Cultivating Disciples To Breakthrough

Chapter 573: Yi Min's Formation!

Chapter 573: Yi Min’s Formation!



As the two demonic cultivators who were looking around themselves filled with panic upon finding out that they had walked directly into a formation, the rabbit demon beast also looked around itself. However, compared to the two demonic cultivators, the rabbit demon beast looked around itself with a more confused than panicked expression, as the formation soon trapped all three of them inside the Iron Sky Kingdom without the rabbit demon beast having any idea about what had just happened.

The reason for this, was that the rabbit demon beast had never really had the chance to see any formations in the area that it lived.

Different from the two demonic cultivators, who had a far better understanding over their current circumstances compared to the clueless rabbit demon beast looking around itself with a now both confused and fascinated expression at the colourful symbols formed by the formation.

However, this did not last, as the rabbit demon beast soon discovered that both Yi Min and Xuan Hao had disappeared-


Causing the rabbit demon beast to once again be filled with anger as it charged towards the bright looking symbols that floated in front of it. Not realizing that it was charging headfirst into a formation…


Not at all unexpected, the rabbit demon beast did not manage to break through the formation and was instead flung backwards before crashing into the ground below that had been similarly covered in the same symbols that floated all around them. Almost forming a large dome with a diameter of a few kilometers just barely inside the borders of the Iron Sky Kingdom.


Not intent of giving up so easily, a sound of metal hitting metal soon sounded out across the dome that the rabbit demon beast and the two demonic cultivators found themselves inside of, as the rabbit demon beast tried digging into the ground to no avail.

“Let’s work together to break out of this formation!”

Knowing that they would not be able to break free from the massive formation by themselves, the sect master of the Frost Devil Sect, took the initiative by launching an attack towards the formation that was soon supported by Black Hand.


The attack of two half a step True Demon Realm demonic cultivator was devastating, but the formation showed no signs of budging. Only wavering slightly after the two’s combined attack!

“Come on little rabbit! You know that we won’t be able to leave this place alone!” Realizing that he could not escape from the formation even with his friend Black Hand’s help, the sect master of the Frost Devil Sect showed a panicked expression on his face for a brief moment before motioning towards the rabbit demon beast that was still busy trying to dig into the ground below them to no avail.

Roar… Roar roar roar!

Seemingly understanding what the sect master of the Frost Devil Sect said, the rabbit demon beast nodded its large fluffy head before dashing into the air where the two demonic cultivators were standing.

“Let’s try again…”

Seeing that the rabbit demon beast decided to cooperate with them, the sect master of the Frost Devil Sect sighed in relief before attacking the formation once again-



In the end, only a tiny crack appeared on the formation for a split second before the crack repaired itself.

“Looks like it will not be easy to break this formation without going all out… Rabbit, Black Hand, we have to go all out, or we won’t be able to escape! If we continue holding back, the people from the Sky Empire are likely to show up. At that time, none of us will be able to escape back to the Frozen Wasteland alive!”

Saying this with a serious expression as he watched the area where they had created the small crack fully recover, the sect master of the Frost Devil Sect could not help worrying about the fact that he might not be able to escape the formation before the people from the Sky Empire showed up to deal with the demonic cultivators and demon beast that had entered their territory all of a sudden.

Even if he had some connections inside the Sky Empire, he very well understood that they would be of no use in his current situation. After all, the people sent to deal with them, had most likely been gathered together by the current emperor of the Sky Empire!

Black Hand also understood this, as he prepared himself to use his strongest technique together with the sect master of the Frost Devil Sect.


The only clueless party in this, was the rabbit demon beast. Not to mention the Sky Empire, it didn’t know much outside of the mountain range in the Frozen Wasteland that it had stayed inside of most of its life-

ROOAR! (Fluffy Demon Paw of Death and Destruction!)

Luckily for the two demonic cultivators, it still understood to some degree the danger that it was in, as it gathered its strength in one of its paws before being the first of the three to launch its attack towards the formation.


Seeing that the rabbit demon beast understood and used its trump card, both of the demonic cultivators soon followed it to attack the formation, as a pure black domain manifested behind Black Hand, while a frozen tundra not to dissimilar from the Frozen Wasteland manifested behind the sect master of the Frost Devil Sect.

“Frost Devil’s Palm!”

“Black Hand of Death!”

As they arrived in front of the formation together with the rabbit demon beast, a massive black hand came out from the domain that had manifested behind Black Hand, while a massive devilish blue hand stretched out from the sect master of the Frost Devil Sect’s domain before heading towards the formation.



Not even a split second later, three hand and paw related attacks landed on the formation together. Instantly causing a massive creak to spread throughout the formation as a tiny gap to the outside world appeared at the centre of their attack!


Acting far faster than the sect master of the Frost Devil Sect and the rabbit demon beast, Black Hand dashed through the small opening created by their combined attack and escaped to the outside world before the small hole in the formation rapidly closed itself behind him. Not giving the two demonic cultivators any time to escape the formation!

“Ah? To think the damage caused to the foundation of the formation by those people back then was in more than one location… Not to mention, their combined attack actually managed to barely reach the Soul Ascension Realm…” Having reached the capital of the Iron Sky Kingdom that acted as the core of the formation, Yi Min could not help feeling a bit surprised upon witnessing one of the demonic cultivators successfully escaping.

However, she did not feel too regretful over this, as the demonic cultivator who escaped was not the sect master of the Frost Devil Sect.

Not only that, but it also made her realize that the foundation of her formation was still damaged. Not allowing the formation to reach its full potential where it could deal with someone in the Soul Ascension Realm. At least according to her knowledge of the Soul Ascension Realm…

“Is something wrong?”

Not able to see what was happening to the two demonic cultivators and the rabbit demon beast, Xuan Hao could only ask this after seeing Yi Min suddenly showing a surprised expression while looking in the direction of the three.

“It’s nothing… The formation is just weaker than I expected, and it seems the damage to the foundation of it back then, was more severe than I imagined. Resulting in one of the demonic cultivators escaping…”


Hearing Yi Min say this, Xuan Hao had a feeling that he might not be as safe as he first expected inside of Yi Min’s formation…

“No need to worry about it! I will take care of the remaining two quickly! Now, witness the power of my formation!”

Feeling that Xuan Hao was starting to doubt her formation after hearing one of the demonic cultivators managed to escape, Yi Min felt that her pride had been hurt, as she took full control of the formation before activating all the killing formations inside of it to deal with the sect master of the Frost Devil Sect and the rabbit demon beast.


As the killing formations that were a part of the massive formation activated, a terrifying sound could be heard from beneath as the entire formation before a large number of the symbols making up the formation began moving. Soon gathering in the area where the sect master of the Frost Devil Sect and the rabbit demon beast were located before all of them turned into a blood red colour. Menacingly shinning down on the dome from above.

Even from far away, Xuan Hao could still clearly feel the terrifying aura of these symbols, as the entire Iron Sky Kingdom drowned out by their aura.

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