Crossdressing To Survive An Apocalypse

Chapter 121 - 121 - Jump To Survive

Zou Yue silently glanced at his sister with a small smile on his face. She was super bashful, refusing to even look his way. 'Ah, it feels so good to know that she finally accepting me.. I wonder how long it will take for her to get comfortable with my family,'

Thinking about his mother and father, his smile went away. 'I wonder if they are alive..... I hope and pray they are.....'

"um guys you might want to see this....." Lui hesitantly whispered, snapping him out of his dazed state. She was urgently pointing to the small alleyway.

Tian swiftly stood up and went to look at what she was pointing at.

The narrow alley way they came from was filed with undead and one of them was actually climbing just the way they did.

Yue frowned deeply. It looked like a middle ages construction worker. His body was still bulging with muscles even after death.

Suddenly, that male zombie looked right at them with a peering stare. "They are evolving. Their senses and body coordination is improving,"

Juda fidgeted with her backpack strap. "It's all happening just as it was written,"

Zou Yue looked at her instantly. "What do you?."

"We have to move." Tian Ai interrupted him. "We don't have time to waste," she took her gun bag and wore it with ease. She even took out a sniper gun and strapped it over her shoulders.

Yue hesitantly glanced at Juda, who was still looking at the zombie. 'I can ask later,'

He took his gun bag as well. "ah Juda, you still have my bag," he pointed to the bag on her back. The poor girl was carrying his bag along with her all along. He was in the urgency to leave, so he completely forgot about it.

"It's okay, I'll carry it,"

"It's too heavy, give it here."

Juda just awkwardly looked at him. "I just want to be of use,"'

"You are a useful member, silly. Just... we might have to jump from one building to another. That bag will pull you down,"

"W—what?" Her eyes widened exponentially.

Tian looked at her. "Give the bag to Yue. It's too dangerous for you,"

With a small frown, Juda handed it to Yue.

Yue wore his gun bag on his front and his backpack on his back. "Tian, we might need to collect food as well."

"Hmm... we'll head towards the supermarket. There might still be stuff left there," she whispered, checking her scope and bullets. "Did you load your gun?"

"yes..." Yue blushed. "Hey wait a minute," he pulled out two loaded guns from his bag to Lui and Juda. "Don't refuse; you might need to use it."

Tian frowned at this but did not object to his decision. "Enough chatter. Let's get going,"

Tightening her bags, she swiftly jumped from the roof to the other building. Like an agile panther, she landed on her feet gracefully.

"Next, Yue,"

Yue nodded at the two. "We'll pull you in case you fall short."

Juda visibly gulped.

"Don't be scared. It's just a small jump."

"y—yeah it's a small gap," she peered at the gap. A strong gust of wind stroked her face, making her cold in fear. "Should I go last?"

"No, you will go before me," Lui whispered, patting her back. "Don't worry, nothing bad will happen,"


Yue gave her a reassuring smile and leapt to the other building. But unlike his sister, he did not have a graceful landing. He plopped on his face, scrapping his cheeks a bit.

"Careful," she pulled him up. "you," she pointed to Juda. "Jump next,"

"I... I'll go last."

"No time to waste. That thing is climbing high. If one can, the others will follow. Just jump!"

She flinched visibly. "O—okay...."

With a small amount of encouragement from Lui, she leapt off.

As soon as her feet were off the ground, Yue's frown deepened. 'That jump.... it's too weak! She won't reach us!"

Just as she was nearing the walls of the terrace, she started to descend.

Yue swiftly leaned over the walls of the terrace, getting a hold of her hands. Tian held his legs and waist to prevent him from tipping over.

"Juda..." Yue gripped her arms tightly. "Slowly climb,"

"I'm scared...." Juda cried. She was visibly shaken from the fall.

His hands started to slowly slip. 'shit....'

"Hey hey..... Look at me..." Yue softly whispered. "Look into my eyes..."

She hesitantly looked at him. Her black eyes were filled with tears.

"You can do this. Climb just as we did before... I'm right here to catch you when you fall....."

Jude's tear-filled eyes trembled slightly. "y-yes I can do this," she swiftly stepped on either side of the walls, getting a strong grip.

Just as before, she slowly climbed up. Step by step.....

Seeing this, Yue was relieved.

"yes... yes, that's it. Baby steps... you can do it,"

Tian started to pull him up.

"Wait. Don't pull me up just yet,"

That zombie was climbing up faster. With the speed Juda was moving, it will easily get to her.

Yue took out the gun from his pants and swiftly shot it.

The zombie corpse rolled down. But a few other zombies started to climb over its corpse trying to reach them.

"Relentless bastards,"

Tian pulled him and Juda up.

"Lui, come on fast,"

"Move away," Lui backed up a bit and sped towards them. With the speed she leapt, she was not able to get a clean landing. She too landed on her face.

Yue helped her up.

Lui and Juda peered at them, panting. "What now?"

Tian just raised a brow. "This was just a first step. We are going to climb over that many houses," she gestured to the apartments and houses that were very close together.

H city was a crowded so the houses were so close by some of them were even touching.

Yue calculated how they were going to get to the supermarket.

"This many!" Juda gasped loudly.

"Think of it like a game. Don't look down. Just keep moving forward. You'll be fine," Lui whispered, patting Juda's back.

Yue glanced at his sister. Tian was frowning, glancing at the street.

"What is it?" he whispered close to her ear.

"They might put your life at risk," she mumbled, scratching the grip of her gun. "It's not a strategic plan to travel with them,"

"I know.... but somehow my heart is inclined to help. It's not any day you find kind people. I guess this is my way of preserving that last bit of kindness."

Tian glanced at him with a soft sigh. "You are too soft-hearted. Yue.... that is a weakness,"

Yue flinched slightly, watching her walk away. "I know.... but I don't wish to become callus like before." He whispered softly.

Without a word, she moved towards the other side of the terrace. "Enough rest. We need to move now,"

Lui and Juda followed after her.

The next few jumps were quite easy. The house they were planning to jump into was attached to this terrace. There was even a French window there with a small grill balcony with a few plants.

"I'll go first, I can break the lock without a sound," Yue suggested and jumped over there. The windows were glass. He peered inside. There were no visible movements.

Zou Yue clenched the doorknob, and it broke. Silently, he opened the door and scouted the space. The inside was a small bedroom with pink walls and curtains. There were tons of kitten photos on the dressing table nearby.

He gently touched the dusty photo of a young girl that was hugging a black cat.

With the gun in hand, Yue slowly crept in. He searched every nook and cranny but there was no one in sight.

The kitchen had only a few bowls and cutlery.

'It looks like she lived alone,'

Finally, he went to the bathroom door but stopped outside. He could smell a distinct smell of rot.

He swiftly broke the door and rushed in. There was a corpse of a young girl sitting in her bath tub along with her dead cat. Unlike the others, her corpse had not turned into a zombie.

He ran back to the balcony. "All clear,"

The rest jumped in after him.

This time, Juda looked less scared and was moving much more freely.

'She is improving... that's good. This is the training period.... because the worse is yet to come... they have yet to evolve. Before that she needs to adapt and train,'

Tian patted his back, gesturing to the front door. "I'll check the opposite apartment. See if you can find any food or anything useful,"

He nodded.

Their actual plan was to travel without going to the streets. The zombies were at a stage where their bodies are still stiff. They can't climb up the stairs that well.

Jumping from one building to another was the safest bet.

He directly went to the kitchen and searched around. A huge bag of rice and other condiments were there. The fresh vegetables and fruits had already gone bad.

His bag could not fit the rice. "You both take the rice; I'll take a pan and fill the water bottles,"

A huge sauce pan was more than enough to cook for them all. Juda still had her small fuel powered stove. They can cook some rice.

"Ah, I found furikake*!" Lui happily shook the small bottle.

"We can eat rice with it! Nice find!"

Lui and Juda continued searching while he was filling up his bottle. Since their group of two increased to four, they needed to carry more water bottles.

This house had few unopened water bottles in the fridge along with few soda bottles. He took them all.

After which he started searching through the cupboards for a matchbox and other necessary stuff.

"Oh, my god! Vintage red Wine!!!"

"We can cook with it," Juda whispered excitedly.

Yue took out the huge bottle with a small smile. "But it's too big. It won't fit in my bag. Can yours?"

Lui and Juda shook their heads. Lui's bag was filled with the rice and Juda's bag already had the stove, a few packets of bread and other snacks they found in here.

"We need a bigger bag,"

Only at this time Yue regretted that he did not have space ability. With that, he could have stored stuff with just a touch of his fingers.

'Meh that ability sucks. Strength is better.'


Note- furikake is a mix of spices and dried seaweed. its added to rice to give it some flavour


Author note- Okay just a question, should I make this novel 18+ or not? Like the paragraph comment under this with your choice.

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