Cultivating Disciples To Breakthrough

Chapter 393 - Storage Box!

Chapter 393 – Storage Box!

Seeing the warehouses being emptied out, Xuan Hao just felt himself growing more curious about what was happening in the eastern side of the capital.

What were the plans of the Iron Sky Kingdom after they had finished emptying out the eastern part of the capital? And more importantly, what were those boxes similar to interspatial rings that were used for transportation and where could he get some for his sect…?

Just from seeing sheer amount of different spiritual metals and ores that the guards put inside of the boxes, Xuan Hao could easily see just how large the space inside of them were compared to an ordinary interspatial ring.

While not comparable to the one he had found in the ruin inside of the secret realm, it was not far off from it!

Using those boxes would surely help making the logistics of storing things inside the Flying Sword Sect easier and would at the same time also allow them to move larger quantities of materials over a larger distance.

Given the plans Elder Song had for increasing the Flying Sword Sect's influence and strength over its current territory over the next few years, Xuan Hao knew that he would need to move large amounts of different building materials over a large distance and the boxes being used by the guards of the Iron Sky Kingdom would be able to help out with that and make the entire thing go faster and smoother at the same time!


Having decided to go over and ask the closest group of guards currently in the process of transporting the things inside one of the many warehouses to another location, Xuan Hao ended up catching the small group of guards by surprise.

"Who are you?!" And causing one of them to immediately call out in a cautious tone while the rest looked ready to fight in case anything was to happen.

"Ah, I'm just someone curious! Not anyone dangerous!" Saying this as he approached the cautious guards, Xuan Hao raised his hands to show he meant them no harm.

Given the environment of the eastern part of the capital, Xuan Hao could understand why they were so on edge.

Other than the many warehouses that were tightly guarded, it seemed like the fake alchemists he had seen back in in the Iron Sky Market lived here… In turn, the eastern area was more unstable compared to the other parts of the capital.

At least it was like that from what he had seen so far during his short walk…

Even if he had not been robbed yet, it was mainly due to the fact that he had used his domain to hide himself just to avoid something like that happening to him!

"Not a cultivator…?"

Muttering this to himself as he closely observing Xuan Hao approaching them, the guard who called out to him in the first place breathed a sigh of relief upon seeing Xuan Hao's young appearance along with not being able to feel any qi present inside of him.

"What is it that you are curious about and don't you know how dangerous it is to visit the eastern area during the night?" Having 'seen through' Xuan Hao, the guard asked. No longer worried about Xuan Hao being someone who potentially came to try and rob the precious spiritual metals they were currently moving.

"I just noticed how many different things you were putting inside one of those boxes and wondered what they were… Are they perhaps something similar to an interspatial ring?" Not trying to hide what he wanted to know and discreetly ask about the boxes, Xuan Hao decided to just straight up ask them about.

From his point of view and given how little the guards did to hide the ability that the boxes had to store a lot of things inside of them like an interspatial ring, Xuan Hao did not expect that the identity of the boxes was some sort of secret only a special few had access to.

"These things? They are just normal storage boxes that had a few modifications done to them so as to allow them to store around four times more than usual… From what I know, these boxes were just recently mass produced by someone from the Explorer Union.

According to the rumours I heard, the person behind these boxes discovered a blueprint for a small formation that would allow other things than rings to be used as interspatial storage containers! The boxes here were personally requested from the Explorer Union by our king to allow us to more easily move things around and do our job!"

Finishing his long explanation, the guard patted a nearby box with a smile on his face, clearly showing how happy he was with their king's decision to get the storage boxes for transporting things around.

Xuan Hao could also easily imagine just how useful something like this was for someone in charge of moving stuff around…

Explorer Union… Looks like I will have to find a time to visit in the future and find out if I can get some of those boxes for the sect to help out Elder Song, it's the least I can do given how hard he works all the time!

"Hm?" Just as Xuan Hao had decided to get Elder Song some of the boxes to make his life easier in his mind, several different auras could suddenly be felt sneakily approaching him and the group of guards from a few hundred meters away.

What is this? Are these people perhaps here to try and steal the spiritual metals these guards are transporting?

"Thanks for the information! I was really curious about what the boxes were after having seen how you just endlessly filled them up with different metals without stopping."

Thinking about the few different people that were sneakily approaching from all directions, Xuan Hao did not act any different on the outside as he thanked the guards.

"Haha, no need to thank me, you can find out about these boxes just by asking around anywhere nowadays.. To be honest, I'm quite surprised that you didn't know about them!" Completely oblivious to the people approaching him and the rest of the guards, the guard smiled happily as he answered Xuan Hao.

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