Cultivating Disciples To Breakthrough

Chapter 567: Throw the Frost Devil Sect into the Fire and Run Away~

Chapter 567: Throw the Frost Devil Sect into the Fire and Run Away~

“My sect formation…” Seeing the sect formation that had taken years to build and countless resources collapse after a few attacks from the rabbit demon beast, the sect master of the Frost Devil Sect froze on the spot in a slightly dazed state. Not understanding what had just taken place.


“Master! Please help me!” Screaming this loudly upon seeing the dazed state of the Frost Devil Sect’s Sect Master, Xuan Hao quickly dashed behind him before the rabbit demon beast had time to reach him. Placing the sect master of the Frost Devil Sect between himself and the rabbit demon beast.



Not able to say anything before Xuan Hao had dashed behind him to escape the attack of the rabbit demon beast charging into his sect, the sect master of the Frost Devil Sect was suddenly met with the terrifyingly fast paw attack of the rabbit demon beast-


Managing to defend against the attack in the last second, the sect master of the Frost Devil Sect was not injured by the rabbit demon beast, as he was just sent flying backwards towards the place Xuan Hao was standing.

It’s all this guy’s doing! He wants to use me to deal with this rabbit demon beast!

Realizing what was happening as he flew through the air towards Xuan Hao, the sect master of the Frost Devil Sect narrowed his eyes as a terrifying killing intent appeared in the depths of his eyes.

After all, the sect master of the Frost Devil Sect was still an expert close to reaching the True Demon Realm! Using someone like that was never something that would be easy to do and Xuan Hao understood this very well as he took out the Transcendent Grade Spiritual Herb.

“The sect master is truly powerful! I believe it will be no problem for the sect master to deal with this demon beast just as you planned! After that, the sect master is sure to reach the True Demon Realm with the help of the spiritual herb!” Saying this out loud, Xuan Hao could not help chuckling to himself upon seeing the sect master of the Frost Devil Sect freeze up once again after seeing the Transcendent Grade Spiritual Herb.



Using the opportunity, Xuan Hao rushed forward with the help of the Drifting Cloud Steps and used the flat side of his sword to send the sect master of the Frost Devil Sect flying back towards the rabbit demon beast.


Realizing what had happened when it was already too late, the sect master of the Frost Devil Sect could only curse at Xuan Hao in his mind, as the rabbit demon beast charged over filled with killing intent.

From its expression, the sect master of the Frost Devil Sect could clearly tell that it had heard what Xuan Hao had said. Even worse, it did not doubt his words…


Not able to come up with anything to defend himself from being drawn into conflict with the rabbit demon beast, the sect master of the Frost Devil Sect and the rabbit demon beast soon started fighting each other in the air above the Frost Devil Sect.

The battle instantly caused a large part of the Frost Devil Sect to collapse, as the battle between two experts half a step into the Soul Ascension Realm was simply not something the Frost Devil Sect could deal with. Especially now that their sect protection formation had been destroyed…

“What in the world is happening… How come the rabbit suddenly started attacking the Frost Devil Sect…” Arriving to this scene, the demonic cultivator who had been chasing Xuan Hao and the rabbit demon beast all this time could not help tilting his head in confusion. Not understanding why, the rabbit demon beast had started fighting with the sect master of the Frost Devil Sect.

“Ah! Brother Black Hand! Please help me out! This demon beast-“


Familiar with the demonic cultivator who had arrived, the sect master of the Frost Devil Sect called out to him for help. Only to have the rabbit demon beast take advantage of his lack of attention to use its large paw to slam him into the ground below before using a special technique to slowly crush his body and soul trapped under its large paw.

“This idiot…” Seeing the scene where the sect master of the Frost Devil Sect was easily supressed by the rabbit demon beast, the demonic cultivator revealed to be called Black Hand could not help shaking his head in disdain.

The sect master of the Frost Devil Sect and the rabbit demon beast were both at the same realm, yet the sect master of the Frost Devil Sect had been supressed so easily by the other party within less than a minute of fighting!

“Haa… Guess I will have to help this idiot if I want to deal with this rabbit demon beast before it runs away again…” Muttering this to himself as he remembered just how much faster than him the rabbit demon beast was, the demonic cultivator decided to help the sect master of the Frost Devil Sect.



Sending the rabbit demon beast flying, the demonic cultivator called Black Hand easily helped free the now haggard looking sect master of the Frost Devil Sect.

“Let’s deal with this rabbit… I will of course take its body after-“

“W-we can’t let that person escape! He is the one who set me up. Not to mention he also got his hand on a Transcendent Grade Spiritual Herb!”

Interrupting Black Hand before he could finish what he was saying, the sect master of the Frost Devil Sect anxiously pointed towards a figure slowly disappearing in the distance.

A little earlier after the sect master of the Frost Devil Sect and the rabbit demon beast started fighting with each other, Xuan Hao put away the Transcendent Grade Spiritual Herb before hiding himself with his ice domain before sneaking away from the Frost Devil Sect.

In the first place, his plan had been to use the Frost Devil Sect to delay the rabbit demon beast and buy enough time for himself to put a large enough distance between himself and the rabbit demon beast so he could safely make it out of the Frozen Wasteland and back into the territory of the Sky Empire.

“Hehe, when that demonic cultivator shows up and interrupts those two, I will already be gone!” Chuckling to himself as he thought about this scenario playing out, Xuan Hao could not help feeling grateful towards the sect master of the Frost Devil Sect for his help in holding back the rabbit demon beast.

Even if it had been a gamble for him to enter the Frost Devil Sect and try to use its sect master as a distraction, Xuan Hao understood that he had no other way to escape from the rabbit demon beast.

In the end, the rabbit demon beast was simply way too fast, and he had no way of reaching the border between the Frozen Wasteland and the Sky Empire before it caught up to him…

Even if he reached the border of the Sky Empire and made his way over it, Xuan Hao doubted he would survive long enough for the experts of the Sky Empire guarding the border of the Sky Empire against any powerful invaders to notice and come over.

Having made it far enough away from the Frost Devil Sect, Xuan Hao no longer bothered hiding himself. Instead using the Drifting Cloud Step to escape at the fastest speed possible. Even if the sect master of the Frost Devil Sect spotted him, he knew that the other party would be too busy fighting off the crazed rabbit demon beast to say anything.


Crossing the frozen tundra of the Frozen Wasteland at a terrifying speed, Xuan Hao barely managed to catch sight of the powerful demonic cultivator who had been chasing behind him and the rabbit demon beast arriving to save the struggling sect mater of the Frost Devil Sect before they were no longer in sight.

However, he was no longer worrying about the three of them any longer as he had already managed to leave the three half-step Soul Ascension Realm Experts in the dust. Leaving them no chance of catching up to him before he had made it back inside the territory of the Sky Empire!

No matter how brave the two demonic cultivators were, Xuan Hao doubted that they would dare follow him outside the Frozen Wasteland. After all, demonic cultivators were seen as the enemy of most cultivation sects, religions, kingdoms, and empires across the Ewaria Continent.

Only inside the Frozen Wasteland could demonic cultivators move around freely without fear of being hunted down…

Inside a large empire like the Sky Empire things were different, they would have to be prepared to not only be hunted down by experts on their own level, but also experts at the Soul Ascension Realm!

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