Cultivating Disciples To Breakthrough

Chapter 394 - Thieves!

Chapter 394 – Thieves!


"Who's there?!" Just as the people sneaking up on the guards had managed to get within a few dozen meters of the guards, they suddenly came rushing forward as each of the m launched an attack towards the unprepared guards.


Catching them by surprise and injuring at least half of the guards that had just casually been observing Xuan Hao and the guard leader chatting while loading up the boxes in preparation to transport them.

The mood of the situation had been relaxed when the group of people suddenly appeared out of nowhere and launched an attack towards the guards!

Not having managed to fully react to the current situation unfolding in front of them, Xuan Hao watched curiously on as the guards tried their best to stop the group of people who had appeared out of nowhere to steal away the boxes filled with precious spiritual metals.

"Hurry! We need to get out!" Seemingly anxious about how long things were taking, the leader of the group that had appeared out of nowhere to steal away the boxes dashed forward. Grabbing onto one of the boxes before the rest of the group soon followed after him and disappeared into the distance with a few of the boxes already filled up with spiritual metals and other precious ores from the mines below the surface before the guards even had a chance to stop them.

The whole thing happened within only a few seconds and the group of thieves had soon completely disappeared once again. Only leaving behind a few injured and angry guards.

"Those damn- hah… We really need to catch those people before we end up losing anymore spiritual metals to them…" Stomping the ground in anger while looking the direction that the group of people had disappeared to after stealing a few boxes worth of spiritual metal, the guard leader muttered this to himself while signalling for one of the other guards to contact someone.

"Who were those people? Are they not afraid that the formation will attack them?" Xuan Hao, who had just been observing the entire thing from the side without doing anything asked curiously, as he looked over towards the angry looking guard leader.

Just a few seconds ago, he had been talking calmly with him, yet a group of people had actually dared to steal directly from the guards of the capital!

This was nothing short of offending the entire Iron Sky Kingdom. Not only that, but they had even dared to do something like that inside the capital with the formation that covered the entire capital around!

"Hm? Ah… The formation is nothing to worry about, it will only activate when someone is directly using it or if someone with at least the strength of the Nascent Soul Realm begins fighting. Anything below that is not worth activating the formation for…" Turning over towards Xuan Hao upon hearing his question, the guard leader shook his head while letting out a sigh of sadness.

Whether it was over the lost boxes of spiritual metal or the fact that the formation did not just pop up to deal with the people who just robbed them was unknown.

"I see… I should be taking my leave now, it's quite late already and I don't want my family to worry too much about me."

Feeling someone in the Nascent Soul Realm approaching from the southside where he had come from and at the same time feeling the group of people who had just robbed a few of the boxes filled with spiritual metals disappear into the deeper part of eastern part of the capital, Xuan Hao quickly gave a short believable excuse before taking his leave.

"Be careful on your way home! It looks like things are going to be quite chaotic tonight…"

The guard leader did not really care much about this, as he was more focused on finding out just what they had ended up losing and likely also preparing for the inevitable scolding he would end up receiving from the Nascent Soul Realm Expert heading over towards them to find out what happened.


Seeing that the guards were not paying any attention to him after the short warning from the guard leader, Xuan Hao left the group of guards and headed in the direction of the group of people that had just robbed the group of guards.

The main reason for him not attacking any of them, was because he was curious about why they had dared to so blatantly steal from the Iron Sky Kingdom.

Other than that, they didn't attempt to kill any of the guards either. Only lightly injuring them to push them away from the boxes filled with spiritual metals.

"I'm really curious what these people are up to…" Muttering this to himself as he had already completely hidden himself with his domain, Xuan Hao appeared only a short distance away from the group of people who were desperately rushing towards the deeper part of the eastern area.

However, unknowingly to both Xuan Hao and the group of people who had just successfully managed steal away the spiritual metals from the Iron Sky Kingdom, a third person was currently observing everything happening in the eastern part of the capital through the formation that covered the entire capital.

Even Xuan Hao, with his cultivation base at the Fourth Stage of the Domain Lord Realm didn't notice that someone was secretly observing him through the use of the formation.

The main reason for this being that he did not dare to fully use his domain nor divine sense inside the capital. Fearing that he might  just accidently end up triggering the formation and cause it to attack him in the process… Not really something he wanted to happen…

"Hehe, I really wonder how things will play out… Perhaps that Domain Lord from the Flying Sword Sect would be able to help me deal with those annoying bugs once and for all?"

Smiling happily to herself as she kept an eye on Xuan Hao's figure as he entered a mineshaft leading down into the endless mining tunnels below the surface, Yi Min slowly turned her attention away from Xuan Hao and instead focused on the large stack of papers in front of her that was filled with the names of all sorts of different spiritual herbs that Fang Shi had asked her to help him get for his alchemy competition.

"What I do for friends…" Muttering this to herself as she looked over the long list of spiritual herbs in front of her, Yi Min slowly sighed to herself.

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