Cultivating Disciples To Breakthrough

Chapter 513: Easy Escape

Chapter 513: Easy Escape




Standing on top of his sword a few dozen meters above the ground, Xuan Hao didn’t have any time to reflect on his past mistakes, as the jungle veins from the jungle below him shot into the air towards him.

During the short period of time that he had been thinking about how he could have forgotten about the fact that he could fly with a sword, the eerie jungle had already managed to completely recover and cover the area he had just destroyed.


Dodging the first few jungle veins, Xuan Hao didn’t stay around for much longer, as he quickly flew towards the tunnel leading out of the eerie jungle cave and towards the ancient teleportation formation.

Given the fact that he could now fly, this was easily accomplished, as the jungle veins on the ground below could not catch up to him. During this short time, Xuan Hao had also realized that the qi consumed to enable flight in the underground cave, was terrifying.

Even the short flight taking him to the tunnel leading out of the eerie jungle cave, consumed close to half of the qi inside his dantian!

Something he was more than willing to do. Given that he would have to face an endless swarm of increasing strong jungle veins and the possibility of waking up the creature below the eerie jungle up if he didn’t…

However, it did look like it would be impossible for him to fly as freely as he had hoped-


Taken aback by a loud rumbling sound coming from the direction he had come from, Xuan Hao quickly guessed that either the emerald demon spiders or the primeval fire ants had entered the cave and were-


Not able to finish his train of thought, Xuan Hao shivered as he felt a terrifying shockwave heading towards his location.

From the shockwave alone, Xuan Hao could tell that someone at the later stages of the Domain Lord Realm had just launched an all-out attack towards the eerie jungle.

Are they trying to wake up that thing…?

Not daring to stay any longer after seeing how crazy either the emerald demon spiders or primeval fire ants had gotten, Xuan Hao quickly escaped through the tunnel behind him on foot to not waste his remaining qi. Increasing his speed as much as he could.

No matter what, he had to get out before the creature dormant below the eerie jungle woke up!


Seemingly of the same mindset as him, the small figure with the bright green pair of eyes hidden behind a rock just next to the tunnel entrance Xuan Hao had entered, quickly got up and rushed after Xuan Hao.

Just barely keeping enough distance between them so that Xuan Hao didn’t notice someone was following behind him.

“Hah… I didn’t… Hah… Expect that we would be able… Hah… To get out alive!”

At the same time that Xuan Hao was rushing towards the direction of the ancient teleportation formation. The human Domain Lords, who had looked like they were about to be overwhelmed by the emerald demon spiders when Xuan Hao had last seen them, were laying exhaustedly on the ground inside a barren cave.

From the four Xuan Hao had seen, there was now only three people left. The leader at the Peak of the Domain Lord Realm being one of them.

“True, we have to thank those worms…”

Looking over the last two of his brothers still left alive, the leader of the human Domain Lords showed an extremely depressed expression while saying this, as he remembered how they had managed to escape from the chaotic cave.

Back then, they had been completely surrounded by the emerald demon spiders and were about to be killed off, when suddenly, a large worm at the Eighth Stage of the Domain Lord Realm. Followed by several other worms at the Domain Lords Realm. Pierced through the ground all around them. Blocking the attacks of the emerald demon spiders.

Following this, the worms all began letting out all sorts of weird roars before crazily attacking the emerald demon spiders. Completely ignoring them in the process.

Knowing that such an opportunity was not likely to appear again, he had grabbed his two barely alive brothers and rushed towards the tunnel before escaping with them. Not looking back to see how the fight between the emerald demon spiders and the worms was playing out.

Only a few minutes had passed since then and they had only barely recovered a small amount of qi. Fighting at this point in time was pretty much impossible, as he had used almost all of his qi to increase his speed while carrying his two brothers to safety.

“Big brother… Do you think the emerald demon spiders will follow us…?”

Hearing the voice of one of his brothers, the leader, or big brother, looked towards the tunnel only a short distance away from them.

“I don’t think they will. After all, they should have already come for us if they did…”

Saying this, he stood up before signalling for the two others to do the same.

Even if they had not recovered enough yet, they couldn’t just stay still and hope that the emerald demon spiders had forgotten about them.

The most likely reason why they had not followed after them, was the worms that had appeared and saved their lives.

Back when he escaped with his two brothers, he still remembered the fact that there had been over twenty worms at the Domain Lord Realm present! Dealing with so many Domain Lords would take some time. Even for the emerald demon spiders… And that was not even mentioning the giant worm at the Eighth Stage of the Domain Lord Realm!

“Let’s hope we won’t encounter anything like an emerald demon spider nest on our way back…”

Muttering this to himself as he walked forward, the leader of the human Domain Lords began thinking about how he would explain the massive loss of Domain Lords when he got back home…

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