Cultivating Disciples To Breakthrough

Chapter 505: Primeval Jungle

Chapter 505: Primeval Jungle


Frowning as a large bird demon beast screeched at him from above, Xuan Hao was forced to hide inside a nearby ravine. Waiting patiently for a few minutes until the annoying bird demon beast left.

By far, the most annoying part about the suppression he had found himself under, was the fact that bird demon beasts could screech threateningly at him from high up in the sky without him being able to do anything to stop this.

Even worse, like the bird demon beast he had hidden from just a moment ago, the bird demon beasts never attacked him and instead just screeched angrily at him from the sky. Even hiding his cultivation realm didn’t help this, as the bird demon beasts still only screeched at him threateningly from the sky.

The reason why they didn’t act against him, was likely because most of them were in the Core Formation Realm, with only a few of them having reached the Nascent Soul Realm. Entering the jungle below was an extremely dangerous thing. Given how weak they were compared to most of the demon beasts hiding inside the dense jungle foliage.

The only thing he got out of hiding his cultivation, was being swarmed by these demon beasts hidden inside the jungle, as they were no longer fearful of him…

All in all, he could not do much to stop the annoying birds from screeching at him from above and could only hide from the for a few minutes before continuing his journey towards the mountain towering above the sea of trees stretching out seemingly infinitely in all directions.

“Hah… I really hope I won’t encounter anymore of those annoying birds…” Glancing up through the thick tree crowns covering the small ravine that he was hiding inside, Xuan Hao made sure that the bird demon beast had left before resuming his journey towards the mountain.

Ending up quite lucky on the last part of his journey towards the mountain, Xuan Hao managed to make it all the way to the base of the mountain without any bird demon beast coming to annoy him.

Well… One did show up, but it was close enough to the ground that Xuan Hao could jump up and deal with it before it even had the time to react and escape into the clouds above. Something that was extremely satisfying after being annoyed by those birds for half hour that it took him to reach the base of the mountain towering above the sea of jungle trees.

Looks like I’m not the only person here…

Arriving at the base of the large mountain, Xuan Hao was slightly taken aback upon discovering a group of a little over a dozen humans gathered together a short distance away from his current location. Not only that, but Xuan Hao also discovered that each of them had reached the Domain Lord Realm, there was even one of them excluding a terrifying aura of a peak Domain Lord!

Over a dozen Domain Lords and a Peak Domain Lord! Even Xuan Hao did not have the confidence to fight such a strong group all on his own.

Luckily for Xuan Hao, it looked like they also had their divine sense restricted and were in a similar situation as him-


Allowing him to quickly hide in the thick foliage of the jungle crawling up the side of the tall mountain before any of them discovered him.

Hidden in the thick foliage, Xuan Hao began observing the group of Domain Lords more closely. Hoping that he could figure out where they were from and find out where he had ended up.

“Are you really sure that this is the place? You should know how dangerous this primeval jungle is!”

Asking one of the weaker Domain Lord’s in the group, the leader at the Peak of the Domain Lord Realm frowned slightly as he looked towards the nearby jungle trees with a cautious expression on his face.

“Yes, I’m certain that it’s here! Don’t think that I don’t know how dangerous a primeval jungle like this is! All of us already know that a Soul Ascension Realm Expert from the central region went missing here just a few months ago!”


Following the weaker Domain Lord’s insistence along with the mention of a Soul Ascension Realm Expert that had gone missing. The rest of the Domain Lords along with the leader quieted down for a moment a solemn look appeared on their faces.

A Soul Ascension Realm Expert disappearing was no small matter and all of them remembered just how terrified they had been after hearing about it. At the same time, it also increased their fear towards the primeval jungle.

“Hah… If you are sure, then let’s get this over with as fast as possible…”

Seeing that nobody said anything after the mention of the Soul Ascension Realm Expert that had gone missing, one of the other Domain Lords in the group sighed audibly before getting the attention of the others. Reminding them that the faster they finished what they set out for. The faster they would be able to leave the Primeval Jungle.

“Indeed, we can’t let our past few weeks of struggle be in vain. Let’s get going and hope our brother’s information is correct…”

“True, we also need to get going before it gets dark. Remember what happened last night when-“

After a few others in the group joined in wanting to get things over with as soon as possible so they could leave the jungle, the leader agreed, and the entire group began making their way up the mountain.

Not noticing Xuan Hao hidden only a few hundred meters away from them. Listening to their conversation with great interest.

So, this is somewhere close to the central part of the continent…

Realizing just where he had ended up, Xuan hao could not help wondering why the ancient teleportation formation located inside the valley of the Half Spirit race had ended up taking him to an ancient primeval jungle close to the central part of the continent…

Outside of that, Xuan Hao also became way more cautious about his surroundings compared to before. After all, the group of Domain Lords had just mentioned that a Soul Ascension Realm Expert had gone missing inside the primeval jungle a few months ago!

No matter how strong Xuan Hao thought he was, there was still no way he thought that he would be able to escape from something that even a Soul Ascension Realm Expert could not escape from…

However, even knowing all of this and how dangerous it was for someone at the Domain Lord Realm to enter the primeval jungle, the group of Domain Lords had still decided to enter the primeval jungle!

Why did they come here and what are they looking for?

Wanting an answer to these two burning questions, Xuan Hao decided against leaving the dangerous primeval jungle and instead decided to secretly follow the group of Domain Lords up the mountain.

Large parts of the mountain had been completely covered in green foliage and small trees, as the jungle tried its best to swallow up the large mountain piercing through the clouds above. Making it easy for Xuan Hao to hide while following after the group of Domain Lords.


Shortly after Xuan Hao had left his hiding place and followed after the group of Domain Lords, a pair of bright green eyes appeared in the foliage behind him. Following him closely as he sneakily followed behind the group of Domain Lords.

At the same time Xuan Hao was busy inside the primeval jungle, the Order of the Sky God had just learned about the church of the plague god’s recent movement in the Azure Sky Kingdom.

“Are those people from the church of the plague god stupid? Do they really think we would just allow them to swallow up a kingdom without responding!? Archbishop Soft breeze, you will go and deal with those annoying leaches from the church of the plague god once and for all!”

Following the angry voice of a man standing inside an enormous temple, an elderly man bowing down faithfully in front of him quickly nodded his head before answering reverently.

“Yes, Lord Cardinal!”

“Good! You may leave! Make sure to finish before those people from the fire cult and the moon worshippers find out, we can’t let them take in even more followers in the border region after finishing off those leaches of the plague god!”


Nodding his head faithfully upon hearing what the Lord Cardinal said, Archbishop Soft Breeze soon disappeared out the large and exquisitely decorated entrance to the enormous temple.

“Hmph, have an Archbishop deal with it should be more than enough, I refuse to believe that the church of the plague god sent a cardinal to deal with a mere border kingdom!”

Shaking his head disdainfully upon mentioning the last part, the cardinal from the Order of the Sky God no longer paid any attention to his surroundings, as he closed his eyes and began praying faithfully.

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