Ceo Unrivaled

Chapter 199 - Ma-IX Corner Bus Stop (1)

Chapter 199 – Ma-IX Corner Bus Stop (1)

After Kristelle's laughter tone down, Joey found himself lost in his own thoughts. The two of them settled in awkward silence as they sat in uncomfortable atmosphere around them.

"Location?" the elder man who was the conductor of the bus took a stop at their side to ask for their destination. He was holding a ticketing device on his hand and he looked at them in the eye. He waited for them to respond.

"Ma-IX Corner," Kristelle answered.

Hearing this location, Joey instantly trembled but he quickly pretended to be busy looking outside the bus. He secretly took an earphone from his bag and plug it on his ear. 

The conductor also took a step back and examined the girl's face to see if she was serious.

"Pardon?" he asked to confirm her location..

The Ma-IX Corner was not a place that any civilian would make a stop. Even buses in their district would refuse to drop a passenger in this location despite having a bus stop.

It was a street that was commonly called the ninth corner mansion. Even if there was a mansion on its name, but this place was considered to be the den of the notorious criminals in the district.

"Uncle, I'm going to the Ma-IX Corner," Kristelle casually repeated. The passenger at her back was also terrified by her response that it moved to another seat farther away from her.

"Young girl, we don't take passengers to the ninth corner mansion," the elder conductor finally said.

"Uncle, which route is this bus traveling? Aren't you going to pass at the Ma-IX corner?" Kristelle inquired. She was oblivious of all the weird glances that the people threw at her.

"Well, y-yes. We can pass on that location but we can't make a stop there. It's a company policy," the elder conductor stated.

"Why not? There is a bus stop just in front of the ninth mansion," Kristelle argued.

The elder conductor sighed and shook his head in frustration. "Young girl, we just don't make a stop on this area. We can drop you at the next bus stop or before the mansion's bus stop."

"That's odd. The bus stop in the Ma-IX corner is not illegal. But, you don't want to drop me there," Kristelle mumbled in slight irritation.

"Didn't you know of the rumors?" Joey suddenly asked her while taking off the earphones from his ears.

Kristelle turned her head at him and frowned. Then, she asked Joey with a solemn expression on her face. "Which rumors? That the Ma-IX is where criminals took their business in that place?"

"Exactly! That is the reason why no buses would stop in the place," Joey replied quickly without looking at her.

"The young man is right. The place is dangerous. We cannot risk the safety of our passengers," the elder conductor quickly confirmed Joey's words.

"Huh? Those rumors are not true. I live there," Kristelle said.

"Well, even if the rumors are not confirmed by others, we cannot drop you at that location. I cannot give you a ticket," the elder conductor stated firmly. His tone made Kristelle 's frown grow deeper. 

But soon, she nodded her head and finally drew out her decision, "Please, give me a ticket for the bus stop before the Ma-IX Corner."

Right away, the elder conductor made manual punches on the ticket to indicate the distance of her location and the amount of her fare. "Here," the ticket was hander at her before the elder conductor turned his attention to Joey.

"Err— I'm also going to the Fairview Street," Joey said. Coincidentally, this was the name of the location of the bus stop that was before the ninth mansion bus stop. 

The conductor did not speak a word and gave him a ticket too. Then, he proceeded to approach the passengers behind them to ask for their destination.

"We are taking the same bus stop," Kristelle initiated another conversation.

"Yeah," Joey replied. He felt that it was better for him not to engage with much talk to this lady, but, he also did not want to be rude. In the end, he also took the initiative to ask the girl about the incident earlier. "I saw you at the convenience store, punching someone, what happened?"

"Ohh… that, hehe, his members were bullying me," she replied right away. But this response triggered Joey's curiosity. Even if bullying was rampant in their school, it did not involve physical fights among students. Most of it was verbal fights.

"How did they bully you?" he probed further.

  "I went to buy a pack of sour candies in the convenience store when they started extorting for my money," Kristelle paused and open her backpack. Then, she took the sour candies out of it to show Joey. "I was looking for this in the aisle of candies when one of their members approached me. I ignored him but then, another member blocked my way to force me to give them money," she added.

"I did not know that students extort money from other students," Joey subconsciously stated.

"Haha, with your group, I don't think someone would bully you guys," Kristelle commented.

"Maybe… but, why are they extorting money though?" Joey asked again.

"Hmmn, They said that night class students must pay them so that we are safe to study at night. And that their group will teach a lesson to those who won't pay them. So, I punch him. Then, the cashier kicks us out. The rest, I think, you've witnessed it. HAHA, That man deserved it! He can't even throw a proper punch but he had the guts to challenge me for a fight!" Kristelle answered with a small smile on her face. A glint of mockery was evident in her eyes too.

Then, she started to check the outside street signs to see if they had passed through their bus stop. "Isn't Fairview Street just around this place?"

"No, there is still 10 minutes drive, more or less before the bus stop," Joey thoughtfully answered.

"Ohh… I see. I did not know that buses do not make a stop at Ma-IX Corner. But, it had been so long since I used public transportation," she muttered and crossed her arms on her chest.

"Ma-IX Corner… do you really live there?" Joey asked her out of confirmation. Somehow, he doubted that a student in their school was actually living with criminals on the Ma-IX Corner.

"I live there. That rumors about the mansion were completely absurd. There were no criminals in that location," Kristelle defended.

Out of a sudden, a high pitch voice sounded on the other row of the seat. "Well, well, well, look who's here? Did you find a new girl toy, Joey?"

Joey did not need to stretch his neck to take a clear look at the girl. He only glance at her and realized that the girl was one of his ex-girlfriends during his freshman years. He had completely forgotten her name though.

"Were not together," Kristelle sternly said before Joey could open his mouth to speak a response.

"Ohh? That's new! If you are not together, then, why are you sitting beside him?" the ex-girlfriend asked Kristelle.

"Because it's a vacant seat? And I know him. So, is there a rule that I can't take a seat next to him? Or maybe you are one of those girls who are stalking their crushes and gets jealous over non-sense things?" Kristelle replied. Her tone was full of sarcasm.

"Don't mind her. She is one of my ex-girlfriends," Joey whispered as he adjusted his sitting position. He secretly plea that the bus driver would drive faster so, he could get off the bus as soon as possible. Who knows if Kristelle would punch his ex-girlfriend too if she would provoke her.

"Your ex-girlfriend? I see," Kristelle chuckled.

"Well, let me tell you then. That man is a player. So, you better stay away from him!" the ex-girlfriend continued her banter without any regard for the other passengers.

"Please, stop responding…" Joey coldly said.

"Fairview Bus Stop," the elder conductor announced. Joey sighed in relief and quickly stood from his seat. He subconsciously grabbed Kristelle's arm before he could take a step, "Let's go."

"Your ex seems concerned about me. Why are you pulling my arms?"  Kristelle asked but did not also bother to snatch her hand from Joey's grip.

Joey immediately realized his actions and let go of her hand. He sheepishly smiled at her while scratching the back of his head.

"Ohh… sorry. Hehe, to be honest, I'm more concerned about her welfare. If she provokes you, I don't know what kind of fight will happen," Joey stated while watching as the bus droves off the street.

"Mmn, I'm not that dangerous," Kristelle defended after realizing that Joey was implying something terrible in his words.

"Yes, hehe, then take care! I'll take this way," Joey agreed to end their conversation and quickly sprinted to a more narrow road.

"Wow, aren't you going to join me until I got to my next stop?" Kristelle joked. But, this comment made Joey felt guilty. He looked around at her and then started to walk back closer to her.

"Hehe, the ninth mansion is not that far. I'll accompany you then," he stated forcing himself to ignore all the negative feelings about the location.

"I'm just joking. Hahaha, no need to accompany me," Kristelle told him. But Joey shook his head. 

In his mind, if something bad will happen to this lady, he would never live a peaceful life. "It's fine. It's not that far anyway," he insisted.

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