Cultivating Disciples To Breakthrough

Chapter 363 - Leaving The Pure Heart Lake

Chapter 363 – Leaving The Pure Heart Lake

Having taken away all the Pure Heart Spiritual water inside the small pond located at the top of the altar, Xuan Hao turned around to look back at the elderly man on the ground who had still not woken up yet.

He should not be someone from the Ghost Howl Sect, I will just let him get out on his own. After all, it's not my responsibility to look after every troubled stranger I meet…

Not wanting to end up taking care of the elderly man, Xuan Hao soon left the altar where the elderly man was located.

Now that he had found the origin of the powerful aura that he had first felt at the Pure Heart Lake, Xuan Hao had no plans to stay around to explore the maze-like formation that subtly guided him around into different locations before shutting off the way back.

Well… A corridor only going in two directions is not really that subtle…

  At the very least, Xuan Hao did not plan on staying any longer and began searching the dense forest that he found himself inside for a way out.

Soon enough, a familiar circular portal covered in a thick layer of mist appeared in front of him.

"Looks like the formation is sentient to some extent…" Whispering this to himself while looking at the circular portal in front of him, Xuan Hao only hesitated for a short moment before stepping through the thick mist.

The fact that the formation was sentient to some extent and had manifested a way out for him a few minutes after beginning to look for a way out caused no small amount of fear in Xuan Hao.

After all, if the formation wanted him dead, Xuan Hao doubted he would have ever been able to walk out from it with his life still intact. Even the small things he had managed to see from the formation was more than enough to convince him of this.

"Maybe an inheritance of some ancient cultivator looking for an inheritor… Wait, if that's the case, it found me unqualified!?" Muttering this to himself, Xuan Hao could not help feeling a little hurt and at the same time curious about what kind of qualifications would be needed if the formation at the Heart of the Lake was really an inheritance of an ancient cultivator.

After all, Xuan Hao was only a little over twenty and had reached the Peak of the Fourth Stage of the Domain Lord Realm and had even comprehended two different domains!

Shaking his head at the thought of this, Xuan Hao could not help but lament over the fact that there were people out there even stronger and younger than him out there. Not knowing that these thoughts would cause an endless amount of pain to his poor disciples in the future, as their master would increase his expectations and at the same time increase the difficulty of their training…

Leaving behind the Pure Heart Lake without much thought about the inheritance that might be hidden there, Xuan Hao made his way back towards the Flying Sword Sect without picking up his disciples along the way.

The main reason for this being the fact that Feng Chen had suddenly contacted him. Telling him to hurry back because he had something important to inform him about. The other reason being the fact that they were still out on their own adventure, and he didn't want to interfere any more than needed with their journey back to the sect.

Even if something dangerous happened, they still had the winged lion to guard them.

Like this, Xuan Hao soon appeared back in the Flying Sword Sect. Given his speed as someone in the Domain Lord Realm, the short distance between the River Sect's territory and the Flying Sword Sect could be crossed within only a few minutes if he didn't have to carry someone along with him.

"Elder Xuan! The Sect Master is waiting for you inside the eastern meditation room!"

Seeing Xuan Hao appear before slowly descending down in front of the sect master's pavilion, the disciple standing guard quickly lowered his head before respectfully standing to the side. Allowing Xuan Hao to enter.

Nodding his head in response to the disciple standing guard in front of the pavilion, Xuan Hao directly stepped inside before making his way over towards the eastern part of the pavilion where Feng Chen was waiting for him.

Passing by quite a large number of elders that seemed to have also just met up with Feng Chen along the way.

Did something happen…?

Seeing so many elders inside the Feng Chen's pavilion, Xuan Hao quickly realized that something important was going to happen.

Perhaps Elder Song and Feng Chen are beginning to change things up a bit in preparations for merging with the Spring Flower Sect in the soon to be future…

Feeling a bit more curious as he made his way towards the meditation room located at the eastern most part of the Sect Master Pavilion, Xuan Hao soon found himself standing in front of the room together with the two Wang brothers and Zu Fei.

At this point, it looked like almost all the people at the Nascent Soul Realm had been called over except for Chi Hu and Elder Song!

I wonder if Zhu Lian arrived at the sect…

Thinking about the old female friend of Chi Hu, Xuan Hao could not help smiling to himself at the thought that the Flying Sword Sect would get yet another Nascent Soul Realm Expert.

"Did something good happen recently Elder Xuan? You seem to be quite happy about something…" Standing beside him, Wang Hu curiously looked over before asking.

"Yeah, I managed to recruit one of Chi Hu's friends to join the sect when I visited the Shattered Star Peaks… I was just wondering if she had arrived yet. Her name is Zhu Lian."

"Really?! You just managed to recruit that Chi Hu and now you come back with yet another Nascent Soul Realm Expert… Hah… Really makes me feel a bit useless when thinking about my failed recruitments in the past…"Showing a surprised expression after hearing that Xuan Hao managed to bring back yet another Nascent Soul Realm Expert, Wang Hu could not help lamenting over how useless he had been.

"Why are you acting so sad all of a sudden? Didn't you manage to get a brilliant new disciple called Lu Wen recently? I heard that he already broke through to the middle stages of the Foundation Establishment Realm a few days ago!"

Rolling his eye upon seeing the depressed expression on his brother's face, Wang Lan could not help but mention the disciple that his brother had taken in after the last round of recruitment for the Flying Sword Sect.

"Lu Wen… The person who suddenly broke through during a fight at the newcomer tournament?" Hearing what Wang Lan said, Zu Fei soon joined the conversation as she asked with a curious expression on her face.

"Yes… He is the one…" Feeling somewhat embarrassed over the fact that his newest disciple had done something like that during the newcomer tournament that ended up getting him disqualified, Wang Hu's face grew slightly red.

The most common thing to do during such circumstances would be to supress his breakthrough until the tournament was over, but Lu Wen had decided to just breakthrough on the spot without taking the rest of the tournament into account.

"Haha, it was indeed him! What an interesting disciple, I picked up the young girl called Yi Xuan who ended up winning the tournament. If I'm not wrong, the finals were between Yi Xuan and your disciple Elder Xuan?" Laughing a bit after seeing the embarrassed look on Wang Hu's face, Zu Fei turned around and asked Xuan Hao.

"Yes, that was indeed the case."

Nodding his head as he remembered the newcomer tournament, Xuan Hao could not help smiling a bit upon remembering how much Qing Yi had improved since then. Already having reached the Fifth Stage of the Foundation Establishment Realm!

"Now that I think about it, how have teaching disciples been for you so far? If there is anything you need help with, you can always ask your seniors here for help! Even if we do not look like, all of us are already way above one hundred years old-"


Before Wang Lan managed to finish his sentence, Zu Fei suddenly smiled in his direction with an enormous killing intent washing over both Wang Hu and Xuan Hao standing at the side.

"Ahm… So how are things going with your disciples?"

Awkwardly coughing, Wang Lan pretended nothing had happened as he looked over at Xuan Hao with a slighting strained smile on his face.

"Things have been going fine and both of them have been improving well over the past half year, while the one I just picked up still needs to go over the fundamentals of cultivation."

Noting down the fact that he should not mention the matter of age in front of Zu Fei in the future, Xuan Hao answered Wang Lan with a similar smile on his face.

For a short moment, Xuan Hao had clearly felt the killing intent of Zu Fei almost reaching the same level as the winged lion!


"All of you can come in now, I have something important to discuss with all of you regarding the future of our sect!"

It was at this moment that the door to the meditation room opened up and Feng Chen's serious voice echoed out from the inside.

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