Crossdressing To Survive An Apocalypse

Chapter 120 - 120 - One With Love, One With Greed

"I'm not sure if Fan Xui is even alive right now," 

"Don't say that. We don't know that for sure. He might have survived...." Zou Wei whispered softly with a downcast look.

Wen nodded, patting his stiff back. "Take care,"

"Wait," Zou Wei ran to the small garden area. In a corner, he had kept the small quails in separate containers. He took two and handed it to him. "Take it. It might help,"'

Wen took it carefully. "I'll take care of them well. When I get any news I'll contact you,"

"yes, thank you," Zou Wei bowed to him.

"Don't make it awkward." Wen just laughed a little and walked out of the house.

The routine check up went on as planned. There were not many homes in this rural area and the houses were separated by at least a few meters. This made it easy for him to check on each house.

Most of the houses were only inhabited by the undead. Not many living were found. That's why it was a huge surprise how the military barrack survived so well.

They moved from house to house until they reached the houses behind his villa.

Wen paused in front of a small house with a yard.

"We'll go check, sir. Lease stay a safe distance from the door," one of the military officers said and walked up to the door with his guns ready.

"Hello," he knocked on the door. "we are the military here for routine checkups. Is there anyone sick or portraying signs of rabies in this house?"


He slightly leaned over to see inside. All he saw was a dark space. He shook his head at his comrades.

Wen sighed. "Another house with no survivors. Sweep it and kill the undead."

The three military officers banged open the door and charged in. Inside were a lot of wrappers laying on the ground. It looked very messy.

"Sir... this cup is still hot. Someone is alive," one of the officers noticed a fresh coffee mug near the window.

"Is anyone in here?! We are the military! We are here for a check up! is anyone sick or dying!" they shouted.

A small creaking sound was heard from the inside.

The youngest of the military officer walked into the room with his gun ready to shoot. But to his surprise, he found a young man sitting on the bed with a ragged look.

"Sir, are you feeling sick or tired? If so, please come with us. You might be infected,"

The young man sniffed. "Yeah... with what? Love sickness?" he wiped at his swollen eyes. "Do you know how it feels like to be ditched by your boyfriend? It hurts so much that I cursed him to die."

He stood up and suddenly knelt on the ground. "I think my curse came true! He... he might have died!!!" he sobbed loudly.

It was heartbreaking and comical at the same time.

"sir, we would like to check your temperature if that is okay with you,"

The man held out his hand. "Take whatever you want. My heart is already torn and in shreds,"

Hearing the commotion, Wen walked in. "What's the problem?"

"This young man seems good. No temperature." The military officer saluted.

Wen glanced at the crestfallen young man. "What's your name, young fellow?"

"Peng darling.. that what he used to call me lovingly...." he whispered sobbing.

Peng Peng leaned his head on the ground, sobbing silently. It had been four days, yet he got no news from Qian Wen. Not a word.

'who would have known... that this world would change so drastically...'

After he woke up from his mysterious blackout He went out to find him and scold him till his heart's content. But the outside world had changed overnight. It was not the place he had remembered. He saw a man and walking around with froth in their mouth.

Initially, he just thought that they might have bit by something rabid and needed help. But who knew...

While he was about to walk close, one of them swiftly ran to another direction and caught a girl. His nails tore open that girl's skin and ate it with relish. In a few minutes, her legs were completely ripped apart.

His heart almost stopped in fear.

Peng Peng swiftly hid behind a nearby warehouse and watched this trebling.

The two ate the girls fully.

But a minute later, that girl who was torn apart woke up. Her mouth too started to froth weirdly. With only a part of her torso left, she crawled away with them.

That was when he knew that these rabid men were, in fact.... zombies!

Only after this did he remember the call from Yue's dad a few days ago. He too, mentioned something about zombies.

Peng Peng swiftly ran back to his home and locked himself inside.

"He must have changed into one as well..... or maybe he survived.... how can I even know...." he sobbingly whispered.

"He? Were you with someone else?" Wen squatted down in front of him.

"he is an idiotic boyfriend," Peng Peng mumbled, rolling on the round.

"Tell us his name. We can see if he is on the survivors' list," Wen gestured for the officers.

Peng Peng shot up energetically. "Really! His name is Qian Wen! Is he alive?" he expectantly looked at him.

Wen blinked. "Pardon? What did you say his name was?"

"Qian Wen," Peng Peng nodded.

Wen blinked even more. "He is your..... Boyfriend?"

"Yes, is he alive? Is he okay?"

"Is.... is he one of the researchers?"

"Yes," Peng Peng frowned deeply. "Why do you keep asking so many questions?"

"because he is my son." Wen cleared his throat.

Peng Peng gasped. "What! Really? You look nothing alike,"

Wen was slightly offended. "He looks exactly how I looked when I was young!"

"But he is tall!"

"I feel attacked," Wen sighed. "He is still not found. We are sending a search party for him. Not because he is my son because he and his research team can find a solution to this other worldly mess."

Peng Peng nodded. "Yeah, he is the best at what he does. He even said something about this meteor. But I don't remember much,"

Wen peered at him intently. "What did he say?"

"Something about a sample. Not sure. I did not understand his research terminology," Peng Peng dazedly looked at him. "Can you save him?"

"I can try," Wen nodded. "We have work to do... we'll get going then. It's... it's nice meeting you,"

Peng Peng smiled softly. "Thank you... thank you so much," he waved at them by the door.

Walking out of the house Wen took a deep breath. The subtle scent of rotting flesh filled his nostrils. The loud noise of screams and gun shots filled his senses.

He tightly closed his eyes. "My son. I didn't know he had a boyfriend... that brat. How much did he hide from me?,"

"Sir it's getting late,"

"Hmm," they moved to the nearby house. It was a huge villa with an attached garden. The whole placed was caged with a thick mess and thorn wires.

There was a calling bell in the front door, but it did not seem to work.  

Wen frowned. "Try your best not to damage the gate,"

The officers cut a part of the fence and walked over to the house. Wen watched them from outside.

The door opened and a ragged-looking man came out. He chased them away coldly, shouting profanities.

Wen instantly identified this person. 'Wasn't he one of Qian's friends? What was his name... Bai... something?,'

The young man by the door noticed him. "Uncle~" he ran out and threw the gate open. "Uncle, did Qian send you here! Where is he~ I missed him," he came close.

Wen stepped back. 'Compared to this man, that young man seemed so much better.' That Peng Peng guy was visibly worried about his stupid son, but this guy..... 'Che look at those eyes. Swimming with greed. Why was my son even friends with this person?'

Bai Liwei peered at uncle Wen with shimmering eyes. 'Finally he came! Having him as a friend for so long was useful! That bastard, why did he wait so many days before sending help?'

He hid his anger and smiled sweetly. "Where is Qian, uncle?"

"Not here." Wen mumbled.

'Not here,' Liwei frowned. 'So he did not come to meet me. That cheep bastard. After all, we went through, he ditches me! how could he?...'

Liwei glanced down, biting his lips. "Tell Qian I miss him so much.... and fan-ah, is he also with him?"

Wen silently scoffed. "Don't know. Stay inside and stay safe. Guys! We are moving,"

Liwei watched the old man walk away with his eyes wide open. He glanced at his wrist. It was pale with delicate looking skin. But the thing he had in his past life did not exist any longer.

He did not have his space powers.

'Why! Why don't I have my powers! If I had it, I would have not had to depend on these selfish guys!!'

'Shit! I want to just kill everyone!!'


Author note- Okay just a question, should I make this novel 18+ or not? Like the paragraph comment under this with your choice.

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