Cultivating Disciples To Breakthrough

Chapter 512: Flying~

Chapter 512: Flying~


Getting close enough to the unsuspecting Xuan Hao making his way through the eerie jungle, the thick jungle vines slithering along the ground and in the canopy above suddenly shot towards Xuan Hao. Rapidly closing in on him from all directions.


Noticing the jungle vines moving towards him from all directions the moment they entered the small area covered by his divine sense, Xuan Hao moved the sword in his hand and executed the Rain Sword Art defensively.


Blocking any of the jungle vines before they managed to reach him-


However, the jungle vines kept coming in greater and greater numbers. No matter how many he cut down, there seemed to be no end to them!

I have to destroy the source of these jungle vines…

As this thought crossed his mind, Xuan Hao began putting way more power and qi into his sword attacks-


Inevitably, this instantly caused a devastating level of destruction to his surroundings, as the power of a Seventh Stage Domain Lord was on full display!

Even if he was just using a simple sword art like the Rain Sword Art defensively, the power was not something that the surrounding eerie jungle could withstand. Soon enough, everything within a thousand-meter radius was destroyed.

The jungle vines also stopped their attack as Xuan Hao got some time to inspect his surroundings.

After the eerie jungle around him had been destroyed, Xuan Hao clearly felt the restriction on his divine sense lessen visibly. To the point that he managed to see the true appearance of the ‘eerie jungle’ that had suddenly covered the cave he was inside of…

“What in the world is this…”

Not able to describe what he was seeing after his divine sense penetrated a few meters into the ground beneath him, Xuan hao could only begin cursing to himself after feeling the terrifying aura excluded from a large creature just below him.

The creature in question was definitely above the Domain Lord Realm! Not to mention, it was far large than what his divine sense could cover. However, given what he could see, it would not be shocking if the creature was bigger than the cave of the eerie jungle!

The only good thing about this discovery, was the fact that he realized that the creature below him was in some sort of dormant state. Not waking up even after the destruction he had caused above ground…

“Hm? The jungle is recovering…?”

Fully focused on the large dormant creature below him, Xuan Hao suddenly noticed that the jungle around him was rapidly growing back during the short moment he had been looking away.

At this point in time, the thousand meters of space between him and the jungle had already been reduced to nothing more than a hundred meters space!

Seeing this, Xuan Hao could not help frowning. No matter how he looked at it, the eerie jungle was almost certainly related to the large dormant creature below him. If he continued to damage it, wouldn’t he end up risking waking up the creature below him…

Not only that, but the jungle veins inside the regrown part of the jungle he had just destroyed, was way stronger than the ones he had encountered just a moment ago. At most, there had been two or three comparable to the Nascent Soul Realm, while the majority had been around the Core Formation Realm and the Foundation Establishment Realm in strength.

The new, thicker, and stronger jungle veins on the other hand… Were far stronger!

From what he could tell, at least one in five of them had already reached a level comparable to the Nascent Soul Realm!

The number of Nascent Soul Realm jungle veins might not sound like anything dangerous. Especially considering that Xuan Hao had reached the Seventh Stage of the Domain Lord Realm, But… There were more than ten thousand jungle veins in the eerie jungle all around him!

Dealing with them while his domains were severely limited and having to worry about accidently waking up whatever creature was dormant below him; Xuan Hao really just wanted to leave and not have to deal with such a troublesome situation.

New jungle trees and foliage sprouting up from the ground seemingly out of thin air.


Letting out a sigh as the eerie jungle slowly grew closer and closer all around him, Xuan Hao fastened his grip around his sword before looking in the direction of the tunnel leading towards the ancient teleportation formation was located.

His best option was to get out before he ended waking up the dormant creature below him or got overwhelmed by the increasingly strong jungle veins all around him.

Remembering some of the things in the higher levels of the Drifting Cloud Steps, Xuan Hao realized that he could have easily gotten out of his current situation. Especially a part that allowed him to fly without the use of his domain…

I really wish I spend more time learning the Drifting Cloud Steps…

Shaking his head as he thought about the only good movement technique he had learnt, Xuan Hao decided to properly master the technique if he managed to get out of his current situation.

No matter what, one of the most important things for a cultivator, was their ability to run away if things got too dangerous. Something he had neglected for far too long!

Wait… My sword intent fused together with my domain, if I cover my sword with it like in the past, can’t I use it to fly…?

Freezing for a short moment as this thought appeared, Xuan Hao took out the sword he had used to fly in the past from his interspatial ring and threw it on the ground before stepping on top of it.



Flying into the air without any difficulty, Xuan Hao did not know what to say. Ever since reaching the Domain Lord Realm, he had only ever used his domain to fly.

In the process, he had forgotten the fact that he could use his sword intent, or now sword domain, to cover his sword and use it to fly!

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