was with her during the literary contest. So, how is she?" Kristelle asked again.

"Sofia? Why are you asking? Did something happen?" Joey inquired. His fear towards her suddenly vanished when the girl mentioned Sofia.

"Nothing really. Can't I ask about her?" the girl asked.

"Well, as far as I know, our leader is fine. But, did she offended you or something? Are you targeting her?" Joey pressed further.

In an instant, the rich sound of Kristelle's laugher filed the bus. "Hahahaha, I don't have that kind of guts!"

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