Cultivating Disciples To Breakthrough

Chapter 506: Spiders?

Chapter 506: Spiders?

“Haha, so many spiritual herbs and all of them are above the Spirit Grade! Brother, it seems like it was a good decision for us to trust you and take the risk to enter the primeval jungle!”

Having made their way to the top of the mountain, the leader walking in front was the first to react as he happily laughed upon seeing spiritual herbs present everywhere on the mountain peak.

Growing everywhere on the mountain peak. Not showing the slightest sign of having been disturbed by any cultivators or demon beasts that might have passed through the area over the hundreds of years that it had taken for them to reach their current level!

“So many spiritual herbs… There are even a few at the Mystic Grade!”

“Good brother… Thanks for taking us with you when exploring this place!”

“Indeed, without him, we wouldn’t have been able to find this place! Ha, if not for his insistence, none of us would have dared enter the Primeval Jungle just a few months after a Soul Ascension Realm Expert went missing!”

“Haha, when we get back, I will make sure to help you out if you want a new weapon made.”

“Don’t forget me! I will make a few pills if yo-“

As the group of Domain Lords were all busy praising the one who had shown them the way to the mountain peak filled with spiritual herbs, Xuan Hao hidden behind a large rock covered in a layer of green moss could not help frowning upon witnessing the large number of spiritual herbs.

Not to mention the fact that there was no chaotic qi present in the air at the current height and the fact that the jungle plants had manged to climb all the way up to where he current was, Xuan Hao was even more disturbed by the fact that he could see more than three Mystic Grade Spiritual Herbs unprotected on the mountain peak.

“Haha, brothers, let’s harvest these spiritual herbs before it gets dark, we can split them after we have safely left the primeval jungle!”

With a happy smile on his face, the leader of the Domain Lords was not as worried about the unprotected spiritual herbs as Xuan Hao was. Directly taking the lead and starting to harvest the different spiritual herbs on top of the mountain peak.

Unlike the danger Xuan Hao had expected the group of Domain Lords would encounter upon beginning to harvest the spiritual herbs. Nothing happened. Even when the leader slowly put away the Mystic Grade Spiritual Herbs on the mountain peak, there was no sign of any secretly hidden demon beast showing up to defend its precious spiritual herbs.

A few minutes passed like this, as Xuan Hao just secretly watched how the group of Domain Lords harvested all the spiritual herbs on top of the mountain peak.

During this short period of time, he had already taken the liberty of gazing out across the large jungle that surrounded the mountain. However, he was quite disappointed to realize that there were no signs of any human activity in sight. All he could see was the seemingly endless sea of green stretching far into the distant horizon.


Staring out into the endless sea of green from behind the rock as the group of Domain Lords happily gathered the spiritual herbs on the mountain peak, Xuan Hao suddenly frowned.

In the distance, he could barely make out something moving rapidly through the thick primeval jungle. Destroying any tree in its path!

Along with knowing just how dangerous the primeval jungle was, Xuan Hao quickly decided to leave the mountain peak. After all, even a Soul Ascension Realm Expert could not keep themselves safe in the primeval jungle!

Not only that, but the path of the thing moving rapidly through the primeval jungle, was very clearly the mountain he was currently on top of…

“Truly a great harvest! Let’s get the last few spiritual herbs before heading back down and finding somewhere safe to stay for the night.”


Ignoring the happy words from the leader of the small group of Domain Lords still unaware of something that was very likely dangerous moving in his direction, Xuan Hao quickly began descending down from the mountain peak. Making sure not to move too quickly and accidently end up revealing his presence to the group of Domain Lords in the process.

He did not plan to stay around and find out what the thing heading towards the mountain peak was. After all, what would he do if what was most likely a powerful demon beast heading towards the mountain peak was also the one behind the missing Soul Ascension Realm Expert?

Given the fact that he could not fly under the current suppression, Xuan Hao didn’t think he would be able to escape if the creature heading towards the mountain peak ended up targeting him!


Likely of the same opinion as him, the owner of the pair of bright green eyes also secretly followed after Xuan Hao down the mountain. Not showing the slightest interest towards the spiritual herbs from start to finish.


“Hm? What is that?”

Unaware of the fact that Xuan Hao and another person had already left after realizing something dangerous was approaching, the leader of the Domain Lords was taken aback upon suddenly feeling the ground beneath his feet start shaking violently.


Looking out across the primeval jungle to try and find out where the shaking had come from, the leader was shocked upon discovering the cause of the shaking.

“A-an emerald demon spider…”

Saying this with a look of fear on his face, the leader at the Peak of the Domain Lord Realm muttered out the name of the giant green spider that had crashed directly into the base of the mountain just a moment ago. If Xuan Hao was still there, he would have wondered why the leader was so terrified after seeing the emerald demon spider. After all, it was only at the First Stage of the Domain Lord Realm. Not really something the group of Domain Lords would have to worry about with their strength.

“Is it really an emerald demon spider…?”

“Yes! We have to leave now! I think… This mountain… Might even be-

Bang! Bang!

Just before the leader managed to finish speaking, the emerald spider that still hadn’t gotten up after crashing headfirst into the large mountain suddenly began mindlessly smashing its head into the place where it had smashed into the mountain.


Soon revealing a large passageway leading directly into the mountain hidden behind a layer of rock and dirt.

“We have to leave! Immediately!”

Realizing something upon seeing what the emerald demon spider did, the leader showed an even more fearful expression as the rest of the Domain Lords realized the seriousness of their situation.


Not saying much following this the group of Domain Lords rapidly rushed down the mountain. Abandoning the spiritual herbs that were still left on the mountain peak.


Before the group even had the time to reach the base of the mountain. Several large passageways suddenly appeared all across the mountain, as a large number of emerald demon spiders appeared from each of these passageways.

Even the weakest one among them had reached the Core Formation Realm, while the stronger ones had already entered the Earlier stages of the Domain Lord Realm. Similar to the one who had smashed headfirst into the mountain in what had likely been an attempt to wake up the nest of emerald demon spiders.

“The mountain was indeed an emerald demon spider nest! No wonder all those spiritual herbs were just sitting there without anyone guarding them! The reason why none of them were present is likely because they recently entered a deep sleep after going on an eating frenzy!”

Realizing what had happened after seeing the large number of enormous spiders pour out in a seemingly endless stream from the mountain, the leader could not help cursing loudly.

“Recently gone to sleep after an eating frenzy… Leader… Don’t tell that the Soul Ascension Realm Expert that went missing over the past few months-“

“Don’t finish that sentence… Let’s just get out of here for now. The strongest among them is still only in the early stages of the Domain Lord Realm and they have not noticed us yet. Hopefully we can get out of here before they manage to fully wake up from their sleep…”

Interrupting what one of the Domain Lords beside him was about to say in an attempt to stop him from falling into despair at their current situation, the leader tried to remain optimistic, as the thick foliage of the primeval jungle grew closer and closer with each passing second.

As long as they made it to the primeval jungle before being noticed, they should be fine, as the still barely awake emerald demon spiders would have a hard time realizing they had even been there in the first place.


However, things did not go as planned, as a large bird at the Peak of the Nascent Soul Realm spotted them. Screeching loudly to annoy them and of course…

Rustle Rustle Rustle~!

Alerting the emerald demon spiders in the process!



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