Cultivating Disciples To Breakthrough

Chapter 364 - Feng Chen's Request

Chapter 364 – Feng Chen’s Request

Entering the meditation room, Xuan hao and the rest of the elders were all surprised when they spotted Feng Chen buried in what could only be described as layer upon layers of different documents.

There was even a table located in the middle of the room as the cushion normally used for one to sit on while meditating was moved to the side. Transforming the meditation room into a makeshift office room normally used by official in kingdoms.


Something like this was not a normal sight in a sect, outside of Elder Song's pavilion, so Xuan Hao and the others were all surprised after seeing their sect master suddenly looking like a hard-working official going through important documents.

"All of you have arrived! I have something important to discuss with you all regarding the future of the Flying Sword Sect!"

"W-what is it…?"

Feeling somewhat nervous after seeing how serious Feng Chen was, Wang Hu could not help but ask. The sight of the meditation room being turned into some kind of office had already given him  the feeling that the sect was about to go through some sort of major change.

"No need to look so worried Wang Hu, me and Elder Song have already gone through our plans together beforehand and I'm just filling out the documents to authorises a few things for him."

How is this a few things! You are clearly buried in a few hundred documents!

The elders and Xuan Hao could not help but curse out inside themselves after hearing Feng Chen casually shrugging off Wang Hu's worry.

Even an idiot could see that Feng Chen was helping Elder Song do something major that would likely end up affecting the entire Flying Sword Sect and in turn them!

"Haha, all of you don't have to look at me like that, you really won't have to worry about anything. The ones being affected by the changes will mostly be the other elders at the Core Formation Realm. The main reason I have so many documents here is because I have to go over the documents of the elders that Elder Song intends to use!" Laughing a bit upon seeing the four of them staring at him doubtfully, Feng Chen quickly explained the reason for the many documents in front of him.

"… So, what is it that you called us here to discuss if it's not going to affect us?" Still doubtful about what Feng Chen said, Wang Hu asked. Not understanding what Feng Chen had called them over for if it wasn't going to affect them…

"Well… With the number of elders that Elder Song want to use, there will be a shortage of people to teach the disciples over the next few months until the next batch of elders are trained up and ready to take over…"

"So, you wanted us to take some time to teach the disciples during the next few months when there is a shortage of elders to teach the disciples?"

Getting to the crux of the thing that Feng Chen was going to ask them, Xuan Hao could not help but roll his eyes at the reason he had been called back to the sect so urgently for.

Clearly, Feng Chen had not expected for there to be so few elders left after Elder Song began to take away elders and was caught off-guard by the small number left and had to call them in to help out.

"Hehe… I hope you won't mind; it will not be more than once or twice a week for an hour or two…" Smiling awkwardly after having been found out, Feng Chen glanced over at them with a hopeful look in his eyes.

Xuan Hao's guess had not been far off from the truth. The only difference being that Elder Song had informed Feng Chen that he would take some of the young elders, Feng Chen had just not expected for Elder Song's understanding of a young elder was widely different from what Elder Song considered a young elder…

"It's no problem at all! It's only a given that we as elders help out the younger generation of the sect!"

True to her name as someone who would blindly follow Feng Chen no matter what he said, Zu Fei was the first to jump forward and agree to help out with training the disciples while the sect went through a shortage of elders.

"Well… I guess I don't have so much going on anyway at the moment, I will help out as well."

"If my brother is going to teach, then so am I!"

The two Wang brothers only thought about it for a short moment before agreeing with the sect master to teach the disciples for a few hours every week over the next few months. Leaving behind only Xuan Hao who had yet to state his decision on the matter.

"Elder Xuan, if you are too busy with your own personal disciples, you don't have to join in… I know that you just recently accepted a new third disciple, and you are still new to teaching disciples. Teaching a large crowd of them at once might be a little too much at the moment." Not wanting to seem like he was forcing Xuan Hao into it, Feng Chen quickly gave him a way out.

"No need to worry about that it, it's only natural that I will join as well!"

About to refuse, Xuan Hao was suddenly surprised upon seeing the system come alive and give out a new quest, as he quickly accepted the sect master's request.

"Hah… I understand, it's only natural for you to ref- Wait! You accepted?!"


"Haha, that's great! With you four, I won't have to worry about the disciples growing sad over less lectures over the next few months! With three Nascent Soul Realm Experts and a Domain Lord personally teaching them, there is no way they would complain. Even if they are getting way fewer lectures than normal!"

Watching as Feng Chen laughed happily after hearing all of them agree to teach the disciples over the next few months, Xuan Hao and the other three took their leave from the meditation room that had been transformed into an office room, while Feng Chen returned his focus to the documents in front of him with a smile on his face. No longer feeling as distraught as he had earlier.

"You really agreed to teach the outer and inner disciples over the next few months… I was almost sure that you would refuse like always…" Having left the room, Zu Fei curiously drifted over towards Xuan Hao as she asked with a curious look in her eyes.


Not answering her question immediately, Xuan Hao looked over to see both the Wang brothers also looking over at him curiously from the side.

He really had been way too inactive when it came to sect matters before. Always refusing any and all requests that had required him to leave his pavilion and focus on something outside of his cultivation realm.

Well, things were not really different now… Just that his system allowed for him to begin interacting more with the other elders and disciples of the sect.

Deep down, Xuan Hao knew that if he didn't get a quest from the system when Feng Chen had asked him, he would have refused his request. After all, teaching disciples that were not his own personal disciples seemed like a waste of time to him…

Maybe I should set aside some time to interact with the other elders…

"I guess I was curious about the other disciples of the sect. After all, I haven't really gotten a chance to interact with them before…" Answering Zu Fei's question with this, Xuan Hao soon left the Sect Master's pavilion after a quick session from the two Wang brothers and Zu Fei on how to go about teaching a large crowd of disciples at once.

After all, teaching a large crowd of disciples was different compared to how you would teach one or two. The sheer amount of time you had with each disciple in a crowd of a hundred over the course of an hour was different compared to only having to focus on one or two.

The overall method of teaching like he had done with his three disciples so far, was simply not possible with a large crowd of disciples. Unless he wanted to spend the entire day going through each and every one of them…

Maybe this is the reason why I suddenly got a new system quest…

The system would only give him quest that would benefit his disciples to some degree. In this case, it was by increasing his proficiency when it came to teaching and at the same time helping increase the strength of the sect's younger generation.


Flying back towards his pavilion where he had left Bai Ning in the care of Zhi Ruo over the past few days.

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