Cultivating Disciples To Breakthrough

Chapter 574: The Strength of Yi Min's Formation!

Chapter 574: The Strength of Yi Min’s Formation!

Along with the different symbols coming to a stop surrounding the dome that the sect master of the Frost Devil Sect and the rabbit demon beast was trapped inside of, Xuan Hao could not help shivering upon witnessing close the newly activated offensive formations working together as all kinds of attacks entered the closed off dome in the next moment.


In a way, they all seemed to work so well together that it looked like a single formation instead of several different formations that had been linked together…


Not even a second later, Xuan Hao could clearly feel the demonic cultivator and the demon beast struggling inside the dome, as their auras rapidly began weakening at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Even if he could not see what was happening to them inside the dome created by the massive formation that they had been trapped inside of, Xuan Hao could still feel the aftershocks of the battle for survival that was currently taking place inside the dome.

Given how fast they were weakening, Xuan Hao doubted they would be able to hold on for more than an hour. Even if they survived for longer than that, the people of the Sky Empire would have already shown up at that point in time.

So, even if they escaped after an hour of trying their all, they would only be met with the group of cultivators sent over by the Sky Empire…


Turning to look at Yi Min who was standing beside him controlling the formation, Xuan Hao could not help smiling a bit wryly after noticing the happy smile on her lips.

From the looks of it, she was enjoying herself quite a bit… Not something unexpected considering that both the sect master of the Frost Devil Sect and the rabbit demon beast were her enemies and had caused her to suffer quite a bit in the past.

Not to mention the past, the damage caused by the Frost Devil Sect’s members to her formation was still around. Preventing it from reaching its full potential. Allowing for the demonic cultivator called Black Hand to escape before Yi Min activated the offensive part of the massive formation.

I wonder if I would be able to survive if I was trapped inside this formation…

Thinking this to himself, Xuan Hao glanced towards the dome as he felt the aura of the demonic cultivator and demon beast inside it weakening more and more with each passing second.

I would most likely not be able to survive…

Shaking his head as he realized this, Xuan Hao vowed to not become enemies with Yi Min in the future… And to learn how to set up such terrifying formations himself. Not only to better protect his sect and disciple while he was not there, but also so he would have an easier time breaking formations he might encounter in the future!

“Ah-! What in the world is this formation to control such a terrifying fire!?”

At the same time Xuan Hao was vowed to become more skilled in the arts of formations, the sect master of the Frost Devil Sect was screaming loudly, as his body was burning inside a massive inferno that had suddenly appeared all around him. Even with his strength half a step into the True Demon Realm, he could only barely keep the terrifying inferno around himself at bay with his domain!

The rabbit demon beast was no better even with its strong physical body, as it was trapped inside a vortex made out of countless wind blades, each strong enough to instantly kill a Domain Lord who had yet to reach the later stages of the Domain Lord Realm.


Feeling the pain of the countless wind blades slowly cutting into it, the rabbit demon beast let out a roar of pain as it used its terrifying strength to break the vortex of wind blades-


However, it was to no avail, as the vortex reformed shortly after it had been destroyed by the rabbit demon beast!

A burning inferno and a vortex made out of wind blades each having the strength to restrain someone in the half a step Soul Ascension Realm. From this, it could be seen how strong Yi Min’s formation was!

However, this was not the end of it… Instead, it was only the beginning!


Not even capable of dealing with a single offensive formation at once, both the rabbit demon beast and the sect master of the Frost Devil Sect were horrified to suddenly witnessing what could only be described as a scene that depicted the end of the world, as both of them were soon swallowed up by the combined attack of close to a dozen offensive formation similar to the inferno and the vortex of wind blades that had restrained them…


Not standing a chance to resist the combined attack of so many powerful offensive formations, both the rabbit demon beast and the sect master of the Frost Devil Sect were reduced  to dust within less than five seconds under the combined attack.


Not even their souls were left behind, as the inferno that restrained the sect master of the Frost Devil Sect just a few seconds ago. Directly burned both their souls before they even had time to do anything after the death of their physical body!

Like this, the rabbit demon beast, and the sect master of the Frost Devil Sect both perished to Yi Min’s formation. Not standing much of a chance against the terrifying formation Yi Min had spent most of her life and resources constructing!

In the first place, both of them had already been dead the moment they entered the formation, it was nothing more than a coincidence that Black Hand managed to escape due to Yi Min’s overconfidence in her formation resulting in her not activating the offensive part of the formation before Black Hand had already escaped.

“Looks like the rabbit and the sect master of the Frost Devil Sect is dead and what a surprise, those people just happened to show up the moment I killed both of them!” Muttering this to herself as she watched the soul of both the sect master of the Frost Devil Sect and the rabbit demon beast get burned in the inferno, Yi Min glanced at the group of people that had just arrived outside her formation.

“Both of them are already dead…?”

A half step True Demon Realm demonic cultivator and a half step Soul Ascension Realm demon beast had died in less than a minute!

Not hearing the last part of what Yi Min said, Xuan Hao only managed to pick up that one of the demonic cultivators and the rabbit demon beast that had been chasing him had died. Making him realize just how strong Yi Min’s formation was and why she was able to control the area with the richest spiritual metal ore in the Sky Empire!

“Yi Min and Xuan Hao, we are under orders from the emperor to chase down the three invaders that arrived, I hope both of you will come out!”

Suddenly, a loud voice could be heard echoing out across the entire Iron Sky Kingdom filled with power. Even from the voice alone, Xuan Hao could tell that the person behind the voice was no weaker than the two demonic cultivators and the demon beast that had been chasing through the Frozen Wasteland and all the way to the Iron Sky Kingdom.

Hm? This is-

“Stay in here for now, I will be back shortly… The people sent by the Sky Empire showed up!”


Before Xuan Hao managed to finish his thoughts about the identity of the voice, Yi Min told him to stay inside the formation before she disappeared in front of him. Most likely going out of the formation that current engulfed the entire Iron Sky Kingdom to meet the person from the Sky Empire.

I wonder why she told me to stay… Is the person from the Sky Empire perhaps someone she does not get along with? Maybe she fears that he will try to take away the Transcendent Grade Spiritual Herb after realizing I’m carrying one on me?

Not knowing why Yi Min had told him to stay inside the formation as it risked offending the people sent to hunt down the two demonic cultivators and the rabbit demon beast by the emperor of the Sky Empire, Xuan Hao still decided to listen to what she said.

Instinctively, he had a feeling that it would better to listen to what Yi Min said compared to a complete stranger.

Not to mention, he had clearly felt the contemptuous tone in which he had referred to both of them just a short moment ago…

Even if he was not at the Domain Lord Realm, he still realized that the person shouting outside the formation likely did not have any good intentions. Not to mention, he and the people from the Sky Empire just so happened to show up just after the death of the rabbit demon beast and the Sect Master of the Frost Devil Sect…

Shaking his head as he thought about this, Xuan Hao sat down to meditate while waiting for Yi Min to return.

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