Cultivating Disciples To Breakthrough

Chapter 568: The Chase Continues...

Chapter 568: The Chase Continues…

“So, the person who just asked was had a Transcendent Grade Spiritual Herb on him…?”

“Yes! This is most likely the reason why the rabbit demon beast chased after him and even started attacking me after he convinced it that he was working for me to steal the Transcendent Grade Spiritual Herb!”

Having managed to push back the angry rabbit demon beast momentarily, the sect master of the Frost Devil Sect wasted no time in informing the demonic cultivator called Black Hand about what had taken place.

Of course, the knowledge of this was more than enough to stop Black Hand from continuing his attack on the rabbit demon beast. After all, a Transcendent Grade Spiritual Herb would be far more useful than devouring the rabbit demon beast…

That was not mentioning the fact that he would still have to kill the rabbit demon beast if he ever wanted to devour it. Not something he thought would be possible if the rabbit demon beast used all its strength to run away after sensing that it was about to die…


Roaring loudly filled with killing intent, the rabbit demon beast seemed to have realized that the person who it had been chasing had disappeared along with the Transcendent Grade Spiritual Herb.


Not waiting for the two demonic cultivators to finish talking with each other, the rabbit demon beast completely ignored them as it rushed in the direction Xuan Hao had disappeared. Tracking him through the scent trail left behind by the Transcendent Grade Spiritual Herb.


Not expecting for the rabbit demon beast to act faster than them, the two demonic cultivators looked awkwardly at each other before a pair of large demonic wings appeared behind both of them.


Flapping their large demonic wings, the two demonic cultivators soared into the sky. Wanting to chase after the rabbit demon beast and Xuan Hao.

“Sect master! What are we  supposed to do!?”

Having been left behind without knowing what had just happened, one of the elders of the Frost Devil Sect who had survived the battle yelled out loudly in hope that his sect master would answer him.


Sadly, his sect master ignored him and soon disappeared behind the horizon together with Black Hand.

Not only was Black Hand tempted by the Transcendent Grade Spiritual Herb, but so was the sect master of the Frost Devil Sect!

The reason why he didn’t hide anything about the Transcendent Grade Spiritual Herb from Black Hand was because he understood that he had no chance of getting his hand on the spiritual herb alone… Having Black Hand help him out and taking the spiritual herb away while he was busy fighting with the rabbit demon beast seemed like the best option!

As for worrying about Xuan Hao who had run off with the Transcendent Grade Spiritual Herb? The sect master of the Frost Devil Sect did not really worry about him, as he had already realized that the other party was far weaker than him!

Black Hand of course understood the sect master of the Frost Devil Sect’s train of thought, as he had already thought up a few ways to deal with his good friend when it came down to it and secure the Transcendent Grade Spiritual Herb for himself…


Like this, Black Hand and the rabbit demon beast resumed their chase. The only difference being the addition of the Frost Devil Sect’s sect master!

At the same time Xuan Hao was trying his best to make his way out of the Frozen Wasteland with two demonic cultivators half a step into the True Demon Realm and a demon beast half a step into the Soul Ascension Realm chasing him, Zhu Lian was about to reach the Flying Sword Sect under the protection of Zu Fei.

“We will soon be back at the Flying Sword Sect, I hope the journey haven’t been too rough on you…” Saying this all of a sudden, Zu Fei looked a bit worried towards Zhu Lian.

“I’m fine… I should be able to keep going for a few more hours before needing to rest…” Understanding that Zu Fei was genuinely worried about her, Zhu Lian smiled warmly as she said this while doing her best to move forward without showing any signs of weakness.

However, Zu Fei still managed to notice how much she was struggling to move…

“I will carry you the rest of the way!” Lifting up the dead looking Zhu Lian, Zu Fei decided to carry her the rest of the way to the Flying Sword Sect.

“I… Fine…” Understanding that Zu Fei would not accept a refusal, Zhu Lian let Zu Fei pull carry her before rapidly moving towards the Flying Sword Sect where she would at least be able to get treated and stabilize her current condition.


Seeing how much she was struggling with her current condition; Zu Fei could not help remembering how she had first seen Zhu Lian. Back then, Zu Fei had been shocked at just how damaged her body was and had wondered how she had even managed to keep her physical body alive in such a situation.

Not only that, but after investigating the state of her body, Zu Fei had also discovered that her nascent soul had sustained some damage. Although not as much as her physical body, it was still damage to her soul!

Luckily, it looked like most of it had been repaired by someone who she guessed was Xuan Hao… If not for that, Zu Fei doubted that Zhu Lian would ever be able to recover from the injuries she had sustained…

Of course, all of this made Zu Fei curious about just what had happened to Zhu Lian for her to end up in such a state. However, in the end she still decided not to ask her about it as it might not be something she wanted to talk about to a person she had just met for the first time…

Thinking about it, Zu Fei realized that Zhu Lian had most likely not met anyone from the Flying Sword Sect outside of Elder Xuan and the new elder called Chi Hu according to what she had been told about her before setting off to escort her to the sect!

Hm… If it’s like this, why don’t I become her friend…?

As this thought appeared in her mind, Zu Fei could not help feeling a bit excited at the prospect of her becoming friends with Zhu Lian. The main reason for this being that she did not really have any close friends among the elders of the Flying Sword Sect outside of the Core Elders who she met up with every now and then.

However, all things considered, the other core elders were all old men well above a hundred years old… Until the Spring Flower Sect and the Flying Sword Sect merged together, Zu Fei knew that she would most likely not get a female friend who was around the same strength as herself and wouldn’t die off after two or three hundred years…

After all, for a Nascent Soul Realm Expert, the lifespan of a Core Formation Realm Expert would make it hard for them to truly become close and form a friendship…

In a sense, most cultivators were like that, as they would not form close friendships or become dao companions with people below their cultivation realm. No one wanted to watch their best friend or lover slowly age away as death soon claimed them!

“Zhu Lian… When we reach the Flying Sword Sect and your situation have stabilized, you can come to my place, and I will show you around the sect.” Feeling a bit nervous while saying this, Zu Fei waited for a response.

“Sure, that sounds great!”

Hearing Zhu Lian’s response, Zu Fei could not help smiling slightly to herself as she began looking forward to showing Zhu Lian around the Flying Sword Sect and the different places she liked to cultivate whenever she didn’t feel like doing it inside her own pavilion.

“Great! I will make sure that those people at the Alchemy Hall helps stabilize your situation as quickly as possible!” Saying this with a satisfied and happy expression on her face, Zu Fei increased her speed as she couldn’t wait to reach the Flying Sword Sect.


Acting nothing like how she normally did in the Flying Sword Sect in front of Zhu Lian.

Finally! The border of the Frozen Wasteland!

At this time, Xuan Hao could not help breathing out a sigh of relief as he saw the border of the Frozen Wasteland appearing in the distance.

Even if the three half a step Soul Ascension Realm Experts were closing in on him, Xuan Hao understood that none of them would be able to catch up to him before he crossed over the border and entered the territory of the Sky Empire!

Even the rabbit demon beast that was chasing him filled with an unbearable killing intent would not be able to catch him before he had crossed the border!

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